my oblivion chracter


Sep 1, 2004
hey i'm having trouble with fighting.. i don't know if it's my character or just me but for example in the arenea i always die and i can't do crap .... can anybody help me out maybe tell me the best ways to fight like i'm thinking maybe i'm just not ifghting right.... i'm using heavy armor. level 6 or 7 i think.
Go to the arena in imperial city, do the gladiator thing. You'll learn soon enough how to fight well.
whats the galdiator thing... were you challenge people yea... i can't win in that ! i can't even beat one person X_X
If you are a fighter, remember to use your power attacks. This took me a while to get used to. I would just hack away without doing too much damage. But, hold the left mouse button and then release to perform a power attack. This does much more damage, although it costs fatigue - so don't do four of five in a'll get knocked down. Once you have over 50 blade, you can hold the left mouse button and press left or right to do a spinning attack...this has a chance of disarming your opponent.

A good tactic would be to close in, power attack, block, power attack, block. Retreat, heal up. Close in...repeat as necessary. It helps if you have a decent block and blade/blunt skill. Also, don't forget to use your heal spells/potions. Hope this helps.
yea but i guess when i power hit them they block and then they get like 4 5 hits in and it's like crap lol idk
Block their attack first, then attack. They will be reeling from the blocked attack and will leave an opening.
When leveling up make sure you get the attributes that give you the right bonuses.. Like strength and endurance for melee/heavy armor. I use archery/sneaking so I can't help too much. I carry a dagger and use it for stealthying those pesky rats and mud crabs, but everyone else gets the bow :p

I keep getting skill increases on my blade from books though.

Weapons are for n00bs, punching shit to death FTW!

If it eventually lets you sneak up behind someone and snap their neck I'll never play another game.
MartinX said:

Weapons are for n00bs, punching shit to death FTW!

If it eventually lets you sneak up behind someone and snap their neck I'll never play another game.

The stealthing in this game really needs more love/some mods... If you manage to sneak up behind someone there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to snap their neck or slit their throat ala Riddick or atleast hit them in a weak spot in their armor directly into one of their main squishy organs. :p
Hey im' thinking of a new character i'm thinking bow/hand to hand or bow/blade either way i'm thinking i'll be a
wood elf
main two attributes as: agility, strength
and the seven main skils will be
2)hand to hand or blade (depending if i do hand to hand or blade)
4)light armor
6)security or sneak (not sure)

what do you guys think?? any suggestions.
any suggestion guys i would like to know before i make my new character and i want to make him today :-P
Malikman said:
any suggestion guys i would like to know before i make my new character and i want to make him today :-P

I'm playing as a wood elf agent and it's going good for me.
do those seem like god skills etc. though ?? last guy i made i ended up not being able to kill anything i think i'ts 1/2 my character levled fast and 1/2 i couldnt' battle well.