The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion


Nov 13, 2005
Howdy [H] and other EVE dwellers :)

I thought it would be due time to start up a fresh thread about EVE with its newest expansion coming out in December. The Apocrypha thread can be found here - If your new to EVE or thinking of giving it a try, that thread has tons of very useful information to help you get started.

This thread will be a continuation of the Apocrypha thread, so anything EVE related, feel free to discuss here.

Dominion is the newest chapter in the EVE Online game, due out early December. For those of us who recently started playing EVE or have been playing for several months, the Dominion expansion wont change much of what we already see and play with our gaming experience. This expansion is, for the most part, geared to change how business and faction warfare is conducted in 0.0 space. Though, there will be some modest changes to the graphics which we all will get to experience, such as the Planets. Each one will be unique and visually stunning.

To date, everything in 0.0 space, from faction warfare to territorial control of systems was all labeled under the name "Sovereignty" If you are relatively new to the game, you might be wondering, WTH is Sovereignty?

  • Sovereignty - supreme and independent power or authority in government as possessed or claimed by a state or community.
A fitting name IMO, considering what you had to go thru to claim territory.

Dominion is basically changing how the actual mechanics of Sovereignty was played out, to put it in a nutshell.

  • Dominion - a territory constituting a self-governing commonwealth and being one of a number of such territories united in a community of nations, or empire
I found this outline here ...
  • No sovereignty levels. You either have sovereignty or you do not.

  • A new module will be introduced that allows an alliance to 'plant a flag' in a system.

  • "Infrastructure": This is going to be a major aspect of sovereignty moving forward. Alliances will need to keep stargates running in systems they hold. This means alliances will need to focus more on building up their infrastructure and really tapping the potential of their held space, rather than going Manifest Destiny on New Eden. There will be three broad types of infrastructure -- military, economic, and industrial.

  • Dominion will balance out the relative 'value' of space, as the income alliances gain from sovereignty is less about having a much-coveted location and more about the investment of time, money, and effort to make that space lucrative.

  • "Dominion Tools": EVE will get a Sovereignty Dashboard of sorts, which will give alliance directors up-to-the-minute information about what is happening in the solar systems claimed by the alliance. CCP also says that "you will be able to see where the efforts of your alliance are going, what areas of space are being developed and how you as a member, director, or executor might help."

To myself, this Dominion expansion sounds pretty cool. But I also know that to other EVE players who have been playing in 0.0, Sovereignty has been their way of life ingame. EVE will change for them, so I can respect there's going to be some upset people with Dominion.

With this expansion, I had wondered if, somehow, someway, the change would have an impact on items in the marketplace. Then I read about how these stations or POS (player owned station/structure) use "fuel" to run them. That fuel being moon minerals of sorts. Obviously, these minerals are mined from moons which these POS' have "Sovereignty" over. So, there is no doubt, there are lots of people who's income came from the mining of this ore/mineral and its eventual sell upon the market.

So, will the Dominion expansion have an impact on the market? I would have to say, eventually, yes. Will it be a negative or positive, Hmmm, I dunno. I can see it having a trickle down effect in some areas of the market right off....but then, I can also see how it could eventually sway prices across the board....eventually anyways. I dont think things will get to out of hand though. I just think that with some items, their price will definately go up, but at the same time, other items will also change and become cheaper to buy. In actuality, when it comes right down to it, the market is always changing anyways. Items are always constantly changing prices, cheaper here, more expensive there. The main change will be the type of item.

All in all, Im looking forward to Dominion. Here are some of those new planet graphics we will get from the expansion. I know graphics aren't everything, but their still cool :cool:


Check out that Horizon!!!!


Very Nice. I like the cloud swirl.




Excellent....Looks like city lights and streets.


Cool lookin lakes!!!

Pics taken from this thread at the EVE forums.

Author -

Danke fuer den Fisch

Yeah, its just eye candy, but its COOL regardless.
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I'm still a high-sec noob (<30 days) in my starting NPC corp so the biggest change I'm probably going to see is the new in-game web browser. The current one is quite possibly the worst graphical web browser ever. With Dominion, a new browser based on Google Chromium comes. The new browser will be fast enough to actually use & actually be able to render tables properly.

I'm stoked.
I'm still a high-sec noob (<30 days) in my starting NPC corp so the biggest change I'm probably going to see is the new in-game web browser. The current one is quite possibly the worst graphical web browser ever. With Dominion, a new browser based on Google Chromium comes. The new browser will be fast enough to actually use & actually be able to render tables properly.

