The Next Big Gaming Failure

I have faith that Warhammer Online will not suck. I believe Mythic will do PvP right. As far as WoW:BC vs. WAR goes, I don't think that is a good comparisson. BC is due out at the end of November, we won't be seeing WAR until next summer at the earliest. By that time the BC buzz will have died down considerably.

Prediction on Failure: Vanguard-Saga of Heroes by Sigil.
DarkfallFan said:
Unfortunately, that is the majority it seems...

I think that there is a huge player base out there who would love the Ultima Online ruleset. If a gaming company took it upon themselves to create a game with the original Ultima Online ruleset but with new updated content/graphics a new storyline etc. but the BASIC premice and ruleset like. Skill gain, PvP, looting, housing etc, I think the game would EXPLODE and it would be a long time money maker.

People still play UO on free servers with the oringial rulesets, goes to show you how far a good ruleset will take you
Well, BF2142 is shaping up to be pretty popular. Of course it is just around launch time so people are playing it for the first time and finding out whether they like it or not, so things may change.
EA = Some of the greatest games I've ever played:

* Pinball Construction Set (1982) by Bill Budge
* Archon (1983) by Free Fall Associates
* M.U.L.E. (1983), by Dani Bunten and Ozark Softscape
* One on One: Dr. J vs. Larry Bird (1983) by Eric Hammond
* Archon II: Adept (1984) by Free Fall Associates
* The Seven Cities of Gold (1984), by Dani Bunten and Ozark Softscape
* The Bard's Tale (1985), by Interplay Productions
* Racing Destruction Set (1985) by Rick Koenig
* Populous (1989), by Bullfrog which EA acquired in 1995
* Strike Series (1992 - 1998) a war games series in which you fly a helicopter.
* The Need For Speed series (1994–current) first one was made by EA in collaboration with Road & Track.
* Command & Conquer series (titles from 1999–current), by Westwood Studios (earlier titles released by Virgin Interactive)
* SimCity series (titles from 1999–current), by Maxis (earlier titles released by other publishers)
* Medal of Honor series (1999–current)
* The Sims series (2000–current)
* Clive Barker's Undying (2001) by DreamWorks Interactive
* Battlefield series (2002–current)
arentol said:
EA = Some of the most potential wasted I've ever seen:

* Populous series *axed* (1998), by Bullfrog which EA acquired in 1995
* Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 on up, by Westwood Studios acquired in 1998
* Wing Commander series *axed*
* Ultima series *axed*
* Dungeon Keeper series *axed*
* Battlefield series (2002–current) *soon to be axed*
* System Shock *axed*

Fixed. Basically if EA can't make money on it by aborting a game into a retail box, they axe the series for all time.
I think EA has a chance with 2142 to get some respect back, if instead of releasing gay little 10$ Expansions, they just upgrade the game with more unlocks etc for free, of course they wont do such things, but one can hope.
I actually think bf2142 is a huge improvement over bf2. bf2 just felt like a flavor of dc without the fine helicopter flight model that dc had. 2142 also doesnt have that flight model, but i can live with that.

Also, i got news for you morons saying its not selling; almost all the servers are full constantly right now, which means plenty of people have and are buying it. Whether or not it proceeds to do well, who knows.

I dont care much for EA either, but i know when i'm having fun, and 2142 is fun to me. Seems retarded to boycott an entire entity and stop giving it a chance. Yeah, they mess things up, yeah the rush projects, but sometimes against all odds, they get a good game out.