Favourite FPS Weapon

I'm a fan of the bolt gun in dystopia, always fun pinning people to walls.
M16A2 or anyother type of M16 I haven't been able to find a game with the perfect M16
Definately the Flak Cannon from UT2K3. Very good mix of fire modes. Up close and personal it's a gib-maker. At a distance, the grenades are the bomb with splash damage, so accuracy isn't important.
Anybody remember perfect dark? Using the farsight against people who didn't know its potential was always an afternoon well spent. Who doesn't like lethal shots that go through all walls with a tracking system attached?
quad+amp+railgun in q2ctf

It's actually most fun when you have full powershield+armor+health+disruptor and survive a hit from the 8xrail of doom to be thrown across the map.
Ooh, I forgot a great one: Proximity mines from Goldeneye.

Anyone ever try to play a 4 way 'shoot to kill' deathmatch using only proxy mines? Set the game to end at 10 kills and the game can last hours because everyone's suicide count just keeps adding up from the places they forgot they put them.
NulloModo said:
Ooh, I forgot a great one: Proximity mines from Goldeneye.

Anyone ever try to play a 4 way 'shoot to kill' deathmatch using only proxy mines? Set the game to end at 10 kills and the game can last hours because everyone's suicide count just keeps adding up from the places they forgot they put them.

Hehe, I loved proximity mine wars.
Remote mines in perfect dark/golden eye
I discovered the art of suicide bombing before I even knew it was actually used :p
Shotgun... in any game, any kind. regular shotgun, super shotgun, automatic shotgun.

I play FPS's for the in-your-face-got-to-have-damn-good-reflexes experience, not to stand 2 miles away and kill things. Plus at close range, nothing else comes close to the punishment the shotgun deals.

Honorable mentions: Voodoo Doll in Blood & Blood 2, Rail Driver in Red Faction
Double barrel shotgun, of Quake 2 and Doom 2. From memory, a point blank 2xshotgun blast was as powerful as the rocket launcher, but without the splash damage. It chewed through the shells faster, but it was more than two times as powerful as the single barrel shotgun.

A close second would be the Flame Wall, of Rise of the Triad. The only gun where you look at your feet the entire level -- that way, you could clear entire rooms in one shot. Charred skeletons playing xylophone sounds when they collapse get to be very familiar with that gun. I miss it.

Third would be the Painkiller weapon. "Hit Puree!"
great thread!

i would say - from least to most favourite:
nothing from halo or farcry
sticky satchels in BF2
crowbar in HL2
chaingun in GTA series, dildo in GTASA
garotte and SPAS in hitman
Kar98 or mosin bolt rifle in CODUO
mortars in COD united offensive barbarossa series (ooh and the russian lorry for comedy roadkilling)
cooked nade/ bash combo in CODUO
grenade launcher that fires packs of slavering rottweilers in modded Quake I online - BEST EVER
M60 in Soldier of Fortune 2... also Im gonna have to say any M16 variant w/203.
lighting gun + water in quake 1 = pwned... :D
the nail gun rocked too

quake 2 weapons of destruction mod (WoD) plasma gernade/plasma trip wire

q3 rail gun

ut2k4 flak cannon
onslaught mode the flying vehicles=death from above.. at a very high rate of speed

that wierd throwing star gun from the first unreal was pretty wicked

yeah.. super grav gun in HL2

world of warcraft mage's polymorph = poof your a sheep
gnomish engineers discombobulator ray = poof your a leper gnome
best of all time, palidin bubble hearth
while not really a FPS it dose have a first person mode

Kar98 from the original Call of Duty.
Melée from the original Call of Duty
M3 pumpgun from CS:S
TMP from CS:S

Cannae decide.
My favorite would be a tossup between the shrink ray in duke3d, the rail detonator in the first jedi knight, and the bullgut from shogo.

The first time you shrunk someone it was cool. When you realised you could squash them it was even cooler.

Sticking a rail charge to an opponents face in deathmatch in jedi and hearing the person curse and yell at a lan party was awesome.

THe bullgut's multiple drunken missiles was just exceedingly cool, especially at the time. Singleplayer or multiplayer.
I totally remember farsight wars in Perfect Dark. Get a bunch of computer controlled meat in the game and see who can rack of the kills fastest.

Also in Perfect Dark, the tranqulizer gun was great. We would battle with ranged mode until nobody could see straight then switch over to lethal injection. Fun times!
IMO, Perfect Dark for N64 has some of the best weapons ever in any FPS.

I love the laptop gun...part machine gun, part turret. Also the far sight, nothing beats killing your friends through walls.

Stake gun from Painkiller also comes to mind, feels damn good watching enemies being stuck to walls.
AK47 for most realistic shooters.