I'm stoked.

Heh, yeah, I also noticed that it took quite a bit of time for something to load up too. I stopped using it and just alt-tab out now.

Im very stoked too, cant wait...
I just started this game 6 months ago and one thing that stuck out was the bland planet textures. Now I know graphics are back burner in game of this depth, it just seemed odd that they didn't even make an effort to make them look good. I'm glad to see that change. As for all the Dominion stuff I'm still a noob so it's difficult for me to relate.
I am fascinated by EVE but have yet to give it a try.

My main concern is this: do you have to invest massive amounts of time to get the EVE experience?

I don't have that much time I can invest in playing an MMO so if I am just going to be constantly kicked around by other, more devoted, players, I don't think this will be for me.

Thanks for any replies :)
From what I understand in Eve there is no one "end game" like other MMOs. The "end game" is what ever you make it to be. It is a very open ended game. I do mean very.
I am fascinated by EVE but have yet to give it a try.

My main concern is this: do you have to invest massive amounts of time to get the EVE experience?

I don't have that much time I can invest in playing an MMO so if I am just going to be constantly kicked around by other, more devoted, players, I don't think this will be for me.

Thanks for any replies :)

EVE's like no other MMO that I'm aware of. You can specialize in a specific ship type in very little time, all time spent literally not playing the game if you choose since you train even while logged off. Since everyone is constrained by ships no matter how many skillpoints they have, all you have to do is learn how to combat certain ships or just don't go up against the wrong type of ship with a ship not designed to attack it. Lots of EVE happens in parallel, so you can easily have a blast and make a difference even if you're fairly new.
I am fascinated by EVE but have yet to give it a try.

My main concern is this: do you have to invest massive amounts of time to get the EVE experience?

I don't have that much time I can invest in playing an MMO so if I am just going to be constantly kicked around by other, more devoted, players, I don't think this will be for me.

Thanks for any replies :)

Time is relative my friend. Any game out there takes "time" to play and "time" to be good at it. A better way of looking at it is like this...The amount of time that goes by from right now till next Sunday will always be the same, no matter "what" you do with that time, that Sunday is going to come. And the next Sunday after that, and the next and the next etc etc. If you dont choose to play EVE, your going to choose to play "something". If that game takes you a week to complete, then your out looking for another. That one takes you a month to complete. Now, that week plus that month, 5 weeks still came and went regardless of you playing those games, you found the "time" to play them at YOUR convience.

Once you start EVE, you can be set in a Frigate and fighting in the Red vs. Blue wars. You can pretty much be doing anything in the game. But its up to YOU to learn.

Ive been playing for almost 8 months now. I have a wife and 2 kids and a full time job. I only have a few hours here and there at night to play. There is no "grinding" for experience points in this game, there are no levels to attain. The skills you will be required to learn can be learned while your not playing the game. If you cant get to a computer for a week, no problem. Toss in a skill with a 5 day training "time" and when you come back, its trained up.

So, does it take alot of commitment? Not really.
My main concern is this: do you have to invest massive amounts of time to get the EVE experience?

I don't have that much time I can invest in playing an MMO so if I am just going to be constantly kicked around by other, more devoted, players, I don't think this will be for me.
Yes and no. Obviously folks who have been playing the game for years (literally, one of my chars turned 6 just a few days ago) will have the advantage of experience over someone who is just starting out.

However, the benefit of playing EVE over a different MMO is that you "level up" while you are sleeping. Your skillpoints increase while you are offline. In addition a pilot with fairly minimal skillpoints can have a lot of fun in the game by joining a factional warfare corp and just enjoy cheap frigate based skirmish action.

EVE's playerbase tends to be older and more mature and hence more forgiving when RL comes first. Though older and more mature is relative as there are entire alliances proving the opposite. Still, imho EVE has a lot to offer to a casual gamer.
Welp, it has been over 56days since I last lost a ship.....Until last night.

No....Noo. I didnt loose my Myrmidon. I fitted out a Rifter for doing some WH probing and surveillance, also was multi-fitted with PvE fitting in case I came across anything I thought I could take on once I found the WH's.

I loaded that Rifter UP!!!! Dropped at least 10mil (probably more) on just mods and rigs. In retrospect, I suppose I should have not fitted the ship to do a double duty like that and just made a simple Frigate fitting for doing 100% probing and scouting then just came back to bookmarks with my BC.

The first WH I found, took me.....ohh, about 35min to locate. Then when I finally warped to it and read the info on it....I was surprised and what it said. It was a WH that lead to the Domain System .8 High-sec. To understand the "surprise".......also know I was in the Sing Laison System, a .7 system which was only 2 jumps from Dodixie.

