Halo 2


Limp Gawd
Jan 1, 2006
why is Halo 2 gonna work only with windows vista, technically speaking? when is it coming?
Vista incorperates DX10, which is leaps and bounds better then DX9x. Halo 2 PC will be ported/developed over to DX10 apparently.

Halo 2 sold hundreds of millions of copies in a matter of hours, any company that would do anything different then what MS is doing would be insane. When is Vista coming ? Soon.

Hats off if you ask me.
theNoid said:
Halo 2 sold hundreds of millions of copies in a matter of hours...

And uhh...for the rest. If the port is done correctly it will run fine on any decent gaming machine. If they decide to change it to DX10 then everyone loses.
i heard some about dx10.
will i be able to play dx10 games on my current video card like halo2?
stopmenow said:
i heard some about dx10.
will i be able to play dx10 games on my current video card like halo2?
It will run because it will probably default to DX9 shaders on our cards...but it will probably run poorly.
If anything it will run better. What happens when you run CoD2 on DX7? Better performance. If Halo 2 PC is remade in DX10 mode, and IF you can play it with DX9 or below it will run pretty well, though without the DX10 eyecandy.
solideliquid said:
If anything it will run better. What happens when you run CoD2 on DX7? Better performance. If Halo 2 PC is remade in DX10 mode, and IF you can play it with DX9 or below it will run pretty well, though without the DX10 eyecandy.
I'm saying it will run poorly compared to how it would have played because along with the shaders they would have improved poly counts, draw distances, textures, and others things. Of course, this is all assuming they do a real re-work of the game and not just a port that they force through an extra few lines of code to only work with Vista.
Killdozer said:
I'm saying it will run poorly compared to how it would have played because along with the shaders they would have improved poly counts, draw distances, textures, and others things. Of course, this is all assuming they do a real re-work of the game and not just a port that they force through an extra few lines of code to only work with Vista.

Increased poly counts, draw distances, textures, and other things? Man, have you even PLAYED a console port before?
TheScott2K said:
Increased poly counts, draw distances, textures, and other things? Man, have you even PLAYED a console port before?
"Of course, this is all assuming they do a real re-work of the game and not just a port..."
Killdozer said:

And uhh...for the rest. If the port is done correctly it will run fine on any decent gaming machine. If they decide to change it to DX10 then everyone loses.

Has it even sold hundreds of millions of copies to date, including the first game? lol
Plain and simple (with likely little to no benefit from DX10) MS is making it Vista-only to sell their new OS to gamers. Gamers who like console FPS titles, I presume, because it certainly won't sell Vista (or Halo) to me.
Plain and simple (with likely little to no benefit from DX10) MS is making it Vista-only to sell their new OS to gamers. Gamers who like console FPS titles, I presume, because it certainly won't sell Vista (or Halo) to me.

You must admit though, it's a small step in the right direction. At least they have gamers on their minds.
Subjectively, yes. But forcing gamers who want to play Halo 2 to purchase a new OS? I'd say no. Nevermind the fact that most PC gamers see right through Halo, it's just a money grub on their part.
Granted yes, it is a money grub but halo2 on pc with vista is better than no halo2 on pc at all (yes some of us actually like halo2). M$ is no different than companies like EA, they just have more power.
It is just a tactic to get people who are pc gamers to get Vista. It is a good idea on MS's part, but it might backfire on them.

This is what I picture:

MS- hey, all of the really techincal geeky people hate us (for the most part), so maybe if we force them to get vista so they can play thier beloved games, they will have to use vista and see all of its greatness.

Then, when the 90% of the population who doesn't know shit about PC's goes to their uber geek friends and asks them what to get they will say Vista because they have used it and fell in love with it.

-Now, this could backfire because we (uber geek users) could hate it and thus spread the bad word. MS did, however, rework Vista from the ground up (supossedly) so maybe it won't be half bad.

Too bad the DRM shit is already putting a damper on my last paragraph....
What exactly is Vista? Sorry but I've heard a lot about it but don't know what the hell it is. Is it replacing Windows? Or is it a reworked Windows?

Am I going to have to spend $400 for Vista to replace Windows, instead of paying $200 for Windows?

Am I going to have to rebuild my system to support Vista? Or can I use Vista with my current system?

And before you point me to some Vista link I was just looking at a Vista link. It's kind of vague on what Vista exactly is, sure it tells me what it's supposed to do with video and music and stuff but doesn't tell me what I'd be buying. Is it an OS or some new fancy driver?
thanks all for replying.

