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  1. L

    Adding a 3TB drive into Windows Home Server v1

    I've used this guide myself on large RAID 5/6 arrays to add them as single drives >2TB to WHS V1 storage pool. The problems isn't that WHS V1(server2k3) doesn't support GPT or requires any special to be installed, but that when you add a drive to the storage pool in WHS V1 it formats it to MBR...
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    Control boards on 7k2000 or F1 RAID replaceable?

    Anyone know or have either of these HDD models that can test? I know for the past few years WD HDDs you can't w/o changing one of the chips(alignment is stored externally instead of internally) but I'm hoping it's not the case w/ these these Hitachis and Sansungs as I have 12 HDDs that were...
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    HP Smart Array p410 + SuperMicro X9SCM-F - boot in a loop

    Did you try disabling the ROM for the PCI-e slot the P410 is in? You won't be able to boot off it or enter it's BIOS but can just to all your management from within the OS.
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    Norco RPC-4220 hardware

    Most of those are for mounting various types of PSUs, if you're using a standard ATX PSU you won't need them, #3 are the CPU heat sink mounts.
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    *Official* Norco data storage products thread

    It cost more because it comes w/ a PSU and 6 SAS connectors, if your planning on putting an expanders in the case then some/all of the 6 SAS connectors would likely not be used, so if you felt like it you could shorten a RPC-4224 and supply your own power supply, what you might save could easily...
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    SSD or standard HDD?

    let's not forget about less power and heat too.
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    SSD or standard HDD?

    If adding a SSD magically makes your guide run smoother then you either don't have enough RAM or you have a bloated guide data file(over sized due to not clearing old data). The only time the SSD drive should make a difference when comes to the guide is when you first load into memory. AS per...
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    Upgrade my WHS / What happens if it dies?

    WHS V1 formats drives when adding to the storage pool in MBR which has the 2TB limit, you can how after adding a drive to pool(best if done before putting data on it as you need to copy everything off) convert it to GPT then edit drive/volume names/sizes in the registry for the convert drive. I...
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    HP SAS expander in motherboard with no CPU.

    Oh, I guess you and someone else are having the same problem as you posted in the HP expander thread using 2 HP expanders on an Arca 1880 I saw on another forum that stated he was using a Norco. Yeah I have a Supermocro chassis and the standoff are much shorter than a card slot, but you can...
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    HP SAS expander in motherboard with no CPU.

    Aren't you putting this in a Norco case? Norco standoffs are as tall card slots so you should need to remove the card slot while still being able to mount in location/orientation so you Expander can still use one of the card slots on the case. Also nothing says you have mount it this way, you us...
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    Sata III add on card for SSD use?

    Rocket 62X or one of the many other off brand ones using the same Marvell chipset are usually under $30. I've test a M4 on a Rocket 620 and Rocket RAID 640 though they get numbers as high as on a high end RAID controller w/ cache and read ahead features they both benched at advertised speeds. I...
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    WOW! Love the Ceton Card!

    I'd see why it wouldn't be more than enough, it already out performs an Atom which is plenty DVR and playback of HDTV formats, it's also supposed to out perform Clarkdale on video so it should even do BD well which the Atom struggles on.
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    WHS v1 & 3Tb drives

    Here's how I did it when I was using large RAID arrays in WHS V1
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    Just ordered Ceton InfiniTV 4.

    FiOS is wised up, ask users in teh Frontier FiOS market and a handful of others. On their new networks(recently setup or upgraded) they're flagging things just as bad as the rest. I believe the only reason they don't start flagging things on the original networks is because there's so many...
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    RAID-1 Boot Hardware for WHS 2011?

    Yes you can put only 2 drives in RAID 1 and use the 6 remaining ports for single drives by setting them as single drive simple volumes/JBOBs/RAID 0 (depending on what's supported by the controller to get single drive volumes). WHS 2011 by default requires 160GB for install but there's work...
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    SSD in Windows 7 is MEH - Opinion

    That's odd my 51645 and 5445 both work fine if disable there BIOS or the ROM for their PCI-e slot or both as did any other brand(mainly LSI) I've used.
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    Need help with second ati tuner.

    You can set tuner priorities for each channel.
  18. L

    SSD in Windows 7 is MEH - Opinion

    If you booting of the intel controller why do you have to wait for the Adaptec to post during boot? Did you disable it's BIOS on boot and/or it's PCI-e slot?
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    Need help with second ati tuner.

    WMC does this by design, it's meant to help prevent tuner conflicts by using the same turner for back to back recordings. There's really nothing you can do about except for tricking/forcing WMC to use a second tuner as the record 10min past instead of the 3 min when possible option.
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    HTPC: Take 2.....Questions

    The xbox will function the same pretty much the same as media center on the PC, there will just be a few menu items/functions that won't be available like netflix plugin and the remote won't be as responsive.
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    Specifying the Size of the Windows Media Center Live TV buffer.