I went ahead and jumped thru and went to a few places to have a look. Hadnt ever been to the Domain system before. Wasnt too bad lookin. Stations sure did look different though.

After I came back thru the WH, I wanted to see the distance it was to where I was just at a few moments ago. 29 jumps away.......HOLY SHISTERS.......that, to me, was just sooo cool. That WH, to a Trader, could have been very lucrative and healthy to his/her wallet. Imagine that...jumping thru a gate like that in some sort of hauler filled with stuff from the Domain area bought real cheap and then 2seconds later, your 29 jumps away and 2 jumps from Dodixie.

The Entrepreneur in me started thinking about going back thru the WH and seeing if I could sell the location of the WH to someone. But nahhh...I was itchin to find a WH that took me beyond. So I just bookmarked the place and kept my mouth shut :)

But, later on, I did manage to find a WH that took me to that "beyond". Once thru, I started my probing again. Found 2 complexes. Went to the first one, warping in to 50km. Ahhhh, neat stuff. There were 5 different ships flying around about 40km from me. I bookmarked, then left to my safe spot I made.

And then............

I went to the 2nd spot I found. Again, warping in to 50km. As soon as I warped in......there were 5 of those damn missile silos along with a few ships. I immediately turned 180 degrees, hit the mwd and looked for a place to warp to. My ship got a direct hit with something that looked like an electrical charge of some also took out all my shields and then some with one shot. I started to enter into warp when all of a sudden..I hear that familiar tone.....I just got an EVEmail, which that tone always goes off right prior to my ship exploding. Lost my damned expensive Rifter to a damned missile silo. Gawd I hate those things...

So...I warp back home, grabbed my Myrmidon and........did some L3 missions. heh.
So does this change get rid of POS shooting or make it less painful? Is this new 'flag planting' mechanic a tower or other structure to be defended, or a function of how many POS you have in-system?
So does this change get rid of POS shooting or make it less painful? Is this new 'flag planting' mechanic a tower or other structure to be defended, or a function of how many POS you have in-system?
The flag is a structure that needs to be anchored, but it doesn't have to be anchored at a POS. However, anyone in their right mind will anchor it next to a Deathstar POS anyway.

POS shooting is going away a little since you don't need to shoot 432074032 sov holding towers per system anymore. POS shooting is going away a lot because there's really no benefit to keeping sov in the majority of the systems that have sov today.

The current upkeep of a single system (on the test server) is 280 mil per month. Unless sov provides substantial benefits to recoup those costs folks will not be inclined to maintain sov just because (with the exception of those alliances who will continue to hold sov for roleplaying reasons).
you will have to shoot the hub though which has something like 6x the hp of a POS
For those of you who would like to read a bit more technical outlines on what Dominion has in store for EVE, have a look at these links. They are quick reads, so go read them :)

Heh, the funny thing is, after you read them, if your like me, your going to end up having more questions than you did before you read anything. But, thats what this thread is for, so ask away...
I havent really gotten into EVE still stuck on WoW :( I know I know, But I'm gonna attempt to make the jump, just now downloading the 14 day trial.

Wish me luck!
Good Luck Daeldus and have fun......Oh yeah, and DO the TUTORIALS!!! Your going to need to know the info it provides you with and you get some free ships out of the deal too.
You know, I keep trying EVE and can't get it to stick. I'm guessing I'll give it another go with Dominion hitting.
Been out of Eve for several months now, crap maybe coming up on a year since I've played. My old character had, I dunno, close to 40 mil points I think. I've been thinking about getting back into it... anyone have an open spot in a 0.0 corp?
Daeldus, PM me your email address and I will send you a 21 day trial.

yea this tbh, in all honesty I think 14days is not enough to get into the game, the extra week on trial is very very good and where you will start actively engaging in the EVE world ....(7days of wtf is going on moments/boring learning skills, 7 more getting the hang of things/see & set goals etc, and final 7 to actually play & get kicking some ass).

