WHS 2011 takes a turd on 'ol Turd.


Dec 19, 2008
Man, spent all week working on this damn thing. An 10 TB home server with the new WHS 2011.

but guess what? the OS will not do a backup of more than 2 TB. yes, you read that right. 2tb max, and you can only use one drive
WTF were they thinking? your kidding me!!!

I was going to use the backup feature to get around the fact that they have no data duplication. whatta joke.

but now thats not an option. anyone have any other horrible WHS 2011 stories to tell?

or ideas? yea ideas.
nope. 2 tb maximum period. ever.

unbelievable i know. a fucking outrage.
there are tons of complainers out there about it. just figured id join them :)
yeah but i like the functionality of WHS. man you can just let it back your shit up for you, and it streams and all of that stuff. and you can access your stuff off-site.
ZFS isnt going to do all that for me unfortunately. and WHS cant do ZFS i believe.
It has other issues I noticed as well, I had it running as a VM, and it wouldn't see more than 1 cpu core. it ran like crap. the old version was so much better!
yea sucks man. i am totally pissed off. cant remember being this pissed in a while. oh well, nothing like time wasted on a useless piece of shit. i still have V1 on a separate disk. guess i go back to it.
I guess server 2008 R2 has the limit as the limit is due to both using VHD for the back ups and VHD are what impose the limit. I guess it's a good thing I only need to back up around 6 PCs and it will only be the OS drives.