WHS v1 & 3Tb drives


Oct 7, 2009
Will there ever be any way for me to use 3Tb drives with WHS v1 either by some sort of hack or some 3rd party software?
Or is the only choice to go with a different OS? If so, what would be the best (easiest) choice? I'm comfortable with the MS stuff, but have never used any of the other OS's.

Seems like I'm going to have to start studying.
A registry/config hack to use drives larger than 2Tb on WHS v1 exists. It was documented on the MS forums not too long after WHS was originally launched and confirmed by one of MSs own experts (with the usual caveat about being unsupported, of course). It is a PITA to set up.

Unfortunately, I don't have a link. Shouldn't be too hard to find with Google.