Official: GTA:SA is Adults Only!

The ESRB is just an industry agreement, right? No where does it say they they cannot legally sell anything to anybody. It may be store policy but past that there isnt much. As someone mentioned this would be where the govt would step in. Point being, even if the big stores pull and relable, there will always be other options.

Prediction 2: The next release from RockStar will have 2 versions an M version and an AO version. The AO versions will be AO as they want to be. (Im thinking control panel controls in case you can only stand so much rendered kitty) Community hax will allow you to 'upgrade' your M version. AO games will become common and well received.
bonkrowave said:
Rockstar is stupid .... stupid like a fox. :D

What these government bureaucrats fail to realize is that by focusing excessive media attention on this game, and telling the kids that its an Adult only game and they should not be playing it, they will only achieve the exact opposite of what they are trying to accomplish.

This will only cause the kids to want the game even more, and they will find ways to get their hands on the game.

Its a shame people with so much authority and power have IQs lower then mayonnaise. Its a pretty basic concept.

This is true

even tho I'm 21, and have the PS2 version, now I kinda wanna buy another version of the game just because its the " naughty " thing to do :D

It would be bad ass if Rockstar decided to make San Andreas a real Adult Only game, and make the hooker scenes in the cars more animated to....boioioioioing...

DamienThorn said:
Got an eshop I can find that at? :p

Actually, I it was a series of clips I collected...and lost when I forgot to back up the hidden folder before a reformat.. :(
What I find most retarded is the fact the in order to get this to work you have to download a hack and pretty much alter the way the game was meant to be played. If GTA is getting all this shit, why doesn't DoA: Extreme Beach Volleyball get an AO rating, because you can just as easily download a nude hack and apply it and then you see a whole lot more than you do with those crappy GTA textures.. seriously..

Also, even though that first argument wouldn't hold up since DoA didn't have hidden nudes in the game, what's the difference between this and deleted scenes on the special features of any movie? You always hear about directors saying "Well we wanted the PG-13, but here's the scene that would've made it R." Well... this is just Rockstar's deleted scene because they knew it would put them over the rating they wanted if they made it accessible. By any normal means you cannot access this content, so what's the big deal.
Wow ebay is just flooded with San Andreas for all platforms now.. I checked for the xbox alone there's 184 and the pc turns up 86.. and they are selling a bit higher than retail.. human greedy and a fools gold.
JonnyB said:
What I find most retarded is the fact the in order to get this to work you have to download a hack and pretty much alter the way the game was meant to be played. If GTA is getting all this shit, why doesn't DoA: Extreme Beach Volleyball get an AO rating, because you can just as easily download a nude hack and apply it and then you see a whole lot more than you do with those crappy GTA textures.. seriously..

The whole point is that Rockstar made the content. The DOA was a mod that was made to alter the models. So it's different.
VermillionZ said:
Wow ebay is just flooded with San Andreas for all platforms now.. I checked for the xbox alone there's 184 and the pc turns up 86.. and they are selling a bit higher than retail.. human greedy and a fools gold.

This was an awesome marketing move by rockstar......if it wasnt one, well it turned out to be one. Now the game is around $70-80 for pc and about the same for xbox.
if anything, this will increase piracy of the game.

Son: But Dad I want it. You were going to buy it for me!
Dad: Not now! It's AO and has pron in it!
Son: (ok I'll just download it then)
Wouldn't the kind of person who'd pay $80 for a GTA-series game already own GTA:SA?
cuemasterfl said:
\Son: But Dad I want it. You were going to buy it for me!
Dad: Not now! It's AO and has pron in it!
Son: (ok I'll just download it then)
. . .
Son: (like the rest of my pr0n)

Edited for truth :).
I'm upset with Hillary, who until this had my respect and support for a possible presidential campaign. The left and right sides of our political spectrum both parade about freedom and rights, but each side also limits those concepts in the name of protecting us from various forces in the world. I'm a democrat, and unless the McCain-style common sense republicans start to retake their party I am pretty much going to vote democratic, at least on a national level. However, I see the Lieberman style campaign against videogames as a long term censorship ideology and I can't support people who try to take away responisiblity and rights from the populace.

Republicans: Get the neocons out of power in your party and take advantage of this.

Democrats: Tell Hillary and Lieberman to shut it.

