The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion

Volley = How much damage you do with 1 round of all you weapons at the same time.

Also referred to as alpha.

Rails vs. blasters... Dunno. If you fit blasters you can work on the big stuff while the drones do the rest, you're right there to salvage/loot. Rails are quicker to pick out and shoot targets which requires less travel (bring your salvager back to loot.)

I'm looking forward to trying out a Domi in various configurations.
Just read the new Dev Blog on the Sov changes. Lots of changes coming and a lot of uncertainty. Funny seeing all the people going crazy over the next patch about what they're seeing on Singularity.

Everyone that logs onto Singularity needs this in their possession:



The sov bit sounds to be fairly well received (from what I can access @ work.) System upgrading otoh... What a shitstorm. IMO there's enough uncertainty to leave hope, and enough complaining to force changes.

It's actually a bit depressing to get to 0.0 and hear about how shitty 0.0 is for making isk, but I suspect that some of it is overblown. Anything that makes me *enough* isk to lose ships is good enough. I don't care about totally maximizing my earning potential.
A couple of questions, if you guys don't mind...

How much time do you think a person would have to spend to get the most of out EVE? (let's say hours per week)

How many hours per week to be useful to other people in your corp/guild?
A couple of questions, if you guys don't mind...

How much time do you think a person would have to spend to get the most of out EVE? (let's say hours per week)

How many hours per week to be useful to other people in your corp/guild?

Well here's how I look at it: the subscription cost for Eve Online is $15 a month on average. Assuming that an hour of Eve Online game time is worth a $1, I'd say playing at least 15 hours a month would let you get the most out of Eve.

As for the second question, it depends on what your corp has scheduled or does often. I know a couple of corps have one scheduled mining op that lasts about two hours on average per week. There's also a few other corps that have at least one scheduled roam or patrol that lasts about 2 hours as well. So basically it depends on the corp.
A couple of questions, if you guys don't mind...

How much time do you think a person would have to spend to get the most of out EVE? (let's say hours per week)

How many hours per week to be useful to other people in your corp/guild?

The best part of EVE as compared to other MMOs is that you become better even when you're not playing, by training skills. So even if you only have time to play on the weekends, you'll log in each week with new things you can do and new weapons or modules or ships to use. That's what has kept me playing.
The best part of EVE as compared to other MMOs is that you become better even when you're not playing, by training skills. So even if you only have time to play on the weekends, you'll log in each week with new things you can do and new weapons or modules or ships to use. That's what has kept me playing.

That's one of the biggest reasons I'm interested in playing. It sounds like it's one of the few games that doesn't leave the casual gamer behind.

Thanks for the replies btw
yes that is a nice side to the game, and I hear a million times better than the grind other mmo's have to face, being able to come back to new shiny stuff is always good (kind of why I didn't think removing ghost training was a bad idea.. more incentive to re-activate if you can now have fun flying that hac/recon, but oh well.. ).

Just beware of the carrot & stick aspect.... there is almost always something bigger/better/++efficient/different to aim for, which can get quite addictive......

got butt-r4ped by a domi few times, so thought.. hmm crosstrain for that, all good. now I hear dreads & carriers are quite nice.. hello Mr 156day skill plan....:rolleyes:

I started playing EVE a little over 8mths ago. One of the things that drew me to the game was, of course, its in space and has planets and stars, the whole "Final Frontier" type thing. Cool

I had my fair share of "other" MMO's and is part of the reason I never played EVE. I was tired of the cookie cutter, sprint to the next level type garbage that was out and had been out. I, NEEDED a game that had a challenge to it. Something which also didnt REQUIRE me to be in a group. Ive always felt that to be a bad game mechanic. Its my game, allow me to play it, dont take away my option of choice, wtf?

The options of choice in EVE are so HUGE, you will often times spend hours just sitting in dock, reading thru the library of items to choose. But, you are new and been gaming for awhile, you already know your not going to go PvP straight outta the gate, so your going to explore your surroundings for awhile. Your going to take the time to learn how to fly your rookie ship which is given to you and your going to earn a wee bit of ISK.

Next, your going to learn a bit more about your ship and its capabilities, or more importantly, what its fuction/purpose is used for as well as what its not.

The whole time all thats going on, you didnt engage a single thing, yet, you STILL skilled up.

