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  1. G

    what is the TJMAX for a Q9450?

    Well since the tjmax for core i7 is 100 C I doubt its 105 :)
  2. G

    i5 Option

    I think you got that mixed up. i5 supports 2 channel DDR3 memory and i7 9xx supports 3 channel DDR3. All new intel CPUs support DDR3.
  3. G

    Anyone else with a 4870x2 not impressed?

    Im perfectly happy with my 4870x2. I probebly wont upgrade to 58xx anytime soon.
  4. G

    Intel Core i7 Full System Drawing @ [H]

    Wouldent say no to that :)
  5. G

    my i7 920 D0 is a dog

    My 920 C0 wont go past 3.5ghz with decent voltage. Up to 3.5 I can run at approx 1.26-1.27v but anything over 3.5ghz it bsod as soon as I start prime or anything similar. Even tho I tried up to 1.35v. For me multiple doesent matter. 175 blck seems to be the sweetspot for my CPU (3839A if I...
  6. G

    So I've Decided with the 4870x2. Feedback on new rig.

    I got the same card, 4870x2 running with a core i7 920 @ 3.6 ghz and so far its great. Easy to install and I havent had any scaling problems yet atleast.
  7. G

    Computer problem :/

    definitely worth a try, thanks.
  8. G

    Computer problem :/

    Ok thanks will try.
  9. G

    Computer problem :/

    Hello guys I got a strange problem. Every now and then (perhaps ever 5-10 time) I boot my computer it wont boot at all. I got a core i7 @ 3.5 ghz 1.31 vcore and 1.30 QPI. Memory running at 1408 mhz (corsair 1600 mhz 3x2 gb kit memory) on an asus P6T non-deluxe. GPU is a gainward "goes like...
  10. G

    Core i7 VID: what's average?

    I got the same batch aswell (3841A) and to keep 3.5 ghz I need around 1.30 QPI and 1.31 vcore.
  11. G

    Noctua NH-U12P SE1366 mounting hardware NOT included?

    I got the exact same cooler. Comes with mounting kit and 2 fans. However make sure you pic the SE1366 model. The other models of the same cooler (missing the SE1366 part in the name) comes without mounting kit for i7 and with only 1 fan if i remember correctly.
  12. G

    BSOD when OC core i7 920

    QPI voltage is 1.30 and no Im running 20 x 180 bclck. For me changing to 19x multiplier didnt do anything so I went back to 20.
  13. G

    BSOD when OC core i7 920

    Got the same batch as you on my i7 3841A and I got hughe problem getting my CPU over 3.6. But at 3.6 its rock stable, 48h+ prime stable and this is with 1.32 vcore. My temps with noctua is approx 75 after 24 h of prime 95 so yours should be ok.
  14. G

    Alittle help with i7 920 overclocking

    Same mb as I got :) You can set your memory multipl. manually in bios if you want to run it at a higher freq.
  15. G

    Alittle help with i7 920 overclocking

    Thanks alot for all the help. Thanks to you I got it running very smooth and stable at 3.5 ghz. But even if I turn HT off and go down to 19 x multiplyer 3.5 ghz seems to be some kind of magic border. And I´ve seen alot of people running 3.5ghz at stock voltage but it seems my cpu wont be able to...
  16. G

    I7 hot at idle....

    My core i7 ideles @ 45-48 degrees. Thats with 1.31v and at 3.5ghz with noctua push/pull coolermaster ATCS 840 case. I cant get belove that either tho the temp in the room is 25-27 so maby that adds a few degrees aswell. I wouldent worry much about it, my cpu never hit anything higher than 77...
  17. G

    Alittle help with i7 920 overclocking

    Ok I will try that :) thanks
  18. G

    Need help with Gainward HD4870X2 "goes like hell"

    I just installed this card into my computer and downloaded the newest catalyst drivers. I downloaded vlc player and when I start any kind of movie I just get sounds and no picture. I got a pretty old LG Flatron LCD display. Eveything else works like a charm its just the movies I cant get to...
  19. G

    Alittle help with i7 920 overclocking

    Yeah, it seems to even out at about 3.5ghz with HT on or off. But Im very happy with that :D
  20. G

    Alittle help with i7 920 overclocking

    Using max stress test and yes only 50% CPU used. Will try out LinX and turn off HT and try to push it alittle further. Thanks
  21. G

    Alittle help with i7 920 overclocking

    I got one more question. When I load up IBT it doesent seem to stress the CPU as prime95 does. Temps are lower and they jump around alot, over 10 derees celcius up and down in just half a sec. Have I done anything wrong? Using vista 64bit btw.
  22. G

