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  1. D

    Can't detect 2nd LCD (Radeon 5850)

    tried the samsung on its own or as main? switched output ports etc.
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    4870 just died...Whats decent upgrade ?

    Upgrade wise.. stretch for a 5850 if you can warrant price. sideways replacement.. 5770 shouldn't be dismissed, you are at perfect res for it, on par with the 4870, but less power/heat & definitely less than the 4890. A 1gb 4890 would be a bit of an upgrade (just got one myself...
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    EVE Account Issue Need Advice

    lol I was just about to post the same before work pc broke^. You cocked something up by not paying enough attention / knowing what you were doing, have waited a whole day :eek: hoping someone else will fix your mistake and now decided the system is buggered? Really no, but welcome to eve...
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    EVE Online, What can you tell me?

    you know what.. there can be a lot of grinding/logistics/work to eve. people can really spend 5-8 hours game time saving up to by that pimped & shiny new ship.. only for you and your mate to come along in a couple cheap fitted rifters and sh1t on them. To me this is what makes it... the...
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    The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion

    agree with the above... race, bloodline & profession used to make a big difference prior to the changes a few patches ago (different starter skill sets), but now it is largely irrelevant as all start with low SP and get the double training speed bonus instead. The only skills difference now...
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    The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion

    Roliath, get a 21day buddy invite / trial off someone (...i'm here to help :) pm is your friend ). Activate account using that code sent on email and start playing via normal download (which should avoid any MAC/Steam issues) Buy EVE via steam for $5... when installing, cancel the steam...
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    Eyefinity(widescreen) vs 30'' - general desktop use?

    I use 3x 19ins for work and do use/appreciate the different workspace. Able to dedicate a side monitor for specific uses, middle monitor as general. It is very handy able to quickly min/max to a single monitor as leaves other active /viewable - you lose this to a certain extent with single...
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    HD 4890 or 5770?

    I was in same boat, game at 1900*1200 and ended up going for a 4890, pre-clocked @ 950/4200 - no regrets. For less intense gaming or at resolutions below 1900, I'd say go for the more power-friendly 5770 , otherwise go for the extra umpph from the 4890.
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    looking for more advice on Cards (1920x1080)

    Considered getting just a single 5850/70? would rock at that res without crossfire issues (and ton less power draw than 2x 4890's), and always the option to get another down the line when supply/prices come back. fwiw 5770 is about equiv to 4870... so 2x 4890's would be a step up...
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    The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion

    +3.5km/s with a few nav comps & a 12.5k optimal.... gimped and def not great, but do-able for a lol..... anyway agree they crap, not worth the drone bay.
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    The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion

    a: yes, yes it would be funny... but just eft'ing it.... 5x SW-0900 web drones wouldn't really take the inty below 2km/s and thats assuming they caught up with the inty, so still keep orbit & tackle on you (assume dedicated/bonused inty tacklers). warriors and heavy neuts really..
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    The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion

    wow... mammoth patch notes & long DT this time.. make sure to read notes & set long skill to train (++4days at least) grr to npc tax when I've just got a lvl4 mission alt (and thermo being more accessible), but yeay to lots of stuff that actually matters :)
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    Can I run (2) 5770's in CF, and Run 2 Monitors?

    Interesting... so in the 2 window mode across 2 monitors situation (usual setup in EveO - due to not having to alt-tab / min/max issues) CF/second card is effectively abandoned and you get the same performanace as you would on a Single card? and afaik eyefinity is single gaming (or 3d...
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    PowerColor HD5770 Video Card Review @ [H]

    That's covered in the methology mate... testing the Graphics cards only, really you just read how much better/worse one is vs the other, relative not absolute. basically take the (rest of) system out of the equation, and compare whats best in the line up - quite like this tbh.
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    $150-$200 upgrade from 8800 Ultra?

    ?? baffles me... top of the line $500-600 card(? - was about 300gbp+ around then iirc) dies twice in 2 years, to me that is pretty poor showing from the green side, brand loyalty pfft...:rolleyes: my 8800gtx died on me after 18months (uk 1yr warrenties :( - 6600gt is still going strong...
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    U.K. 5850 in stock here, be quick..

    XFX 5850's in stock at normal and XXX version (somehow cheaper..!) currently showing stock.
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    The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion

    pre-firing point is a contentious one I'd say.. I had more luck with insta-f1'ing on lock vs mod activation delay with pre.. might check this again next time in tackle. fair point on the inty, forgot flashies.....but Sentry aggro across standard 10-15 pie gang shouldn't be too bad - but...
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    The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion

    They don't get that bored in 29seconds mate !! :) Its gate activation that gives you away- when u jump in the gate does the funky thing and everyone wakes up, puts thumb on control (hover f1 for point) and waits for you to de-cloak. What I was saying is, that those 29 seconds can be...
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    The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion

    Change your Auto-pilot settings to "prefer safer" - think all high-sec systems are linked so there should be a way to avoid low-sec, even if it takes 10 more jumps. but yea, choose your agents better.. lvl 3's seem to send you 2 or 3 jumps out (pita), level 4's just one jump iirc. and Saw...
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    Upgrade choices in the absence of 5850?