Now, im going to say this here and now, though im far from any EVE expert, I can assure you as well as ANY other person who plays EVE.



DONT let it bother you!!!!

My last piece of advice to you is that you DO THE TUTORIALS!!!! Do ALL of the tutorials. Its down right imperative to you. The vastness of the menus and choices you have will make you dizzy, the tutorials will help to stop the room from spinning. It even has a lady-like computer voice that speaks to you and tells you what you need to do and why. It couldnt be easier.
... at which stage this PVP char will be a nerf proof sub BS expert. :D
HA! I doubt that, CCP will find a way to screw you over as well.
Some of the incoming nerfs with Dominion are just too hard to believe, but they will be real soon enough. One really has to wonder whether the devs actually play the game to understand how it works outside of theorycraft.
What they're doing to the Super Carriers is a slap in the face to anyone that's trained and put forth the effort to build and fly them. They are supposed to be prohibitively expensive and the end-game ship for most pilots. Dropping the build cost down to 5bil isk will only turn them into the next fleet ship for null-sec. When you have a fleet of Super Carriers all spider tanked with each other, you get something that can only be countered by... Wait for it... Another massive blob of Super Carriers & Titans.


And for once I was actually looking forward to this patch. :(
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Rage quitting. I must assume that ANYONE who has played EVE long enough, has had an experience/s which made them just totally flip out, want to reach into the game, grab hold of that other pilot, drag them thru the monitor and then kick them square in the nuts.

To say to someone that this game can be a challenge is a complete understatement.

The challenge isnt about learning how to fit your ship. It isnt about how to earn some ISK, comparatively, those are the easy thing about EVE to learn. The challenge is about.....How many times does it take for you to learn NOT to do something which ends up getting you killed. You read the warnings over and over. You've been told countless times...."Dont do that", but for infinite reasons, greed being at the top of the list, you go and do what you knew NOT to do. Then, you find yourself waking up in a clone lab.

But, you keep telling yourself....."Bahhh, that wont happen again. I cant get podded.....again. That one time was just a fluke." Ahh, but you are just being a dork and hard headed because next thing you know, you are once again, waking up in some clone lab, shaking off the bitch slap you just recieved for being a dork. But this time, yeah, this time, your getting very upset. You want to grab that other pilot, pull him thru the monitor, kick his nuts.....but the whole time, you know who's nuts need to be kicked. Your angry, its understandable, but its YOU your angry at.....for being that hard headed DORK.

Hello Folks. In case you have not figured it out. Yes....I, am the Dork.

You all may remember the loss of my Myrmidon.---Was in a .4 system called Egghelender (sp), one gate from the system Jel, a .6 system. Got jumped by 3 pirates, got podded, woke up in a clone lab. I knew the risks, but I did it anyways.

Since then, I went back to using my Thorax to do the L3 missions in Jel. Told myself I was just going to decline any mission that would take me into or thru low-sec...and I did. Declined quite a few actually. THEN................

I got this mission, it was a very good payout (for me anyways). 1500+ LP plus nearly 2mil for completion and on time. It had only 3 BC's and your standard array of cruisers, destroyers and frigates. Should be no problem. Except for just one thing......The mission was in a .6 system, but I had to go thru 2 low-sec systems to get there.

I do all the map checking and "number of ships destroyed in last hour" checking that I could, only one ship had been destroyed and no pods. So, I took the chance. Right about now is when someone should have slapped me, but, I play solo.....what can ya do, ehh. <rolls eyes>

I made it thru to the missions system just fine. Didnt see a single ship and local only showed 10 people in the area. Started the mission and next thing ya know, those 3 BC's and all the other ships spawned right on top of me and I was dead before I could even try to warp out, aligned or not. Gahhh, I couldnt believe it.

Back to the drawing board.

This time, I built a Brutix. Spent quite a bit of time in EFT trying out different fits. I finally get it built and like the Dork that I am, I go back thru the low-sec gate........HELLO!!!!!!! This time, I was met with an uncountable BLOB. A portion of my screen was nothing but RED and crossbones. If I were to put a number to the amount in the blob, I would say, at least 20 pirates. The thing about it is. this was a whole day later. Did the same checks on the map. Only one ship destroyed. So, I went thru and was met with a BLOB gate camp.