    Well then you're problem has nothing to do w/ the live TV buffer unless you changed it to to enough hours to file 1.2TB. Take a look at your event logs to see if something in there is what's causing your real problem.
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    Specifying the Size of the Windows Media Center Live TV buffer.

    Pause buffer and live TV buffer are one in the same. The default buffer size(40 min) shouldn't even take up 10GB if you're filling up you're drive you should really think about getting a bigger one. I'd also suggest that you set up a single power button that toggles power for everything(it...
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    Seagate SATA connector fix?? plastic shield broke

    If the pins are fine and only the plastic broke just glue the plastic back together.
  24. L

    WHS 2011 takes a turd on 'ol Turd.

    I guess server 2008 R2 has the limit as the limit is due to both using VHD for the back ups and VHD are what impose the limit. I guess it's a good thing I only need to back up around 6 PCs and it will only be the OS drives.
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    WHS 2011 takes a turd on 'ol Turd.

    Is it 2TB max or just because your set up for your backups to go on a 2TB drive?
  26. L

    *Official* Norco data storage products thread

    Yeah my 120mm fan wall made me have to get all new cables, the worse part was I got a RCP-4020 instead of a RCP-4220 because I already had a bunch of breakout cables, Norco did replace one of my bad backplanes w/ one that uses the minSAS connector. I've also changed my controllers so now my...
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    EMERGENCY ISSUE. Please Help! Regarding External HDD.

    Well first off since it looks like you only have your drives from the other PC's RAID 0 installed and this PC either doesn't support RAID or isn't set up you're not going to have an OS available. If you're trying to boot off the live CD then you need to change you boot order in the boot menu...
  28. L

    LSI 9260-8i RAID 5 Help Needed

    Was your parity done being initialized? You're write speeds will be much slower if it's not. Here's what I was getting 7k2000's single drive and 5 X RAID 5. on an older LSI 1078 based controller(I forget which model as I had 4 different models that used this chip at the time).
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    HP P400 Any good?

    I think most people run them w/o heatsink as they the P400 didn't come w/ them and I'm one of them, no issues at all, it didn't really seem to really run hotter than my other LSI controllers(also 1078 chip based) w/ heat sinks and actually ran cooler than my 5 series Adaptec controllers.
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    Adaptec 5XXXX Users - New Firmware & Drivers

    I think all of the drives I'm have problems w/ are on the list, like my 4 Samsung F1 R's I them them in 2 RAID 0s and haven't set them up to be used for anything yet (they will be my parity disk for flexRAID) I don't see any reason for the OS to be waking them at this point, but as I mentioned...
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    Adaptec 5XXXX Users - New Firmware & Drivers

    This is the first version that gave me problems w/ power management. Initially I couldn't even get power management to kick in at all, after disabling background consistency check(even though it's timers were set to 30days and it didn't appear to be doing any checks) I finally started seeing...
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    xonar HDAV with gtx460

    I actually had the video out that was going to the TV not go thru the Xonar and had the Xonar sending the audio to the AVR. I'm not sure if the Xonar requires something connected to it's input as I might have had some thing connected to it because at the time I did I was having a a display...
  33. L

    RAID 1 vs Backup Software breakdown?

    RAID 1 PROS: It gives instant duplication, can provided increased read performance, no down time when a drive fails. CONS: All mirrored drives ran at once(more power consumption and wear on drives), it's possible that the cause of a drive fail could also damage the mirrored drives(fire in/near...
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    Reliability of HDDS in adverse environments

    My point was the laptop was subjected to plenty of vibration and shock(as the stand could swing-hard braking) and the laptop drives held up.
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    Reliability of HDDS in adverse environments

    I used to drive around w/ my laptop on the whole time(I did this for several years) and never had a HDD fail. I do field server work so I did a lot of drive over 50k/yr and the laptop would sit on one of those metal swinging monitor stands(some other used now swinging stands) so it was like it...
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    searching SAS HBA Controller with Power Management

    Yeah I guess since the files i copied over for testing weren't that big they could have just been in the cache, on my last test I actually deleted the files I had copied onto the newly setup array and it only took a couple of seconds to complete. The array I was testing the power down feature on...
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    Server 2011 Expanding Storage

    I've added drives to hardware RAID arrays many times, as mentioned most controllers support online expansion so you simple add the drive then in the management utility tell it to expand the array, depending on the speed/size/number of drives, controller and type of array will dictate on how long...
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    Windows Home Server FAQ

    Your hot swap tray shouldn't need an adapter for a 2.5" drive, it should have 4 holes on the bottom to mount the drive.
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    searching SAS HBA Controller with Power Management

    @treadstone Yeah if I turn off the the slow down it will just run at full power/RPM until I fit the power off time, I just wanted to ensure the drives were power off to see how long it takes them to be available on my controller, I've now set slow down to 3 min and power down to 10 min. Access...
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    searching SAS HBA Controller with Power Management

    So you're not using stagged spin up? Aside from the 10 sec thing I was thinking that if you was using staggered spin up by setting to allow more drives or turning it off all together it would at least cut down on waiting for each drive to come up 1 after the other. I just tried accessing drives...