S1nF1xx said:
The whole point is that Rockstar made the content. The DOA was a mod that was made to alter the models. So it's different.

Yet still, they both require the same amount of work from the end user. Which also was my point the last time this came up.
Honestly I could care less about the AO rating.. But can some please explain to me how GTA can end up with an AO, for an edited fully clothed in it's original form sex mini game, and a game like Leisure Suit Larry stays M. No politicians or anyone for that matter complains about a game in which the whole goal is to see chicks naked and to nail them!!!?? And there are hacks to remove the censor bars in Magna Cum Laude. LOL hell even the word cum is in the title, but Nooo gta is way worse and deserves an AO rating lol. In my opinion neither game is worse than an R rated movie.
There was a dead or alive beach volleyball mod for xbox I've seen at a friends house a while back that was much more revealing than gta.........better graphics too.... :p
wowi REALLY hope hillary is never president,she will ruin this country RUN FORTH TO CANADA!

and i wish there was some way to show people how much porn is in games,and show hillary just trying to get publicity with the goodie goodie parents of america
ComputerBox34 said:
If that happens, I'm right behind ya.

If that happens, I'll steal a bus and we'll all convoy!

Was the dark of the moon, on the sixth of June
In a Kenworth, pullin' logs
Cabover Pete with a reefer on
And a Jimmy haulin' hogs
We 'as headin' fer bear on I-One-Oh
'Bout a mile outta Shaky-Town
I sez Pig-Pen, this here's the Rubber Duck
An' I'm about to put the hammer on down

Cause we gotta little ol' convoy, rockin' through the night
Yeah we gotta little ol' convoy, ain't she a beautiful sight?
Come on an' join our convoy, ain't nothin' gonna git in our way
We're gonna roll this truckin' convoy, cross the USA
Convoy... Convoy...

Triple B said:
Explain how removing blurs from a game isn't just revealing what was originally blurred by the programmers? Is that not the original content, self censored by the company? Gee, that sounds an awful lot like leaving code in a game but making it inaccessable save for a mod or using an Action Replay...

AO should be reserved for anything containing content on a level with hardcore pornography. If everything in GTA:SA sans Hot Coffee is ok for M, then so is computer generated sex with no visible penetration or genitalia.

Bottom line, I don't care cuz I'm 26. I'm just pissed at the hypocrisy.

You have a good point. Because once the blur is gone, you see breasts. And EA allows modding. They create some of the programs that allow you to mod the game. Hell in the first version, I had a sex mat that would let any two people go at it, same sex or hetero. EA does Madden and games like BF2 so I dont think the government has the balls to touch a video game mogul like them. Rockstar just does GTA. EA is just smarter than Rockstar.
Triple B said:
Explain how removing blurs from a game isn't just revealing what was originally blurred by the programmers? Is that not the original content, self censored by the company? Gee, that sounds an awful lot like leaving code in a game but making it inaccessable save for a mod or using an Action Replay...

AO should be reserved for anything containing content on a level with hardcore pornography. If everything in GTA:SA sans Hot Coffee is ok for M, then so is computer generated sex with no visible penetration or genitalia.

Bottom line, I don't care cuz I'm 26. I'm just pissed at the hypocrisy.

So Nvidia's Dawn should be M rated? Hell, I shoudn't send my kids to school because their teachers are naked under those clothes!
urbsnspices said:
The ESRB is just an industry agreement, right? No where does it say they they cannot legally sell anything to anybody. It may be store policy but past that there isnt much. As someone mentioned this would be where the govt would step in. Point being, even if the big stores pull and relable, there will always be other options.

Prediction 2: The next release from RockStar will have 2 versions an M version and an AO version. The AO versions will be AO as they want to be. (Im thinking control panel controls in case you can only stand so much rendered kitty) Community hax will allow you to 'upgrade' your M version. AO games will become common and well received.
No sane game company will release anything but a pure sex-thremed game as AO. There won't be any "AO version" of a game, because no one sells them. Even the last Leisure Suit Larry was M and it shows a lot more sex than God of War or GTA.
cypher22 said:
There was a dead or alive beach volleyball mod for xbox I've seen at a friends house a while back that was much more revealing than gta.........better graphics too.... :p
Screen shots?

I wonder what would have happened if this Hot Coffee mod was out a week after the game's release. Someone would have gotten so owned.