I didnt even get a chance to TRY to escape. I didnt even get a chance to try my new fit. Hell, I didnt even get a chance to fire my weapons at a rat or pirate. It was almost, and might as well be called, an insta-death.

I spent, in total, ohhh, maybe 35-40mil on that Brutix. Less than 2 minutes after It was built, it was gone. Pod, gone. Hello Mr. Clone Lab.

So, how many times does it take to learn NOT to go somewhere you shouldnt? For me. 5. LOL!!!

Whats the lesson learned here? Dont be a dork. Missions arent profitable if you die, so stay the hell out of low-sec, will ya.

^ If that post isn't a statement to the intricacy of this game I don't know what is.
The lesson is, don't fly ships you can't afford to lose.

I have saved up, bought a nice shiny ship only to lose it shortly after. After working for so long to get the isk too. It's very frustrating. So I stick to the cheap ships.

Problem is my clones are expensive. I guess 33million sp does that.
Whats the lesson learned here? Dont be a dork. Missions arent profitable if you die, so stay the hell out of low-sec, will ya.

Well another way lesson: If you do go into low-sec, have someone scout for you, preferably in either a T1 Frigate or a cloaky ship. Yeah your scout may die but the cost will be significantly cheaper than a 40mil BC.
^ If that post isn't a statement to the intricacy of this game I don't know what is.


The lesson is, don't fly ships you can't afford to lose.

I have saved up, bought a nice shiny ship only to lose it shortly after. After working for so long to get the isk too. It's very frustrating. So I stick to the cheap ships.

Problem is my clones are expensive. I guess 33million sp does that.


However, with most pilots early in the game or even months into the game, the thought that we are going to loose that ship doesnt exist, lol. That, in a nutshell, is the real challenge. Training your mind that in EVE, ANYTHING can happen, and it can happen ANYWHERE.
Well another way lesson: If you do go into low-sec, have someone scout for you, preferably in either a T1 Frigate or a cloaky ship. Yeah your scout may die but the cost will be significantly cheaper than a 40mil BC.

Or, in my case, since I dont really have anyone I play the game with....If going into low-sec, to hell with what the map says, buy a simple little scout ship for 10k and go look.

If going into low-sec, to hell with what the map says, buy a simple little scout ship for 10k and go look.


The only problem is that in the time it takes you to go back and get your real ratting ship, reds may have already moved into the systems you scouted already.

Or try to find a good player corp so you can use them as scouts.
My latest experiences have drawn up some questions...

1.) When I go thru a gate, I know that I am cloaked for something like 20 seconds when I emerge. But, at what point does someone who is already there, know that I am there? i.e. when can they see me on the Overview? Is it when I go thru, or is it when I become decloaked?

2.) Does a cloaked ship show up on the Overview at all?

3.) In the Local chat window....What exactly is it telling me when I see there are 10 people? i.e. Are those 10 people who are actually out flying around as well as the people who are docked or do people who are docked at a station not show up on the Local channel?

4.) Is there any way to know you are being shadowed by a cloaked ship? i.e. Is there a mod im unaware of which sends out a pulse wave of some sort and picks up any disturbance of its expansion?

5.) Scout Drones. Why do they not scout? As Danny Bui and I were just commenting on, sending a scout thru a low-sec gate to see what on the other side would be a smart thing to do. Shouldnt I be able to send a Scout Drone thru a gate and allow it to actually "Scout" the area for me? Or am I starting to pick up on some of the games flaws here? Its not a big issue really, Repair drones cant repair the very ship they are launched from, so....I guess drones are misnomers.

6.) Respectfully and realistically, what can one pilot take on in a PvP? 2 other similar ships? 3? Or is a 1v1, in similar ships, the norm? .....Scenario: I am in a safe spot. I scan down 2 ships sitting next to each other. One ship is a Drake, the other, a Ferox. I am in a Myrmidon/Brutix (flip a coin). Is this a fight I can take or skip it due to being outnumbered and find a ship which is solo to fight?
Hey Bro.....Dont hold back on me now. Why is the Jel gate camped?
On question 6..I guess what im asking is..What would YOU look for in a fight? In my scenario, would YOU take on that fight or pass?
1) The second you decloak, you show up on the overview
2) No. But you can fly around the gate trying to get within 2K of the cloaky ship in order to decloak it
3-4) See mashie's answers
5) Scout is just a name man.
6) It really depends as mashie said on a huge variety of factors like:
- What ships are being flown
- The competancy of the pilots
- The fittings of said ships (Web, scram, disruptor, neutralizers, etc are vital in PVP)
- Sheer luck sometimes
- The DPS and tanking involved
- The skills of the pilots
- The number of ships that can rush to the area to help their buddies

I've seen a Hound take down an unaware Myrm BC and a Vagabond HAC take down a poorly fitted Raven BS solo. So yeah, large number of factors are involved here.