The Redeemer is pretty cool from unreal.
The UT Shock Rilfe. In the right hand this gun can deal LETHAL damage.
Desert eagle .50 Rainbow six. one shot one kil and don't mis you got 7 rounds.
any kind of .50BMG Barret. Sniper rifle. Delta force series.
Scar H 7.62 single shot Acog4x (silencer optional) GL + extra ammo Graw.
Shrink Ray from Duke3d
Sticky Bombs from Shadow Warrior
The Boot from Duke3d (get both feet going!)
The disruptor rifle from Jedi Knight 2. I just loved that bwoooOOOOOEEEP charging noise, then disingrating someone :D
Lightning from Mario Kart.....

Naw I love shotguns and sniper rifles. I absolutely LOVED the bolt action sniper rifles in Vietcong.
Cerebral Bore from Turok 2
the Microwave gun from (i believe it was) Soldier of Fortune that made people pop
the claymore mine, g36, m14, m4, USP, TMP, and UMP from Raven Shield
the ability to piss on stuff in Postal 2
the Boot and Shrink Ray in Duke3d
the Scar-L with gren launcher in GRAW
the Javelin, M4, G36, M82, M60, and the other bolt action sniper rifle in Joint Ops
The crossbow in HL2 (lots of fun sticking people to ceilings, roofles)
The automatic silenced silverballers with laser in Hitman Blood Money

Well, suffice to say, i like too many to single em out.
Every single gun from the original UT. Rocket Launcher, Flak Cannon, Sniper Rifle, Reedemer, Dual-Pistols, Shock Rifle in Instagib. Man, those were the days.

Some from Serious Sam: First Encounter come to mind, but I can't remember their names - the machine gun, the green plasma/laser gun, and the cannonball thing.

The pistol from the original Halo, and the human sniper rifle from both Halo games.

The plasma gun and the rocket launcher from Quake III: Arena.

Proximity mines from Goldeneye.

Many more, just too tired to think right now. :p
Postal 2:
The best weapon ever is the unzipped fly/pee in the mouth in Postal 2, no it does not kill anyone but it's hilarious to pee in someones face and watch them throw up. When they are bent over puking I usually then kill them with a shovel :/

The BFG 9000 from doom2. I was able to use this weapon like no-other.
There was a lot of skill and spatial thinking involved with using this weapon because you could break it against walls and look at the player in a certain way for you to kill them. So you could actually break it in another room and run in front of the player in another room, and as it broke in the other room it would kill the player.
This wasn't just a point and shoot weapon.
The rail gun from red faction 1 & 2, bet you can't find a cheaper weapon. It could see and fire through an entire map, plus it had an infared scope. Nothing like fighting in the caves and shooting your friend through 1000ft of rock.
to add:
um the bee claw thing in HL deathmatch was fun and the happy face bouncing homing mines you could throw at your enemies in UT GOTY
the cannonball cannon in serious sam for taking on bulls... like playing pool with a herd of rampant bulls as balls
the push force power in any jedi academy type game - great for shoving folks into the abyss as they try to draw a bead on you with their stupid guns, or pulling the gun out of their hand and shooting them with it.
the Mjolnir in quake I expansion - LOOKOUT! he's going to hit the floor! 1..2..3.. JUMP! (bright flash as everything still in contact with the floor dies) missed! you land and axe the guy in the face while his dumb oversized hammer is recharging...
vietcong - hmmm the simonov carbine with bayonet in VC Fist Alpha and the M14 on single shot in VC2.
any claymores or plantable remote trigger satchels
eggbeast said:
to add:
um the bee claw thing in HL deathmatch was fun and the happy face bouncing homing mines you could throw at your enemies in UT GOTY
the cannonball cannon in serious sam for taking on bulls... like playing pool with a herd of rampant bulls as balls
the push force power in any jedi academy type game - great for shoving folks into the abyss as they try to draw a bead on you with their stupid guns, or pulling the gun out of their hand and shooting them with it.
the Mjolnir in quake I expansion - LOOKOUT! he's going to hit the floor! 1..2..3.. JUMP! (bright flash as everything still in contact with the floor dies) missed! you land and axe the guy in the face while his dumb oversized hammer is recharging...
vietcong - hmmm the simonov carbine with bayonet in VC Fist Alpha and the M14 on single shot in VC2.
any claymores or plantable remote trigger satchels

I hated the carbines in vietcong....too slow of a fire rate for me and I was never used to their particular iron-sights. The PPS-43 was pretty crazy in the right hands, just way too big of a muzzle flash.
Qwertyman said:
The last weapon in Turok and the Cerebral Bore in Turok 2 come to mind.

Excatly what I was goin to say. Turok had some of the best weapons, the Cerebral Bore was awesome (reminded me of the Ball thingies from the Phantasm movies) and the nuke was sweet. That boomerang that you could throw was neat aswell.