Need help with second ati tuner.


[H]F Junkie
Jan 16, 2005
So I picked up a second ati tuner from ebay for $35 and it works fine I can record 2 channels at once. But my problem is when recording back to back on the same channel. It is supposed to start 2 min before the show and end 3 min after the show, which wasn't possible with one tuner so sometimes my shows would end up with the last 30 seconds of the previous show on the current show. That's why I picked up the second tuner so it would start recording the next show on the same channel 2 min before it starts on the second tuner but it doesn't do that. It just records everything as before just on one tuner. This is in wmc.
Anyone know how to get it to alternate between tuners?

Edit: The only thing I could find was from 2010 that said to set each show to record for 10 min after it has ended and it will fix it. Is there a better way to do this? (Because that is a lot of wasted spaced)
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WMC does this by design, it's meant to help prevent tuner conflicts by using the same turner for back to back recordings. There's really nothing you can do about except for tricking/forcing WMC to use a second tuner as the record 10min past instead of the 3 min when possible option.
If you go into recording properties, make sure you set it for 2 min before and after, ALWAYS, not IF POSSIBLE, or whatever the other option is. (I dont have a tuner in this computer so I cant check the exact verbiage) That will force MC to use a different tuner for the next show