In your hypothetical situation, if the two pilots had piss-poor fittings or were poorly piloted, there's a chance that you could take on both ships assuming that you have a good fit, know how to fly your BC, and are somewhat lucky.
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Change your Auto-pilot settings to "prefer safer" - think all high-sec systems are linked so there should be a way to avoid low-sec, even if it takes 10 more jumps. but yea, choose your agents better.. lvl 3's seem to send you 2 or 3 jumps out (pita), level 4's just one jump iirc.

and Saw - for future ref you should have waited 29seconds (longer the better, people get bored/distracted) and immediately have tried to re-approach the gate with full reps/hardeners/MWD on (and yes, you should be travelling with MWD on & refit for mission), overloaded if possible and tried to jump back through gate - obviously depends what they have going on, but unless a +10man gang are really incompetent/ or a huge region gate, you aren't going to be warping out, so better chance with the burn back tactic.

--side note... FW is quite good at getting you used to low-sec tactics/mechanics/pvp /blobfests.

Mashie/Danny ...seem to be some conflict .. can you be decloaked before the 30s jump cloak is up? have to say I thought could be done with the inty/drone assist swarm idea - but couldn't say for sure, anyone tested?

and oh yea.. stories rifters taking an hour to down ratting raven stories are stuff of lore...:)
SAW, what I used to do for missioning was:

1) Avoid agents near losec
2) Decline all losec missions (usually courier missions)

hth :p

When I get my second account trained up I'll be happy to scout, or perhaps lurk cloaked and attempt to cash in on your bait. A 2-man losec gang could be a lot of fun.

Been having some fun ratting with this Myrm fit:

High: 4x medium NOS, salvager, tractor
Med: MWD, web, mix of cap recharger IIs and Omnilink drone modules
Lo: 2x MAR and hardeners (and a DCU II for now)

Drones: 2x Ogres, 2x Hams, 1x Hob

Approach, NOS, web (so you can turn off the MWD), orbit and let the drones do their thing. 2x MARs to rep any damage.

One odd thing I *think* I saw--I had some armor/structure damaged drones but no remote hull repper in station, so I docked and checked my ship in the repair shop. It said 0.00 isk to repair all like nothing was broken. When I went out and launched the drones they were all at full health. Works for me!
Having a second account is ridiculously fun. I have it in a Covert Ops, which I use to cloaky-scout for juicy targets that are far away from the warp-in point (of an asteroid belt, say). I then get really close to them and then warp in with my gank main. They are completely caught off-guard :D

Reiterating that if you need a buddy invite, please PM me your e-mail address. You get a 21-day trial and if you subscribe I'll toss a bunch of ISK and goodies your way to help you along. My corp also has a public help channel that tends to be much more helpful than the Rookie Help Channel ;)
Change your Auto-pilot settings to "prefer safer"

choose your agents better.. lvl 3's seem to send you 2 or 3 jumps out (pita), level 4's just one jump iirc.

and Saw - for future ref you should have waited 29seconds (longer the better, people get bored/distracted) and immediately have tried to re-approach the gate with full reps/hardeners/MWD on (and yes, you should be travelling with MWD on & refit for mission), overloaded if possible and tried to jump back through gate - obviously depends what they have going on, but unless a +10man gang are really incompetent/ or a huge region gate, you aren't going to be warping out, so better chance with the burn back tactic.

--side note... FW is quite good at getting you used to low-sec tactics/mechanics/pvp /blobfests.

I could swear my settings were already on "safest route", will have to look into that.

Even though im 8+ months into the game, Im still quite the newb, but honestly, I dont think I would have even made it back to the gate cause as soon as my cloak dropped, I was immediately scramed. It was as if they knew exactly where I was...Im not just saying that either. It was IMMEDIATE scram. No bullshit.

