Seagate SATA connector fix?? plastic shield broke


Dec 5, 2005
Hey all, I have a relatively new seagate 2TB drive, that segate refuses to fix, even though I offered to pay for it (gotta love when companies DONT stand by their consumers but thats another discussion I guess)

anyway, I was moving drives around in my tower, and one of the sata cables got caught , and it broke off the plastic shield that covers the copper pins for the data sata male end on the actual hard drive itself

so all that is left are the small copper pins, unshielded. The drive works, but I want to know if there is a way I can fix this, so the drive can be used long term,

I dont want to store anything on it, if those pins get bent and all of sudden they break off or something.

I was able to get all my data off the drive, by using the broken sata cable, maybe I can crazy glue it on or something lol,
If you do not want to solder a new connector (you can buy these at places like digikey) to the controller board why not hot glue a right angle sata connector to the drive so it can not move.
Hey all, I have a relatively new seagate 2TB drive, that segate refuses to fix, even though I offered to pay for it (gotta love when companies DONT stand by their consumers but thats another discussion I guess)

I think their fix would be to transfer the data from the hard drive to another. So the cost would be substantial.

I am of the opinion that glue will work for the most part. But then I back up my data.
A temporary fix I've used for others in this same situation was to put a thick piece of paper in the SATA cable, ten insert it to the drive and make sure a solid connection is made.

It's great for a temporary setup, but I wouldn't do it for more than getting the data off of the drive.

Have you tried replacing the logic board on the HDD?