Pretty brilliant marketing scheme really. I mean after what happened with the haitan (spelling?) thing with vice city, i'm not surprised in the slightest that this happened. I mean come on, like this was an accident.
maybe now Rockstar can stop being losers about it and just make the next GTA full-on without 'hidden' content, instead of hiding behind what they do best. Offer awesome M (hehe AO =p) gaming fun!

It will still sell, no doubt, one way of another people will buy it. The ESRB is volunetary, just need to get to sold in Wal-Mart and such.. who cares, I will buy the game I want where it is sold. Plus, in the latest Game Developer Magazine, it had the stats for the Top 40 Console games sold in the US and 3 of the Top 5 were the last 3 GTA games, with Vice City in the #1 spot with some 9.2 million copies sold.
The ESRB did everything right. Fact is, the sex scene was included in the game.

What everyone else is doing is complete bullshit though.

I'm thankful for the ESRB actually, they're a great organization. I hate parents and politicians that have no clue wtf is going on and blame it on the media.
Shouldn't pretty much any online PC game be AO then? I mean, there's so many skins and sprays in those FPS games... I remember UT 1's maps... there'd be hardcore playing on the walls while you frag people.

How is that any different? those game's codes allow for that kinda material. It may not be there, but it allows it.

GTA:SA i guess differs in that it has the code already there... but you still fundamentally download or modify something to make it work.

Pretty corrupt shit imo.
Triple B said:
Explain how removing blurs from a game isn't just revealing what was originally blurred by the programmers? Is that not the original content, self censored by the company?
This is the first good example I've seen where the impact of how games are reviewed post GTA:SA could affect games already released. Developers have to be extra careful to remove characters or not texture certain areas, etc. From a programming standpoint, there's no reason to animate or waste an artist's time making a texture if it's going to be obscured or blurred.

Back to the ratings, if the bluring was just covering up boobies, then the rating could be changed from a T to a M, but no further. If the bluring was covering up bumping uglies, then that would alter the rating from a M to AO.

Skin/Nude hacks: Why does this keep coming up? Any hack that adds user created nude skins does not affect the rating. If it wasn't placed there by the developer, then it's not rated. Period end of story. Hacking into a game and changing all the textures to a nude skin color doesn't count either. That's still all user driven.

Nudity: Nudity alone only makes the game M rated. You can have the entire game take place on a nudist farm and the game will only be M rated. The AO only comes in when simulated or actual sexual acts take place. You could have stick figures doing it doggie style and it would get a AO rating. Genitalia not necessarily required. Did some games come close to the edge? Of course, but after GTA, that edge just moved for all future releases.

You might not like it, but that's the rules everyone in the gaming industry agreed to. Instead of being pissed off at the government or the ESRB, why not direct it at Rockstar? They are the ones who while making great games, kept pushing and pushing at the limits of what could be M rated. They screwed up and got caught. Now the entire industry is feeling the effects. There are a LOT of developers absolutely livid that Rockstar just left a big floating brown log in the swimming pool. They ruined it for everyone.

Think id Software and Epic Games are happy about this? Now they've got Hillary taking a look at their games. Dice is sitting back and thinking "Oh my gosh, this could affect our sales!" Blizzard (while adding another 1 million Chinese to their product) is taking another look at their game and what they can add to it. It hurts everyone because some dumbass developer didn't fully remove his code or left it in there as a prank.
pr0pensity said:
No sane game company will release anything but a pure sex-thremed game as AO. There won't be any "AO version" of a game, because no one sells them. Even the last Leisure Suit Larry was M and it shows a lot more sex than God of War or GTA.

That is what I am saying. There will be a change in the market. BestBuy will sell an AO game, why not? They sell R-rated and NC17 movies. They sell the unrated DVD released which would approch NC17. And AO doesnt have to be a sex themed game. I wouldnt call GTA a sex themed game. As long as it is labled properly and they dont sell to minors then Hillary is happy.