I had been doing L3's in Jel for several weeks now. I hadnt had a single problem....that is, until my wallet started doing the thinking for me. All of my missions were always either in Jel or in Ation. Then, for some reason, I started getting back to back missions that took me into low-sec Egghelender. I declined a lot of them. I just got a bit too greedy and overly self confident that I could take on anything, lol.

So, you say they would have gotten bored and lost interest? Maybe Im reading too much into what you are saying, so correct me if im wrong...But, from what you are saying about them getting bored leads me to believe that they DID indeed know I was there, even though I was cloaked. If that is the case, HOW did they know I was there?

Damn... My corp just celebrated its sixth year in Eve. Seems only yesterday Seleene clicked the "Create Corp" button and we were pillaging Providence in Cruise-Missile Blackbirds and Rifters. Now I feel old. :D

Happy Birthday BDCI! \o/

Congrates!!! :) Ive often thought about joining a player run Corp. but I can not commit for nothing. I cant be counted on to be in the game at specified times and feel as though I would be more of nuisance to any corp than an asset.

SAW, what I used to do for missioning was:

1) Avoid agents near losec
2) Decline all losec missions (usually courier missions)

When I was doing L2's and started to do L3's, I did stay wayyy away from low-sec agents. The only problem with that though was I had, what seemed to be, limited options on agents that were "decent". By that, I mean, had a decent quality to them. I went from making 2-3mil in loot and wrecks at a "safe" agent to (usually) more than double that by doing kill missions in Jel. Hell, just in Bounty and mission completion payout, I was bringing in nearly 4mil alone. Add in the wrecks and loot, well, there were several times I made 10mil+. I remember one time, I got 12 of those Titanium bar whatchits. At 250k each, I made quite the haul. So, things like that kept me in Jel doing missions. I just got cocky is all, lol. Paid the price for it too, big time. But, in of itself, the experience I gained from the mistakes cant be bought.

Having a second account is ridiculously fun. I have it in a Covert Ops, which I use to cloaky-scout for juicy targets that are far away from the warp-in point (of an asteroid belt, say). I then get really close to them and then warp in with my gank main. They are completely caught off-guard :D

Reiterating that if you need a buddy invite, please PM me your e-mail address. You get a 21-day trial and if you subscribe I'll toss a bunch of ISK and goodies your way to help you along. My corp also has a public help channel that tends to be much more helpful than the Rookie Help Channel ;)

Im beside myself on this. Having a 2nd account........Hmmm. Im in it for $15 a month now. Double that for another account when the 'ol lady already on my case about the $15. :rolleyes: I can see where it would be beneficial to have a 2nd account. I dont have a 2nd computer (well, i do, but its really not worthy of plugging in), but I suppose I could run both accounts from this computer in a windowed mode (would just need to get a magnifying glass to read :D)

How some of you guys run 3, 4, or more accounts at one time is oblivious to my cognitive thought processes. Honestly....Thats just insane, lol.

Thanks for the replies guys.....
Paying for more than 1 month at a time drops the price as low as ~$10 a month. Also, I try to pay with PLEX when possible :D free Eve!

I do have one monitor per account, rather than running in small windows.
It was as if they knew exactly where I was...Im not just saying that either. It was IMMEDIATE scram. No bullshit.
I just got a bit too greedy and overly self confident that I could take on anything, lol.
So, you say they would have gotten bored and lost interest? Maybe Im reading too much into what you are saying, so correct me if im wrong...But, from what you are saying about them getting bored leads me to believe that they DID indeed know I was there, even though I was cloaked. If that is the case, HOW did they know I was there?

They don't get that bored in 29seconds mate !! :) Its gate activation that gives you away- when u jump in the gate does the funky thing and everyone wakes up, puts thumb on control (hover f1 for point) and waits for you to de-cloak.

What I was saying is, that those 29 seconds can be an awfully long time when you are waiting/watching local, someone else might jump in, hostile gang gets reported, tackler goes for a piss /internets break etc etc... also raises doubts over whether a real jump in/out.. things can get confusing. makes little difference, but the game is all about little differences.

