Sata III add on card for SSD use?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 24, 2007
I have a Crucial M4 64GB that I had with my previous SATA III mobo, but that is gone now I am stuck with SATA II now. With the recent firmware boost I am wanting to get SATA III again. I have a open PCI-e 2.0 x4 slot on my mATX mobo and I was wondering if there is any good products out there for this. I probably want to keep this under $30 as anymore I would rather get a new mobo probably or it wouldn't be worthwhile.

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No, the only way is with a very expensive card and even then, it's not worth it for just one SSD.
Yeah I saw some sub $30 ones on Newegg, but I figured they may just be junk. Thanks for clearing that up.
Rocket 62X or one of the many other off brand ones using the same Marvell chipset are usually under $30. I've test a M4 on a Rocket 620 and Rocket RAID 640 though they get numbers as high as on a high end RAID controller w/ cache and read ahead features they both benched at advertised speeds. I haven't re-test w/ new firmware, actually I haven't even loaded the new firmware on any of my M4s yet.

Sure, you get "SATA3" sequential speeds, but what really matters, IOPS, is hit by such chips, the chipset SATA2 ports are better.
bottom line there isn't really a solid SATA-III PCIe card yet, at least not in the price range you're talking about, you're better off getting a motherboard with a decent SATA-III implementation (Intel > Marvell).
bottom line there isn't really a solid SATA-III PCIe card yet, at least not in the price range you're talking about, you're better off getting a motherboard with a decent SATA-III implementation (Intel > Marvell).
There ya have it. ;)