So I've Decided with the 4870x2. Feedback on new rig.


Limp Gawd
Oct 12, 2007
I had posted a post a few days ago on which video card(s) to get with my setup. It was either a 260 SLI, 4870x2, 4890XF or 285. I chose the 4870x2 for price ( im getting mine for $369) its about $70-80 cheaper than a 4890 xfire setup, about 40 more than a 285 ( but outperforms it ) and about 50 more than a 260 SLI, but I dont have to deal with SLI issues and having to deal with if games don't scale well with SLI/xfire. Another is the 4870x2 is in the top 3 as far as single slot cards go. 295 edges it out in some games, and the 285 comes in third. It boiled down to me now wanting to deal with xfire issues or SLI issues, and the fact that I would save about 80 bucks by not going the 4890 xfire route. The rig is as follows :

PII X4 940 3.0ghz Black Edition ( gonna try to get this thing up to 3.6)
4 GB PC6400 DDR 800
ASUS M4A79 Deluxe
XFX 4870x2

I run 1920x1200, so do you think my video card decision was a good one..? Will it hold me over till november or whenver the new cards come out? And is my current Corsair 520w ps enough for all this? Thanks for the Input

Hopefully this post helps anyone who is on the fence about a 260 SLI vs 4870x2vs 4890 xfire
you do have to deal with problems if xfire doesnt scale, the 4870x2 is a dual gpu card..

and yes that power supply will be fine with your setup.
you do have to deal with problems if xfire doesnt scale, the 4870x2 is a dual gpu card..
I understand that the 4870x2 is a dual cpu on one pcb or whatever, I just thought that the problems weren't as bad as say, a 4870 1gb xfire'd is xfire didnt scale well. I guess I was wrong? Anybody want to give clarification?

Also, at what speed does my processor have to be to where it won't bottleneck a high end card like the 4870x2, 280 etc.
Your parts cost about 800$....
I'm not sure your Corsair 520 will hold up a 4870X2 , the recommended spec is a 650W.
I wanted to say you can do better, but trying to build a better rig with basic Core I7, 3GB ddr3 1600, a Decent X58 mobo and a GTX275/GTX260 got me over your current spending budget....
So yeah it's a good build, I would go for a cheaper mobo though, that one has nothing special to offer at 200$. The one in my sig is great for that CPU and will OC easily. It also costs 90$ less the your current pick, which makes room for a better PSU.
If you use XFire setups you need a very fast CPU, the 940 might bottleneck your GPU.
If you quad Xfire it will for sure... ([H] just posted an article on that in the front page).
Well, I do plan on OC'n the processor as much as I can, I see alot of people with SLI /Crossfire setups with 3.4-3.6 cpus.
I got the same card, 4870x2 running with a core i7 920 @ 3.6 ghz and so far its great. Easy to install and I havent had any scaling problems yet atleast.
That's true, but I'm betting they wished they had an i7.
Since you're building from the ground up, and you want to push the highest spec, I would rethink the path your choices, or maybe pace the upgrade...
Like CPU + Mobo + Memory + PSU now, GPU when the next NV And Amd GPU's launch.
You can try to sell your PSU + GPU to do the whole thing now....
I dunno, maybe I'm over thinking this for you.
I was planning an I7 build and my monitor crapped out, so 350$ went down the drain and I had to rethink my upgrade.
Maybe I'll just wait a few months. I mean, my setup atm isnt bad by any means ( its in my sig ) but you know how it goes, Im gonna have about 8k when I get home next week, and the urge to upgrade is there. I can play all games no problem ( except crysis) with max settings with my current setup, so maybe I'll just upgrade my video card to like a 4890 or maybe go back to green and get a 275 or 285. Then when the new cards come out, I'll do a major overhaul. Right now I'm running a core2duo at 3.3 and a 4870 512 . Now, will a core2duo at 3.3 bottleneck say, a 285?

I decided to go with a 4890 and try to OC as close to 1ghz as possible. After reading reviews and thinking of the current games coming out and that on the horizon, there is no reason for a big upgrade(I thought about it and realized just because Ill have alot of money doesnt mean I need to upgrade my rig that can run all the games anyway). I read some more and found out that my voltage was the reason I couldnt go past 3.3 on my E6750 ^^. I will OC that when I get back as well. Alot of benchmarks show that a 4890 OC'd can trade blows with a stock 285 and is around 70-80 bucks cheaper making a great card for 1920x1200. Thanks for all your guys help. My rig until the new cards come out :

Intel E6750 Core2duo at 3.3 (going to try for at least 3.6)
4GB Gskill PC6400 DDR800 ( probably grab 2GB more)
XFX 4890 1GB ( gonna OC myself)
ABIT p35-e
Windows Vista Ult - 64Bit
Sounds like a great Idea!
Enjoy your new 4890, be sure to post your impressions on the gains in performance.
That's true, but I'm betting they wished they had an i7.

Eh, I went from a [email protected] to an i7 920 @ 3.8 or 4.2, depending on my mood, and I can honestly say it was not worth upgrading for gaming.

OP, Get ready for some pleasant gaming. Your Corsair 520 most definitely will handle your system.