A sensor boosted inteceptor would be able to lock and scram a BC hull in about a second, so thats pretty immediate -you can still move & jump back through gate when pointed (2pt scram with 13k range disables MWD though).... you decloak about 15k(?) from the gate and jump range is 2.5K... so you have 12.5 clicks to get back to gate before you get blown to smitherines...

With overloaded MWD on a BC, without being webbed will take maybe 13-15secs... include webbing.. maybe 20secs on a good/lucky day. DPS ships take about 5 seconds to get a lock on..... its a some you win / some you lose situation, but you have a chance:eek:.

Also in all honesty... level 4 missions make a ton more isk than level 3's - try get these asap ...
pre-firing point is a contentious one I'd say.. I had more luck with insta-f1'ing on lock vs mod activation delay with pre.. might check this again next time in tackle.

fair point on the inty, forgot flashies.....but Sentry aggro across standard 10-15 pie gang shouldn't be too bad - but meh... remote sensor booster AF then, lock time is negligble :)

Yea BC's might mostly be dead in the water, but instapop? dunno about that & seeing lot more rigged BC's since size changes. Bleh, all situational anyway, take your chance really.
Those are some sweet lookin pics Mashie. I cant wait to see them for myself. Just a few more weeks :)

Im trying to get to L4's. This is the main reason why Im in Jel to begin with...cause Its the only L3 agent with a low quality thats also in high-sec that is unlocked for me. Doing missions for The Federation Navy. I could go into a bit safer system, but the quality is in the negative.

I have to keep on doing L3's untill.....for one, I make back the major losses Ive had and 2, untill I can afford a BS.

I already have one L4 agent unlocked and that agent is in Ation, another .6 system right next door. However, when I looked it up in the EVE missions thingy, It told me there were 6 battleships I would have to contend with and, well, atm, I dont feel I can take on a battleship. So, for me, its grind grind grind until I have my own BS.

Can a Brutix/Myrmidon take on L4 missions? I would think that I could....or at least, some L4 missions. But this past week has somewhat wiped me of confidence and im a bit timid to even give it a shot. I had my Thorax, Myrmidon and Brutix loaded up with some pretty expensive gear and the latest casualty was yet, another Vexor that I just lost last night. All of those losses has taken its toll on my wallet, so for now, I really have no other options but to do the missions I know I can do and start saving up again.

I lost the Vexor I just built after loosing the Brutix. I was trying to do the L3 missions in a cheap ship with not so top of the line fittings. Although this time I didnt loose the ship to pirates, I lost it to those damn missle silos again. Those things just chew me up and in this mission, there were 4 of them and one of them webbed me. I tried taking out the webber first thing, but I had warped to 70km when I entered the mission instead of the normal "warp to zero". I cant believe those things can web from such a distance. I didnt want to turn tail at the first site of a problem, so I tried to defend myself, but, heh, as usual, I took a bit too long to actually try to warp out and they got me.

I also cant seem to stop trying out new fittings for my ships. Its an addiction I tell ya. I keep on thinking that there is another way to fit the ship to make it better, make it tougher, faster, stronger. Move outta the way 6million dollar man.

I also cant seem to stop thinking that I can better myself by having a TOUGH shield, regardless of what the norm is (armor). I had my shields for Thermal and Kinetic right there at about 79%. Those missles went right thru it as though it wasnt even there. I honestly dont see how anyone can shield tank a damn thing, lol. Yeah, I know the Gallente class ships arent meant for shield tanking really and is probably why it sucks so bad for these ships. I "had" to see it for myself though.

Now, im back in a Thorax and back to my standard fit which got me to this far....that is, prior to me experimenting with different shield fittings, heh. Went back to complete that mission and strangely, even though I had ZERO shield fittings, I seemed to tank those missles alot better, dunno why though.

Out of the 2 ships, the Vexor and the Thorax, I'll take the Thorax any day. The Vexor has more drone space, aside from that, the Thorax a wayyy better ship. Doubt I will ever use a Vexor again.
I also cant seem to stop thinking that I can better myself by having a TOUGH shield, regardless of what the norm is (armor). I had my shields for Thermal and Kinetic right there at about 79%. Those missles went right thru it as though it wasnt even there. I honestly dont see how anyone can shield tank a damn thing, lol. Yeah, I know the Gallente class ships arent meant for shield tanking really and is probably why it sucks so bad for these ships. I "had" to see it for myself though.
Dude, just start training for Caldari or make a Caldari alt if you really want to do shield tanking. Shield tanking does work and some of the best tanking ships in the game are Caldari shield tankers due to shield tanking bonuses. Not such a good idea with the Brutix or Myrmidon considering that they have armor tanking bonuses.

