Game of the Year Poll

What's the Game of the Year for 2009?

  • Total voters
there is now, it just took me a few mins to set it up, I had to actually open another browser to make sure I got all the people's choices.
I think it's more interesting if people also state WHY they voted the way they did, makes for a more interesting discussion.

What did you like about the game of your choice to make you vote for it over all the other games that have come out in 2009?
I voted for Modern Warfare 2.

I actually didn't care for CoD4 all that much, and I was anticipating Left 4 Dead 2 to be my game of the year, but while Left 4 Dead 2 lived up to all my expectations Modern Warfare 2 came out of nowhere and surprised the hell out of me.

Really what it came down to is they're both excellent multiplayer games, although I do enjoy L4D2's co-op more, but MW2 also has a highly enjoyable singleplayer campaign. I'm usually not one for watching big Hollywood action movies, but being the star of one like you are in MW2 is a ton of fun.

I ended up getting it on the 360 though as I refuse to support the PC version. I needed a new 360 so I picked up the Modern Warfare 2 bundle since it's a good deal even if you don't like MW2. I needed the HD space and I figured if I didn't like MW2 I could easily sell it, but it really won me over. I actually think my favorite part of the game is the Spec Ops mode which has me hooked :).
I voted for Modern Warfare 2.

I actually didn't care for CoD4 all that much, and I was anticipating Left 4 Dead 2 to be my game of the year, but while Left 4 Dead 2 lived up to all my expectations Modern Warfare 2 came out of nowhere and surprised the hell out of me.

Really what it came down to is they're both excellent multiplayer games, although I do enjoy L4D2's co-op more, but MW2 also has a highly enjoyable singleplayer campaign. I'm usually not one for watching big Hollywood action movies, but being the star of one like you are in MW2 is a ton of fun.

I ended up getting it on the 360 though as I refuse to support the PC version. I needed a new 360 so I picked up the Modern Warfare 2 bundle since it's a good deal even if you don't like MW2. I needed the HD space and I figured if I didn't like MW2 I could easily sell it, but it really won me over. I actually think my favorite part of the game is the Spec Ops mode which has me hooked :).

I wouldn't say MW2 came out of nowhere...
My vote goes to Dragon Age. I haven't been so enthralled in a game like this for years. The story is great, the game play is addictive, and I will definitely play it again once I beat it.
+1 for Dragon age, Best 37.50 i spent this year. Gonna go replay it again once i get some more free time. I have been abusing L4D2 :(
didnt we already do this poll?

Still Gemfire.

no, the PC Gamer of the Year was PC only

this one includes console versions in the conversation.

in the GOTY thread here in General Gaming, Uncharted 2 got most of the love.

This poll is simply so all votes can be counted.
Voted for MW2. I have never been a console FPS but I decided to give it a try since all my job mates were bitching at me to get it.
I have to say its better than I would have ever thought. The graphics are amazing for a console and the control is actually not that bad. I would say I would be better at the game with mouse and keyboard but I dont know anyone personally that has it for the computer so I went with the 360.
Demon's Souls

I chose other, because my personal GOTY was Demon's Souls. There wasn't a ton of story, but it didn't feel left out either. The combat style was great and just felt good. There was a lot of tension, because dying had a negative side effect. The level design was incredible, as there wasn't a map OR mini-map, but I never felt the need for one. I had no trouble navigating the different zones. It wasn't a run around hack and slash, you had to take it slow and be very careful and calculated. A stupid mistake or foolish rushing around would kill you.

Great game all around.
Voted for DA:O. I've been waiting for BG2's successor and here it is. I can't wait for some major DLC. All over it.
I fully enjoyed playing borderlands, sure the ending kinda sucks but the gameplay wasn't bad at all (minus the FOV).
Uncharted 2 for sure. It is now my favorite series and hope they continue it!

L4D2 gets an honorable mention as I just stayed up to 2 AM on a work day/night playing it, lol.
Uncharted 2

I just really like it a lot. The leaping, the climbing, the fighting... it hasn't gotten boring for me yet. Except the beginning... but still bearable.
I wouldn't say MW2 came out of nowhere...

lolz. That's like saying MW2 was "the little game that could" :)

Anyways, my vote goes to Uncharted 2. Not many games can claim to be excellent in three genres: adventure, action/shooter and multiplayer. It's a triple-threat. Also, refreshingly long and well-written/acted single player story. I just wish they'd bring it to PC for extra eye candy.

Dragon Age is one of the all time best RPGs hands down, but it's just that and that alone... an RPG.
One to actually count all the votes, the 7 page thread I had goingn didn't count em all and i'm too lazy to count em all.

This simplifies things a little more

quit your bitching, we less than a month to go in the year, so a few GOTY threads are appropriate about this time of the year.

On topic, I'm rather pleased to see Dragon Age taking a huge chunk of the votes, I feel this game was the best game released this year, and for the record, I do have Batman AA for PS3 (wasn't sure how comfortable it'd feel to play it on a PC, seems more console controller friendly)

Don't have Uncharted 2 yet but might get it for Christmas from someone.

Cheers guys!
Dragon Age, though I'm sure many sites/mags will award Uncharted 2
I think Dragon Age is the better game but I got more enjoyment out of Uncharted 2. (I voted for DA:O)
Voted L4D2.
If it had been cross platform, instead of a PS3 exclusive, I would have voted Uncharted 2 instead.
The pack seems to be leaning towards Dragon Age. Definitely a good game as well.
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Dragon Age for PC, the console versions are poor imo.
A bit much to expect of old hardware I suppose.
Tremendous on PC :)
L4D2 is making a come back! It had almost nothing and now it's tied with MW2! Nice!

Both great games :).

I really want to play Uncharted 2 but Uncharted 1 and 2 are really the only games I desperately want to play on the PS3 so it's not enough for me to purchase the system yet. Someday though.

I also really want to play Dragon Age but I don't have the time for a massive RPG right now :(.
MW2 for me. it's a tough decision since i loved Uncharted 2, but MW2 provides more entertainment and i've spent many more hours playing it. close one though...Uncharted 2 is phenomenal.
I really want to play Uncharted 2 but Uncharted 1 and 2 are really the only games I desperately want to play on the PS3 so it's not enough for me to purchase the system yet. Someday though.

FYI, MGS4 will rock your socks off.
I'm gonna have to go out on a limb here and say Torchlight. It's an inexpensive, unapologetically Diablo-esque action-rpg and it's very addicting. I'd have to say it's a good hold out until Diablo III comes out. The fact that it is inexpensive and adds in a bunch of features (such as allowing your pet to run back to town to sell all the random crap you get) that rpg's have been needing for years gets it my vote.
awww no batman love?

i just dont think i could get into DA after hearing its very much a gauntlet style rpg and not much free-roam, kinda just really kills the point of exploring for me, your looking carefully for hidden paths rather than searching a world for a hidden cave.

correct me if this isnt true, but thats the impression i got.