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  1. R

    Not certain if hard drive will fit in my laptop...

    I measured the drive and it is 6.5mm. I've got a friend with a spare 500gb 2.5" hdd that I'm sure is 9.5mm. When he gets back I'll ask him if I can test it out. In the meantime I'll do some digging into the manual and maybe call Asus if that doesn't lead anywhere, thanks for help.
  2. R

    Not certain if hard drive will fit in my laptop...

    Update: Yes it is 9.5mm just in case anybody is wondering. It seems that all other 750gb drives are also 9.5mm, so I'm going to start going down the list until I find something around 6.5mm.
  3. R

    Not certain if hard drive will fit in my laptop...

    I'm thinking about getting a new hard drive for my laptop, but I'm not certain it will fit. I have an Asus M51S ( and it needs to last me another couple years, so I'm looking to get a drive as large as possible. I measured the hdd...
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    Problem with Nvidia Surround

    Okay, so I've just build a new computer, and I've been trying to get Nvidia Surround to work. I have 2 GTX 470's powering 3 20" 1680x1050 monitors. Initially when I went to set up surround in the Nvidia control panel, I chose the option "Span displays with Surround" and hit configure. After...
  5. R

    Looking for decent, cheap racing wheel

    I bought the Codemaster's racing pack awhile back when it was on sale on Steam and since I've really enjoyed racing. I have an old Logitech racing wheel, but unfortunately they don't make 64 bit drivers, so I'm in the market for a new wheel. Anyone know of any good wheels for sub-$150 that...
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    Medium-High end gaming PC

    I found this. It's refurbished so I'm not sure about quality, but I bought this same monitor brand new from Newegg a while back and its worked great, so I think I might go with this. As for displayport, thanks for looking but I think I'm gonna go with dual 470's as they seem like the best...
  7. R

    Medium-High end gaming PC

    I forgot to mention, both my displays are 1680x1050.
  8. R

    Medium-High end gaming PC

    Sweet ty, I'll take a look into those parts.
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    Medium-High end gaming PC

    I'm looking to build a new gaming pc here in the next month or so. 1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing? etc Gaming will be the biggest burden on the system, but I also do software development. 2) What's your budget? Are tax and shipping included...
  10. R

    18 button gaming mouse?

    I don't think this mouse has enough buttons. It needs more. :)
  11. R

    Logitech Wave Pro Wireless Mouse/Keyboard Quit

    I get that a lot with my usb keyboard (I end up just using a ps/2 keyboard to get past it). But really, who programmed that? How are you supposed to hit F1 if there's no keyboard?!
  12. R

    Geekiest Picture of the Day

    It's a trap!
  13. R

    User experiences with eyefinity.

    Anyone try EF on 20" monitors? I already have 2 20"ers for normal use and I'm considering getting an EF setup at some point for gaming and I don't really have the budget to purchase 3 all new monitors. With all the posts about 22"+ size monitors in EF I'm wondering if it's really worth it to get...
  14. R

    Google Nexus One Avail. Jan 5

    So does unlocked mean it'll work on any carrier in the US? Or just certain carriers?
  15. R

    Congress Earmarks $30 Million To Fight Piracy

    OMG why can't we do this? Then we'd be stopping real pirates as well as kicking ass and taking names. I'd wanna be on a .50 cal though, those things rock.
  16. R

    MIT Working on AI Reinvention

    This "reinvention" of AI is nothing new. They've tried it before. I mean, after AI failed to reach it's goals in the late 60's and early 70's, they kinda gave up. Then they "reinvented" AI with neural nets, and while they do have their uses, neural networks never panned out to be a solve-all...
  17. R

    Merry Christmas Taken Down and Arrested

    What kind of parents would name their child Merry Christmas? Really? I mean that's just terrible.
  18. R

    If you are looking for a unique keyboard...

    Looks neat, but I think I'll stick with my g15 too :)
  19. R

    Apple Sued Again for Patent Infringement

    Yeah no kidding. If, given the proper funding, you can't turn your idea into an actual product, then you shouldn't be able to patent it. Period.
  20. R

    MX1100 sucks

    So I've been using this mouse for a few days now and I've tried it out in a bunch of different situations. It's not a terrible mouse, it just depends on who you are. Here are some of the different situations I've been using it in: Web browsing/Text editing/Programming - I had no real issues...
  21. R

    Apple Sued Again for Patent Infringement

    You are absolutely right. Trying to patent an idea is ludicrous. A lawyer from Australia patented the wheel (it was a demonstration against some of the flaws in the Australian patent system). When you're patent system allows to you to patent an idea and not a process, then whoever claims of...
  22. R

    Game of the Year Poll

    I'm gonna have to go out on a limb here and say Torchlight. It's an inexpensive, unapologetically Diablo-esque action-rpg and it's very addicting. I'd have to say it's a good hold out until Diablo III comes out. The fact that it is inexpensive and adds in a bunch of features (such as allowing...
  23. R

    Please take my video game survey (for my marketing class)

    Done. I'm a former PS2 gamer converted to PC gamer. GL HF DD.
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    Good Article, Great Quote

    Well Kristoff, I think you made some valid points, but I you also missed the mark on some others. First of all, in general, you're making the argument that "we" keep blaming the kids, previous generations, etc. for our problems when we need to step up and take the responsibility for our mess. I...
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    MX1100 sucks

    Well this doesn't bode well for me. I just bought one the other day for $30 off Amazon. When it gets here I'll post my experience with it. edit: It just arrived and I've been using it for a few hours. It seems to work just fine, albeit it's much bigger than mice I'm used to. I don't have time...
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    Good Article, Great Quote

    Yes this is true. The classic "things were harder in my day" line applies here. But that doesn't mean we should ignore the issue. Our situation today is MUCH worse than it was back in "the day." Our national debt has grown exponentially and it continues to get worse. So yes, every "last"...
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    Black Mesa Coffee

    "Black mesa coffee - for those days when the teleportation experiment goes horribly, horribly wrong"
  28. R

    People Complain More Online

    Haha lol. A mask of (sudo) anonymity brings out the best in everyone, right?
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    How PC Gamers Can Be Heard

    From what I can tell, this is actually a big reason for piracy. People are unwilling to invest in something they aren't sure they'll like if they can't be guaranteed to get that investment back if they don't like it. But then again, you run into the problem, what if someone purchased a game...
  30. R

    Black Friday Sales Higher Online Than in Stores

    This makes a lot of sense. I mean, being from a rural state, it's usually quite a drive to the nearest store that would have anything of value, so the incentive to go black friday shopping is pretty low. But if you can do it from the comfort of your home, then suddenly those deals become a lot...
  31. R

    How PC Gamers Can Be Heard

    While PC gamers may be a bit more high-maintenance, we have good reason to be so. PC gamers drop a significantly higher amount of money on their systems as compared to consoles, so we'd expect games to take advantage of that and, even if they are being ported, to add in some features that are...