So again, learn how to armor tank with Gallente. Once you get the proper fit, you can easily tank multiple BCs with a Gallente Myrm or Brutix.

However, there are shield tanking Gallente fits but those tend to be for PVP battles where there are Logistics ships or at least their T1 variants around to shield rep. Hell I'm flying a shield tanked sniper Brutix setup and it's worked remarkably well so far in the PVP fights I've been in. Then again, I'm usually not the one getting shot at so there's that....

Out of the 2 ships, the Vexor and the Thorax, I'll take the Thorax any day. The Vexor has more drone space, aside from that, the Thorax a wayyy better ship. Doubt I will ever use a Vexor again.

The Vexor has its uses but not as a mission boat. However for suicide ganking and light pirating, Vexors are good choices, especially once fitted with a Neut or a NOS.
Then again, I'm usually not the one getting shot at so there's that....

My gawd man....You just made my day right there, laughed my ass off. Needed a good laugh too, thanks :)

I agree, my Tengu with a 1000dps omni shield tank is just an imagination ;)

I can see I made a bad choice of words when I said that about the shields. Instead of using the word "shield tanking", how bout I revise that to "shield resists". When I did those shield fittings, I didnt use actual HP adjusting mods, I used the shield versions of the Armor Hardeners as well as trying to squeeze in some mods which boosted the repair speed of my shields. Perhaps I just used the wrong ones??? I dunno. Ship bonuses aside for a moment...My thinking on the situation was, well, like a said a moment ago....Instead of Armor Hardeners, I used Shield Hardeners. Couldnt find a shield equalivent to the Armor Repairer though :rolleyes:....but now that I wrote that down, heh, I can understand why. Armor is a thing, Shields are energy....DUH!!

Anyhoo....Its not that I "want" to use shields or a shield based ship really, I guess its more along the line of game mechanics I was thinking about. """If they have to shoot away the shields before they get to my armor, then by all means, make the shields stronger so they dont get to the armor""". That was the premises of thought behind me trying to use shields for a Gallente ship.

I hate to completely change the page of topic here and risk sounding like a complete EVE moron (heh), but honestly, wth is the difference between "Null-Sec" and "Low-Sec"? From my point of view, they "appear" to be the same thing. All I really know about it is that they are both places I can be shown the gutts of my ship in mere seconds.

Also, at which point did you guys decide to leave High-Sec and start doing things in low-sec? I mean.....was it when you made, say, 212mil ISK....was it when you achieved a certain sp level or got particular skills trained? I guess what Im asking is....What finally "pushed" you to low-sec?
I can see I made a bad choice of words when I said that about the shields. Instead of using the word "shield tanking", how bout I revise that to "shield resists". When I did those shield fittings, I didnt use actual HP adjusting mods, I used the shield versions of the Armor Hardeners as well as trying to squeeze in some mods which boosted the repair speed of my shields. Perhaps I just used the wrong ones??? I dunno. Ship bonuses aside for a moment...My thinking on the situation was, well, like a said a moment ago....Instead of Armor Hardeners, I used Shield Hardeners. Couldnt find a shield equalivent to the Armor Repairer though :rolleyes:....but now that I wrote that down, heh, I can understand why. Armor is a thing, Shields are energy....DUH!!

Shield hardners (like armour resists):
Shield boosters (like amour reppers):
Shield extenders (like plate...but no speedloss):

Then you have all sort of passive resists, shield power even have a skill (tatical shield manipulation) that allows for ZERO bleedthrough to as long as you have shield, nothing hits your amour.

Anyhoo....Its not that I "want" to use shields or a shield based ship really, I guess its more along the line of game mechanics I was thinking about. """If they have to shoot away the shields before they get to my armor, then by all means, make the shields stronger so they dont get to the armor""". That was the premises of thought behind me trying to use shields for a Gallente ship.

Sometimes you can surpise people by doing things diffrently...i have seen amourplated Ravens...