    Hi all... so yet another "what should I upgrade to" post.... don't usually feel the need to post these as normally know what best suits after a bit of browsing on here, but now ... 5850, unavailable /25% msrp premium (UK) ... .. bleh, no idea. So my 8800gtx crapped out after 18months...
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    The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion

    yes that is a nice side to the game, and I hear a million times better than the grind other mmo's have to face, being able to come back to new shiny stuff is always good (kind of why I didn't think removing ghost training was a bad idea.. more incentive to re-activate if you can now have fun...
  22. D

    The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion

    as above really.... 2 is good, 3 is a push, 4th dmg mod could almost always be put to better use. Think tracking enchancers /speed mods to get into range quicker, swap a mid-slot cap mod to low and then put a sensor booster/target painter/web in that mid slot etc opportunity cost akin...
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    The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion

    Ohh didn't know that about the drone command buttons, handy will have to have a play around (various drone settings/range control etc still confuse the hell out of me) but yep Saw what mashie said. basically the right-click menu's take time to load/select, so takes you longer to initiate...
  24. D

    The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion

    yea the fleet/chat distraction is a known tatic, good that you are now aware of that, like you say gives them a few extra seconds to get a warp in/point (and with cloak/recon targeting delays that is very helpful). Lowsec missions/ratting, try to be always aligned somewhere for easier gtfo...
  25. D

    The New EVE: Apocrypha

    drake is pretty much overkill for lvl2's which are generally cruiser/firgate size missions & intended to be flown in a cruiser ( i'm even wh0ring some standings for an alt using a destroyer without issues in lvl 2's). But if you must.... too much tank for lvl2's, drop some SPR's for...
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    The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion

    yea this tbh, in all honesty I think 14days is not enough to get into the game, the extra week on trial is very very good and where you will start actively engaging in the EVE world ....(7days of wtf is going on moments/boring learning skills, 7 more getting the hang of things/see & set goals...
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    The New EVE: Apocrypha

    yes no doubt the t2 are better... but extra 234mil for level 3's.....hell no. apparently the drake can tank & complete (eventually) lvl 4's in which case that extra tank is nice - but in all honesty get a raven/cnr/golem. its really about cost vs effectiveness, the t2 rigs aren't that...
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    The New EVE: Apocrypha

    yea exactly.... don't bother with t2 rigs until you really have loads of surplus ISK. tbh haven't checked since the sized rigs introduction, but the numbers above just clarify the stupidness of them. extends to say that manufacturing/invention of the things is also a bit pointless unless...
  29. D

    The New EVE: Apocrypha

    Amarr cruiser V =>> Whole new game. opens up some cool sht. new patch coming soon should make 0.0 lot more interesting. the summer apoc release didn't make great deal of difference really ..sized rigs? Not sure what goons been upto , fannying about prob. Posted via [H] Mobile Device
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    The New EVE: Apocrypha

    Manage rat agro - your drones are weak and fragile, you are tough and strong, need to protect the little bees. goto eve-survial read the mision guide and see what the pocket Triggers are. warp in, shoot the trigger/whatever agresses the rat pocket. They all lock and start shooting...
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    The New EVE: Apocrypha

    T2 drones are better in almost every way that counts ( Damage, speed, HP - in that order) Base stats... Warrior II Damage Modifier 1.56 x vs Warrior I Damage Modifier 1.3 x So although base damage is the same, modifier is larger ===> hits harder. (warrior II's are also lot faster for...
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    The New EVE: Apocrypha

    Don't take PVE/Mission ship into PVP. 3x CCC's aren't much use on a geddon in normal (non-pos/cap) PVP, just slap a Heavy Cap Booster instead (and some 44mil cheaper)- you'll be dead or the laughing victor before cap becomes issue. for RvB newbs I would reccomend.. 1) Find a cruiser...
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    The New EVE: Apocrypha

    also when "cleaning" level 2's & 3's do Mission Mission Mission Mission Clean >> mission mission mission Clean.... etc is much quicker, also running 2/3 agents from same station/system helps wrecks and cans stay in space for 2hrs. bookmark wrecks and go back after a few mish's to clean up-...
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    The New EVE: Apocrypha

    iirc you need to increase standings to the NPC Corp you are running missions for. So think you need Fed Navy up to 4.8 (from your numbers). Standing increase gains come about from Storyline missions - so blitz 15/16 missions (courier missions are good for this) to get a storyline...
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    The New EVE: Apocrypha

    this makes sad pandas... :( the game is a lot about mental conditioning / auto-responses / instinct / doing stuff without thinking about it. DCU's use next to zero cap/very tiny amount, there is no reason not to have it turned on . Get into the habit of undock/jump...
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    The New EVE: Apocrypha

    NRDS = not red don't shoot. NBSI = not blue shoot ...instantly? get the gist of it but never quite sure what NBSI meant exactly.
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    8800 half dead - worth waiting?

    +1 oven, should fix/tide over for a bit, then something sparkly ATI. (me on 3rd, or 4th bake...:) )
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    The New EVE: Apocrypha

    negative. True Pirate (flashy) < -5.0 you are allowed to shoot and are doing a service to EvE and a doing the job for Concord (police) - no sec hit here, you can even pod them. people who have been just a little naughty -4.9 to -0.1, nope can't shoot those. overview for new players...
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    What is the best company for an ATI card?

    anyone know XFX ATI warranty details for Europe (UK to be exact) - the website seems to be standard form, 1year limited liability etc. oem 8800gtx just died after 18months, so warranty quite important factor for next purchase. Hear about the double-lifetime guarantee, but guess thats only...
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    First 5870 review on Guru3D !!

    yea thats not news or a "first" at all.. poor show.