    Alittle help with i7 920 overclocking

    Ok guess that 3.5ghz is close to the maximum on my cpu/mb combo for 24/7 settings. 1.312 v under full load and 1.304 v idle (CPU-Z). Still got QPI/DRAM Core Voltage at ~1.33 v. My temps idle are about 45-48 degrees celcius and at full load the max temp I´ve gotten so far is 79 degrees after...
  23. G

    Alittle help with i7 920 overclocking

    Yeah DRAM Voltage is at 1.64 :) I think asus just got a bad name for that, I think I read something about it. As for CPU PLL its not my default value its set to 1.96 from some guide I read but I will change it back right away then :) Thanks again
  24. G

    Alittle help with i7 920 overclocking

    DRAM Frequency 1403 UCLK Frequency 2807 Not 100% sure what QPI/VTT voltage is, couldent find any setting like that in bios. But QPI/DRAM voltage is at 1.344 and CPU PLL voltage is at 1.96, is it any of them you talk about?
  25. G

    Alittle help with i7 920 overclocking

    Yeah but I meant that when I run with HT on at 3.5ghz its stable and when I turn it off its still stable but I cant get it any higher even with HT off.
  26. G

    Alittle help with i7 920 overclocking

    Hmm 3.5 ghz seems stable. Passes IBT and prime95. Will test for longer periods ofc. However the strange thing is that if I disable HT I still cant get any higher than 3.5 ghz. It boots into windows at higher speeds but BSOD on me when I start prime. but 3.5 ghz is what I aimed for all along...
  27. G

    Alittle help with i7 920 overclocking

    Ok thanks will try it out :)
  28. G

    Alittle help with i7 920 overclocking

    With the possibility of sounding like a real noob that RAM divider is that the DRAM Frequency? Right now its on auto and in CPU-Z it shows up as 525mhz and I think thats 1050 DDR3 speed right? Memory are Corsair 1600 mhz
  29. G

    Alittle help with i7 920 overclocking

    I got alittle problem. I cant seem to get my core i7 920 stable above 3.5ghz. Got batch 3841A and an ASUS P6T mb. Have tried 1.35 CPU Voltage and 1.35 QPI/DRAM Voltage and still it just wont get stable above 3.5 ghz. And for 3.5 ghz I thought 1.296 was pretty high? CPU voltage 1.296 CPU...
  30. G

    your HSFexperience with i7?

    I did just get my new rig and the noctua 1366 SE is really working wonders. Just started playing around with all the voltages and started at 1.35v (CPU-Z) and 3.6 Ghz and at full load I got about 80 degrees celcius (Coolermaster ATCS and roomtemp at about 25 degrees celcius). This is with...
  31. G

    Alittle suggestion perhaps about Core i7 build

    I do like the sound of that :D
  32. G

    Alittle suggestion perhaps about Core i7 build

    Ordered everything yesterday, hopefully I´ll get it by friday :D Thanks alot for all the informative inputs guys, really helped me make up my mind, went with everything above, sadly i couldent get my hands on the OCZ platinum ram kit. Sold out in both stores I bought from so thats why I got...
  33. G

    Alittle suggestion perhaps about Core i7 build

    Thanks alot guys for all the imput, it really helped alot. I went with the 1kW power supply since I was thinking of maby add another 4870X2 in the near future and got 2 alittle older 250 gb hdds just lying around so I figured I might throw them in aswell. And a big reason for going with 1kW...
  34. G

    Alittle suggestion perhaps about Core i7 build

    Im just ordering a completly new machine. Not using anything from my old one (its a athlon 64 3800+). I think Im going with the following components: Case: Cooler Master ATCS 840 MB: Asus P6T (Would P6T deluxe and deluxe v2 be better? And if so why?) Memory: Corsair 6gb (3KIT) DDR3...
  35. G

    Did I make a bad upgrade? E6600 to i7 920 upgrade

    I think you made the right choise. Sounds like you got it for a really good price aswell. Im currently looking to upgrade aswell and I´m going core i7, however I´m comming from an AMD 64 so the choise for me was pretty easy :)
  36. G

    Thermalright 120 Ultra Extreme fan...

    You can probably get to 3.2 ghz with lower than stock voltage. That should help lower your temps even more.
  37. G

    Do most of you who've OC'd your i7's disable HT?

    AFAIK the 940 got 22 x 133 = 2.93 ghz while a 920 got 20 x 133 = 2.66 ghz so I´m guessing it should be easier to get alittle higher with a 940. However if that makes up for the higher price Im not so sure...
  38. G

    Summer, destroyer of OC's

    :eek: where do you live?
  39. G

    Best Processor in your cpu career?

    I think I'd have to say q6600. Still after a rather long time I dont feel the need to upgrade the CPU quite yet, ofc a core i7 would be nice but a q6600 @ 3.3 Ghz is still ok for me :)
  40. G

    QX9770 for $350, bite it?

    Buy it, sell it, buy a core i7 system :D