I hate to completely change the page of topic here and risk sounding like a complete EVE moron (heh), but honestly, wth is the difference between "Null-Sec" and "Low-Sec"? From my point of view, they "appear" to be the same thing. All I really know about it is that they are both places I can be shown the gutts of my ship in mere seconds.

Also, at which point did you guys decide to leave High-Sec and start doing things in low-sec? I mean.....was it when you made, say, 212mil ISK....was it when you achieved a certain sp level or got particular skills trained? I guess what Im asking is....What finally "pushed" you to low-sec?

Lowsec still have gateguns that will shoot you if you pod null-sec you are free to gate agression, no security status loss...
My gawd man....You just made my day right there, laughed my ass off. Needed a good laugh too, thanks :)

NP man. Yeah most of the time I hang back around 50K and just shooting at whatever the primary is. It's usually the tackle (either T1 frigates or Interceptors) that get shot at the most.

I hate to completely change the page of topic here and risk sounding like a complete EVE moron (heh), but honestly, wth is the difference between "Null-Sec" and "Low-Sec"? From my point of view, they "appear" to be the same thing. All I really know about it is that they are both places I can be shown the gutts of my ship in mere seconds.

In addition to Atech's answer, another definition: low-sec is any system that has security status betwee 0.1 to 0.4. Null sec is 0.0.

Also, at which point did you guys decide to leave High-Sec and start doing things in low-sec? I mean.....was it when you made, say, 212mil ISK....was it when you achieved a certain sp level or got particular skills trained? I guess what Im asking is....What finally "pushed" you to low-sec?

Well for me, I wanted to kill other ships owned by an actual person. Got a tad bored of constantly doing missions. In addiiton, I was in a training/sister corp of a much larger and null-sec based PVP oriented corp. While in that training corp, I learned a ton of PVP information and training. In fact, I learned more about Eve Online in general in my first two weeks with the training corp than I did in two months of playing Eve Online while in a NPC corp. Anyway, due to some special circumstances, I was rushed into that larger PVP corp ahead of the minimum SP required (3.5Mil SP) for that corp (I had 3Mil SP). So that's how I ended up in null-sec. Moved myself down to null sec without trouble (so glad for jump bridges!) and I'm now based in the Providence region.

Now my days consists of ratting, roams, defence fleets, cover for mining ops, hauling, pirate hunting (first to die but then again I am the tackle), HED runs, escort/scout duty for some of our newer members, etc. A bit more exciting than when I was up in high-sec. :) Becoming a bit of a kill-mail whore actually....LOL!

My advice: Find a corp that actually owns or is part of an alliance that owns a system in null-sec if you want to go down to null-sec. You'll gain a base to stay, the experience of experienced PVP pilots to draw upon, etc.

Also, I'd recommend any new player of Eve (or even intermediate) to check out these guides:

For you SAW, make sure you read the "New Player Guide to Tanking" :)
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Link bookmarked and read :) (will the learning ever end, lol)

Last night, I discovered that while looking at who killed me (that blob that was gate camping in Egghelende that destroyed my Brutix), there is a little icon that looks like a piece of notebook paper that I can click and copy. Actually, I had seen it before but never really knew why I would want to copy that stuff.

This time, I copied it and pasted it in the ingame notebook to see what was there. MUCH better info on the guys who killed me....thats whats there, LOL!!!

Out of that blob, 6 of them are the ones who got me.
They were all in multiple faction corps but all in one alliance corp named Dead Terrorists.

The 6 ships that got me were:

1 - Legion
1 - Abaddon
2 - Tempests
1 - Cerberus
1 - Devoter

Just thought I'd throw that out there in case you guys have any further advice of things I could have done to avoid them. :)
Re: Shield vs. armor tanking

I'm finding that it's all about your mentality. PvE fits... screw it, slap some tank in the midslots. Potentially getting ganked (or ganking,) you need those midslots for disruptors/webs, and maybe something in the hi's (cloak) and los (tracking/targeting--bleeds into the mids, plus agility/speed/stab for protection/ganking.)

Basically, the fits get far more interesting when out of PvE. During PvE just about anything works once you have enough tank to survive some of that long range stuff. Caldari range bonuses kick ass for taking out those neut/web/sentry towers. With Gallente, you move in and tank the damage. Use those armor rep bonuses!