Games which walk the line will have two versions. Who knows we may see GTA:SA re-released as M once they clean up the hidden code. And hell they have to do something about all the AO sock. Bango, suddenly you have a choice. Thats the future.
does anyone have a link for a clip or screenshots
i dunno what all the white house is crying about. Im sure they show more sex on tv then a stupid .. choppy pixelated video game.. AO.. lol whats the last time you saw an NC-17 movie..any links people?
Torgo said:
You might not like it, but that's the rules everyone in the gaming industry agreed to. Instead of being pissed off at the government or the ESRB, why not direct it at Rockstar? They are the ones who while making great games, kept pushing and pushing at the limits of what could be M rated. They screwed up and got caught. Now the entire industry is feeling the effects. There are a LOT of developers absolutely livid that Rockstar just left a big floating brown log in the swimming pool. They ruined it for everyone.
Sorry, but the rules weren't put down by the gaming industry or rockstar itself, so i'll be pissed off at the ERSB and Hillary/Gov't, thanks. M SHOULD include all the crap you can get away with in movies, and the hot coffee thing to me is akin to the puppet sex in Team America, which wasn't rated XXX.

Besides, M restricts sales to anyone younger than 17-18, so making the game AO is redundant, and its retarded. Its blatantly a play at getting GTA off the shelves, which is what most of these stupid family groups and select politicians want. A minority group of moral elitists have an agenda, get their way, and you want me to be angry at Rockstar too? You must be outta your fuckin mind.

Think id Software and Epic Games are happy about this? Now they've got Hillary taking a look at their games. Dice is sitting back and thinking "Oh my gosh, this could affect our sales!" Blizzard (while adding another 1 million Chinese to their product) is taking another look at their game and what they can add to it. It hurts everyone because some dumbass developer didn't fully remove his code or left it in there as a prank.
Believe me, i'll cry for them. :rolleyes:

Their sales will go unaffected, because said people looking at their games can't use some stupid loophole to tank their titles off the shelves.

This ruling hurts NO ONE but Rockstar (for now...), despite what you'd like to think, this has been going on for YEARS, and this is their occasional "victory". In the end it won't mean a damned thing because they're just riding the easy train lookin to blame anyone but themselves for their problems.

I for one, think this AO thing is garbage. A system that was coined as the "Movie rating of Games" should keep to its fucking premise, instead of changing its rules a few years after inception to satiate the needs of family groups.

I could go see a version of romeo and juliet from the 70's (that some of us watched in HIGH SCHOOL) that has scenes of "simulated" sex, AND boobies... guess what it was rated? PG13. That give you an idea how harshly things have changed in this insane double standard society?

Hitman 2 has a shot of a guy takin a piss, including the penif, gets away with it. Doom/Quake series has instances of naked corpses, gets away with it. Hostile Waters has a scene full of a naked corpses, gets away with it. GTA, which has been hounded for years, has a scene that is basically dry humping and shows nothing but polyboobies, doesn't get away with it. Bad luck? I don't think so. They'll lynch you for casual sex (i bet there'd be less bs if it was marital sex...hint hint), not nudity, even the hint of sex in a game, but not in a movie. That, my friends, is bullshit.

OH, and then theres fact that you have to DOWNLOAD a 3rd party modification of the original main script in order to unlock any of this... meaning that out of the box, you can't access it without modifying the game itself... meaning the game isn't displaying this content outright, and the ERSB rating should STAND as none of the content can be presented with the game as its sold.

You wanna blame someone? Blame the person who "hacked" the censorship off the scenes, then the clothes, then the need to entertain the dates up to that point... not the maker for leaving the typical plethora of left over content. I think this ruling jeopardizes the fact that in the future, games like homeworld won't have outtake ships still in the BIG files, or the Sim's won't have those left over game modes for people to tinker with, or Battlefield games won't have unused textures, models, and sounds to play with.

I think it'll make us have to wait longer as these companies now take weeks removing code/content from their games instead of simply coding it out and leaving it there. Its never a lot, but its still time, and developers HATE to waste time on release. They're already releasing subpar games that require patches ffs, now they might have this pressure too. GG.

If you think any of that is going to happen at fault of ROCKSTAR, you're out of your mind, period.

Sad day indeed when I read this horseshit. I'm done ranting.
A few thoughts from a gamer...

1) The game developer knowingly misrepresented its product. At best this action is dishonest and stretches to malice. This developer was wrong, knew they were wrong, and should suffer an appropriate consequence for this misrepresentation.

2) I would prefer all sexual content be removed from games! If you want that type of thing go to the movie store and rent it. I play games for the game... not for the pictures on the wall. Don't sell me an fps than hang some smut pictures on the wall! Spend that extra time and effort creating new weapons or levels!

