Alittle help with i7 920 overclocking

Keep in mind that you shouldn't go over 1.35v on QPI/VTT voltage.

Are you running 4.0 GHz with hyper threading on?

Just checked the BIOS, HT is enabled (this was also the case when I ran Prime95 since it opened 8 threads).I don't know if it matters or not, but there is 1 other voltage I tweaked - I set the NB voltage to 1.29v. But as I mentioned, the real breakthrough that allowed me to go from an unstable 3.4GHz to a rock solid 4.0GHz was turning the multi down to 19x and increasing the the QPI/VTT to 1.35v (default of 1.1v and added 0.25v). This allowed me to increase the bclck from 170 to 211 (wihich also juiced my RAM from 1360MHz to 1690MHz)..
Just checked the BIOS, HT is enabled (this was also the case when I ran Prime95 since it opened 8 threads).I don't know if it matters or not, but there is 1 other voltage I tweaked - I set the NB voltage to 1.29v. But as I mentioned, the real breakthrough that allowed me to go from an unstable 3.4GHz to a rock solid 4.0GHz was turning the multi down to 19x and increasing the the QPI/VTT to 1.35 (default of 1.1v and added 0.25v), since it allowed me to increase the bclck from 170 to 211 (with an added benefit of juicing my RAM from 1360MHz to 1690MHz)..

Many motherboard + i7 920 combos are having a hard time running 20 x 200 MHz so the only other option is to lower the multiplier and increase the BCLK speed.

Which RAM are you using? What are your timings? Also, which i7 batch did you get?
Which RAM are you using? What are your timings? Also, which i7 batch did you get?

I'm using Mushkin 6GB (3 x 2GB) DDR3 1600 Triple Channel Memory. At the time I made the purchase (Thanksgiving of last year) it was one of the only 1.65v kits with tight timings. There were no reviews, but I took the chance and have been quite pleased. Advertised timings are 7-8-7-20, but at 1690MHz and 1.64v CPU-Z is reportiing 8-8-8-18. Would like to eek out that little extra latency, but I don't want to mess up a good thing with my overclock.

As far as processor batch, I have no clue, don't even know what to look for. Is there any way to look it up via software? Because if it requires getting into my case there's no way I'm doing it - everything has been running perfectly for months and I don't want to risk messing that up :)
I'm assuming everyone replying including Gobitenq is Air-Cooled? ....would be a good idea if you can let us know if your system is H20 or Air-Cooled.
Many motherboard + i7 920 combos are having a hard time running 20 x 200 MHz so the only other option is to lower the multiplier and increase the BCLK speed.

Which RAM are you using? What are your timings? Also, which i7 batch did you get?

Or hopefully he has a good motherboard that will allow for enabling the 21x multiplier. 920 haet 20 multi.
As far as processor batch, I have no clue, don't even know what to look for. Is there any way to look it up via software? Because if it requires getting into my case there's no way I'm doing it - everything has been running perfectly for months and I don't want to risk messing that up :)

The batch number is an identification number for the CPU. It is found on the CPU itself as well as on the original CPU box.

Or hopefully he has a good motherboard that will allow for enabling the 21x multiplier. 920 haet 20 multi.

You can unlock the 21x multiplier yourself. Can't recall exactly how to do it but I know you can.
Thanks alot for all the help. Thanks to you I got it running very smooth and stable at 3.5 ghz. But even if I turn HT off and go down to 19 x multiplyer 3.5 ghz seems to be some kind of magic border. And I´ve seen alot of people running 3.5ghz at stock voltage but it seems my cpu wont be able to do that, not that I´m complaining.
Pulled my CPU box from the basement - looks like the core i7 920 I got back in November of last year is batch 3839A, S-spec SLBCH (C0 stepping), packed on 11/19/08. 4.0GHz on air at 1.35v with HT for 4 months stable. If this wasn't my first overclock and I wasn't using this as my main HTPC computer, I'd try to push it harder, but as is I'm very happy with 4.0GHz and rock solid stability.
I'm actually a little confused I have my processor stable (12 hours of prime95) at 3.6 (x20 180MHZ) and all I did was raise the BCLK starting at 160 to 180 by 5MHz and running Prime95 a half hour between 5MHz jumps and everything else on auto. I'm completely stable. The is this normal? My QPI is 3240.0 MHz and my cpu voltage core is 1.264 V. My Dram Frequency is 540.0 MHz running @ 4-7-7-16. Is my memory severely underclocked? My memory is rated for 1600Mhz Oh also my MB is an Asus P6T non deluxe.
I'm actually a little confused I have my processor stable (12 hours of prime95) at 3.6 (x20 180MHZ) and all I did was raise the BCLK starting at 160 to 180 by 5MHz and running Prime95 a half hour between 5MHz jumps and everything else on auto. I'm completely stable. The is this normal? My QPI is 3240.0 MHz and my cpu voltage core is 1.264 V. My Dram Frequency is 540.0 MHz running @ 4-7-7-16. Is my memory severely underclocked? My memory is rated for 1600Mhz Oh also my MB is an Asus P6T non deluxe.

Same mb as I got :) You can set your memory multipl. manually in bios if you want to run it at a higher freq.