SO people, are they gonna make it for vista only because of dx10??
theNoid said:
Vista incorperates DX10, which is leaps and bounds better then DX9x.

How so? So it has ShaderModel 4.0 support and helps the CPU push a little of its work onto the GPU. It's supposed to be a tad bit faster but how is this leaps and bounds? I really want to know b/c I don't know what it is bringing to the table besides the SM4.0.
Killdozer said:

And uhh...for the rest. If the port is done correctly it will run fine on any decent gaming machine. If they decide to change it to DX10 then everyone loses.
Nuff said.
DragonNOA1 said:
How so? So it has ShaderModel 4.0 support and helps the CPU push a little of its work onto the GPU. It's supposed to be a tad bit faster but how is this leaps and bounds? I really want to know b/c I don't know what it is bringing to the table besides the SM4.0.

Hopefully less games that look like they were made of plastic :p
Check out the videocard forum for dx10 stuff, from what I've read it's supposed to be significantly more advanced than 9.0c, I think incorporating a lot more physics processing. Either way, if you want Halo 2 you're probably better off just buying an xbox than upgrading to vista, because you're going to need a dx10 compatible videocard to get any benefit from it anyway. And no current videocard supports dx10, I think they're slated for q4 this year.
HurtMeP1nty007 said:
You must admit though, it's a small step in the right direction. At least they have gamers on their minds.

Sorry what? You seem to have missed the word 'money' from between 'gamers' and 'on their minds'
Moose777 said:
What exactly is Vista? Sorry but I've heard a lot about it but don't know what the hell it is. Is it replacing Windows? Or is it a reworked Windows?

Am I going to have to spend $400 for Vista to replace Windows, instead of paying $200 for Windows?

Am I going to have to rebuild my system to support Vista? Or can I use Vista with my current system?

And before you point me to some Vista link I was just looking at a Vista link. It's kind of vague on what Vista exactly is, sure it tells me what it's supposed to do with video and music and stuff but doesn't tell me what I'd be buying. Is it an OS or some new fancy driver?

You answered your own question. It's a brand new OS. Theres a decent amount of info about it, just search around online.
Skirrow said:
Sorry what? You seem to have missed the word 'money' from between 'gamers' and 'on their minds'

Thread winner, right there :D
I don't know if you're going to REQUIRE a DX10 card for Vista, btw... You didn't need a DX9 card to run XP (currently I'm running a GeForce Ti4200)... Vista should run on our current rigs, and Halo 2 should run on our current rigs as well, even if it's made for DX10. It should be backwards compatible. That said, how many PC gamers are going to be buying into Vista, DX10 cards, AND Halo 2? :p
Sorry what? You seem to have missed the word 'money' from between 'gamers' and 'on their minds'

They could have just said, you know what "people that play games should play on our xbox360 console". Yeah it sucks that you can only play Halo2 if you have Vista but the whole reason they are doing that aside from the money aspect is because they know that alot of people play computer games. So what if it costs alittle to upgrade to vista..... in the long run I think this is great publicity for pc gamers.
steviep said:
Thread winner, right there :D
I don't know if you're going to REQUIRE a DX10 card for Vista, btw... You didn't need a DX9 card to run XP (currently I'm running a GeForce Ti4200)... Vista should run on our current rigs, and Halo 2 should run on our current rigs as well, even if it's made for DX10. It should be backwards compatible. That said, how many PC gamers are going to be buying into Vista, DX10 cards, AND Halo 2? :p
Uhh, me? Have to make a new rig anyhow, Halo 2 PC just gives me the deadline-incentive. :)
In my experience of upgrading OS from generation to generation, you typically don't see much improvement in gaming performance moving from an older OS to a newer one. From the "features" that Vista is supposed to have, I see more being used by the OS than ever, so I don't really think that Vista will be much good for gaming until the hardware catches up with it even more.

I game fairly often and usually stay on the legacy OS as long as possible so that the new one will stabilize and get better driver support. So, Vista may end up being better for gamers in the long term, but in the short term I don't see it as a very good option.
Thing is, Vista should turn off all its eye candy and as many processes as possible when you run a game. It's a documented feature, as far as I know. Could be wrong though.
As long as you are running a game release specifically for Vista right? If they are using their head at all, then they really should do this. We'll see though I guess.