What game are you REALLY Excited for?


Limp Gawd
Sep 16, 2005
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

Look at those screenshots, it's gonna be ridiculous. Also, I'd hate to ask a question, but is there any difference between the X360 version and the PC version (apart from the fact that you can mod the PC Version)?

So what game are you really excited for?
unreal tournament 2007 no question. stalker looks good too. i wish i wish there was a mechwarrior 5 :(
Gob said:
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

Look at those screenshots, it's gonna be ridiculous. Also, I'd hate to ask a question, but is there any difference between the X360 version and the PC version (apart from the fact that you can mod the PC Version)?

If you've got a choice, and a decent rig, grab the PC version. The visuals will be nicer on the PC version (they had to dumb them down a bit for the X360) and the controls will obviously be a bit better to work with... not to mention the modding aspect. Overall, both versions will offer you the same core game, but the PC version is definately where it will likely be at if you want the better version. I'm looking forward to the new 2D Super Mario Bros sequel :D
Yes, UT2k7, new HL2 expansions, and yes as Johnnq said, I also wish there was going to be a MW5, but that is highly doubtful, I almost guarantee that if they did make it...it would be amazing...but what can you do... :(
Red Alert 3 (announced a while ago, any news on it?)
Fallout 3 (although, interplay is not doing this one, and the game is based on the morrowind engine, so.... eeeeewwwwwwww)
Medieval Total War 2, Oblivion, Will Wright's Spore, Broken Sword 4, Sam and Max 2

A new Fallout? F' yeah add that to the list

100000x generic FPS? Can't be bothered. Make the shitty unimaginative pc games stop!
steviep said:
If you've got a choice, and a decent rig, grab the PC version. The visuals will be nicer on the PC version (they had to dumb them down a bit for the X360) and the controls will obviously be a bit better to work with... not to mention the modding aspect. Overall, both versions will offer you the same core game, but the PC version is definately where it will likely be at if you want the better version. I'm looking forward to the new 2D Super Mario Bros sequel :D

as an informed oblivion forum member, I can safely say that you are wrong.

The developers have stated repeatedly that all the content(textures etc) is the same on both platforms. the xbox360 version will be run at highest detail with AA and AF and will also be 'locked' at 30fps, but 1080i will be officially supported.

Also, Bethesda has stated that they will release monthly addons/mods for oblivion to both xbox360 and PC versions, such as horse armor, NPC holidays, etc. So if you get the xbox360 version, don't worry about mods, there will be plenty, but at a small price.
A few here: Oblivion, Gears of War, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, the next Test Drive game, and The Outfit.
wtf... i cant believe no one said NEVERWINTERS NIGHTS 2

rar game looks awsome i think it will blow oblivion away seeing as oblivion is dumbed down for consoles
Mysticcal said:
Halo 2 for PC

were you joking, or were you serious? i've always wanted halo 2 to come out for the pc since it came out for xbox, but haven't seen it happen yet. i'm still dreaming :)

Ok.. here's mine.

PS2: Final Fantasy XII
PC: Crysis (New Crytek game) Stalker, & HL2: Aftermath.
360: Gears of War, Blue Dragon.
GC: TLOZ: Twilight Princess.

...and the biggy, the C&C box set that they will be releasing in a while, can't wait to fire up some classics :D

Needless to say... I'm gonna be out a few hundred dollars. :eek:
These are all the games I'm looking forward too at the moment, however it might be updated after E3 this year:

Game - Release Date Estimate (from the information I can find)

1. Star Wars: Empire at War (Q1 2006)
2. Half-Life 2: Aftermath (Q2 2006)
3. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Q2 2006)
4. NeverWinter Nights 2 (Summer 2006)
5. Prey (Summer 2006)
6. Unreal Tournament 2007 (Q4 2006)
7. Company of Heroes (Q4 2006)
8. War Hammer: Mark of Chaos (Q4 2006)
9. The Witcher (Q4 2006)
10. Hellgate: London (Maybe 2006?)
11. Diablo III (Crosses fingers 2006) :p
12. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl (Hopefully this year)
13. Crysis (Q4 2006)!!! :D

Out of all of those games Crysis looks to be the most impressive; I'll probably have to build a new pc to play it! And anything Diablo has my attention, though it's probably just wishful thinking that Diablo 3 will come out any time in the near future, if at all.
EternityZX9 said:
Out of all of those games Crysis looks to be the most impressive; I'll probably have to build a new pc to play it! And anything Diablo has my attention, though it's probably just wishful thinking that Diablo 3 will come out any time in the near future, if at all.

I don't even think Diablo 3 has been mentioned by Blizzard, either way almost the entire team who made the Diablo series is no longer with Blizzard. Hellgate London is what you are after now. Diablo 3 will mostly sell on its name alone is my speculation.
The Witcher
Quake Wars
Hellgate: London
Bad Day LA
steviep said:
If you've got a choice, and a decent rig, grab the PC version. The visuals will be nicer on the PC version (they had to dumb them down a bit for the X360) and the controls will obviously be a bit better to work with... not to mention the modding aspect. Overall, both versions will offer you the same core game, but the PC version is definately where it will likely be at if you want the better version. I'm looking forward to the new 2D Super Mario Bros sequel :D

Actually LOL... they had the game near completed in December but delayed release because they realized the 360 had waaaaaaaay more power then they thought. So basically they spent extra time beefing up the 360 version.

I've been seeing a consistant pattern in your posts. They all degrade the 360 in one way or another. Nice try, but the 360 is going to be on par with the PC version. Sorry to burst your bubble.

I challenge you to prove me wrong.
I read just the opposite, in this very forum. I'm not trying to degrade the X360 in this post, simply because you're getting a good set of hardware for the same price as a single good GPU. But from what I remember reading in this very forum a month or so ago, the draw distance, texture filtering, and poly count wouldn't be as high as the PC version? I'd rather you challenge that assumption :)

That said, I would still rather control it with a PC setup than a gamepad. Not to knock on gamepads, since they have their place for a LOT of genres (most, in fact)... but FPS/RPGs aren't 2 of 'em, IMO. As is the standard case, though, the X360 version will look much better on the X360 than it would on most PC rigs aside from the top-end, anyway. See: King Kong gamer's edition for a prime example of that.
Supreme Commander, a Dragon Quest VI remake (it's coming... eventually), and Xenosaga Episode III.
dajet24 said:
wtf... i cant believe no one said NEVERWINTERS NIGHTS 2

rar game looks awsome i think it will blow oblivion away seeing as oblivion is dumbed down for consoles
I'll throw down for being excited about that one. Heres to hoping I can finish this one. Always ran into formats and never got back into it.

C&C : Decade of war pack.
the new Star Wars: RTS

Hellgate London
TIme Shift
Resident Evil 5
Alan Wake
Ghost Recon 3 (providing it doesn't suck)
Quake Wars