Maybe they need to define a new game genre so that kids looking to watch animated pornography stop polluting good games.
GeminiCool said:
A few thoughts from a gamer...

1) The game developer knowingly misrepresented its product. At best this action is dishonest and stretches to malice. This developer was wrong, knew they were wrong, and should suffer an appropriate consequence for this misrepresentation.

2) I would prefer all sexual content be removed from games! If you want that type of thing go to the movie store and rent it. I play games for the game... not for the pictures on the wall. Don't sell me an fps than hang some smut pictures on the wall! Spend that extra time and effort creating new weapons or levels!

Maybe they need to define a new game genre so that kids looking to watch animated pornography stop polluting good games.

As for 1), that's still open to discussion, even though the ESRB have said what it means about it. There's no content available while playing an unmodified game that they didn't show the ESRB. That they made it rather easy to get to this content is where the "wrong" would enter, but the previous sentence is still, strictly speaking, correct.

I'll agree with 2), though. Sex in games is seldom interesting. At best it can be an useful plot device.
Vagamus said:
Sorry, but the rules weren't put down by the gaming industry or rockstar itself
Oooo... you're off to a bad start when your first sentence contains a glaring mistake. The ESRB was created in 1994 by the Interactive Digital Software Association. The IDSA, now known as the ESA is made up of 90% of all video game developers and publishers. Rockstar Games, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Take Two Interactive Software, who happens to be a member of the ESA.

Sorry, to tell ya' but the rules were made by the gaming industry (ESA) and R* and Take Two are a part of that.

Its blatantly a play at getting GTA off the shelves, which is ... You must be outta your fuckin mind.
Actually it seems you have joined the tinfoil hat crowd. Are you going to tell me next that Hillary is on the grassy knoll with a sniper rifle?

I for one, think this AO thing is garbage. A system that was coined as the "Movie rating of Games" should keep to its fucking premise, instead of changing its rules a few years after inception to satiate the needs of family groups.
It's obvoius that you're just plain ignorant of how the gaming industry works. The system has been around for just over ten years and has been extremely effective up to this point. It's staved off congressional hearings, been the envy of the MPAA (I've got a quote from Jack Valenti somewhere stating such) and several parent councils have praised it. If you don't like the moral turn of the country, feel free to strip naked and run around your neighborhood in protest.
Torgo said:
Oooo... you're off to a bad start when your first sentence contains a glaring mistake. The ESRB was created in 1994 by the Interactive Digital Software Association. The IDSA, now known as the ESA is made up of 90% of all video game developers and publishers. Rockstar Games, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Take Two Interactive Software, who happens to be a member of the ESA.

Sorry, to tell ya' but the rules were made by the gaming industry (ESA) and R* and Take Two are a part of that.

Actually it seems you have joined the tinfoil hat crowd. Are you going to tell me next that Hillary is on the grassy knoll with a sniper rifle?

It's obvoius that you're just plain ignorant of how the gaming industry works. The system has been around for just over ten years and has been extremely effective up to this point. It's staved off congressional hearings, been the envy of the MPAA (I've got a quote from Jack Valenti somewhere stating such) and several parent councils have praised it. If you don't like the moral turn of the country, feel free to strip naked and run around your neighborhood in protest.


But in the end, It all boils down to the parents buying a game for little timmy that is not rated for his age group.

Just because he wants it.

Then they get bent out of shape when the game has *gasp* graphic violence and sexual inuendo.

Then, instead of thinking " Well, TImmy is 13...and this game is supposed to be for 17 or older, I guess it was my fault for buying it for him. "

THey think " rawr kill video games they are the anti-christ serving decadance and deviance to our children in an interactive enviroment grar! "
Vagamus said:
Hitman 2 has a shot of a guy takin a piss, including the penif, gets away with it. Doom/Quake series has instances of naked corpses, gets away with it. Hostile Waters has a scene full of a naked corpses, gets away with it. GTA, which has been hounded for years, has a scene that is basically dry humping and shows nothing but polyboobies, doesn't get away with it. Bad luck? I don't think so. They'll lynch you for casual sex (i bet there'd be less bs if it was marital sex...hint hint), not nudity, even the hint of sex in a game, but not in a movie. That, my friends, is bullshit.


Please don't be so ignorant. It has been said many times that nudity alone will not give an AO rating.