Really most people who post here will be able to give a 21 day trial and a ton of help (which is v.v..v.helpful/profitable to newbies) too if you pm them and activate via their link. and in this game, its all about ur buddies.. ;)
Indeed, PM me with your e-mail for a Buddy Invite link, which gives you a 21-day trial. If you end up signing up, I'll get a free month of gametime and will toss you a bunch of money and ships in return for the favor :)
I'll get in line for those who want a 21-day trial, I am still offering the 225mil in return.
Even though I'm just your typical carebear, I couldn't be more stoked about Dominion, and it's not just because they're giving my Navy Megathron some nice buffs. The new sov system sounds so great to a small corp dude like me, I can't believe the system has been like it is for years. Who does NOT want smaller-time corps to have their own systems? Literally everyone wins. Carebears like me get out of highsec like CCP wants me to, pirates get more targets, corps make friends or enemies... Still blows my mind that Sov has been so broken for so long.

It's also going to be interesting* to see how much Navy Domis are going to go for on December 2nd.

* By this I mean disgusting.
It's also going to be interesting* to see how much Navy Domis are going to go for on December 2nd.

* By this I mean disgusting.

2 billion the first day, settling to 1.5 within a week and 1 billion after a month. I bet it'll take 2-3 months to completely flatten out, particularly since it's FW only :(
FW LP are actually pretty easy to get. With a crew of four you can average 50k lp per hour per person, one Inty and 3x bombers.
EDIT: Well, those are all well trained toons, not 2 week old characters, but still. Hearsay is that you can get close to 100k per hour per character, but while you can probably get more than 50k if you really push it, 100k is imho out of reach.
EVE is starting to catch my interest... I still have a lot of reading to do, of course. Is there an [H] Corp, or a Corp that most people here are in? I see the website is down.
Is there an [H] Corp, or a Corp that most people here are in?

No [H] corp in Eve any longer. It seems we're all in a smattering of corps around the universe. I'm sure talking to anyone here would get you in touch with a corp that would fit your need. Please keep in mind that a lot of corps do have restrictions on Minimum skill point allowed.
EVE is starting to catch my interest... I still have a lot of reading to do, of course. Is there an [H] Corp, or a Corp that most people here are in? I see the website is down.

I can get you into a fledgeling alliance just starting up where I have a couple friends. It depends on what you want to do, they are very industry oriented but trying to ramp up PVP.
In last nights gaming session, I was given a mission which had a relatively high payout (for me) if completed along with a near, 1000LP bonus. The problem though, the mission was in low-sec. A .4 system called Eggleldear (Im tellin ya, the names of these systems, I just cant pronounce for nothing). It was only 1 jump away from where the agent was giving me the mission.

I was skeptical of taking on the mission since it would put me in low-sec, but that LP bonus.....Hmmm, I had to give it a try.

I looked at the star map and looked to see how many people had been killed along with how many pods were destroyed in the last hour. There was only 1 kill, 1 pod kill. Hmmmm....Against my own instinct, I went ahead and gave it a try.

The mission was EASY. Had no problems with it at all.

But then.........Just as I was warping out and I do mean that, the computer voice had already initiated warp protocols. Bammmm!!!!! My ship never entered warp. I was like.....Ohhhhh shit!!! And just when I said that, not 1, not 2, but 3 pirates decloaked.

They shot me down to about half armor then stopped and sent me a message.........

I more or less quote ""Eject NOW or we will destroy you and your pod"".

I tried for mercy and replied "Common man, dont destroy me, I just got this ship".

They replied back "" EJECT NOW, YOU HAVE 20 SECONDS"".

Then I replied... "I CHOOSE DEATH".

Soon after, I was destroyed and despite me trying to warp out as soon as it happened, my pod was also stuck and couldnt warp out anywhere. They podded me soon after.

Thankfully, I had the highest payout for my ship which gave me back 40million. I went and calculated how much it would cost me to rebuy another Myrmidon along with everything else I had fitted into it, including rigs. It was going to cost me 52mil.

Soo, all in all, I was out 12mil ISK. Not too bad of a loss. The cool thing was, I had just killed the last of the rats in that mission, so I still got the mission completed......or so I thought. I went back to the agent to turn in the mission and then realized.....OH CRAP!!!! Part of that mission was to get 40units of some Viral something something. The problem with that is....I had just collected those 40units right before they appeared, so the Viral units were in my cargohold when they destroyed me. FAWK!!!!

On a whim....I decided to take my Atron back to the scene of the crime (glad im in the habit of bookmarking things). I had this Atron fitted for probing and had a MWD fitted to it. Its speed is just under 3600 km/s. So, I warped back to the spot at about 100km. Figuring, if they were still there, I should be far enough away from them that they couldnt disrupt my warp drive and being in such a small ship, they wouldnt want anything to do with me.

When I got there, they were gone....or at least, they werent on my overview. To my surprise though.....ALL of my wrecks were still there. They didnt loot a single one of them. Also to my surprise, my Myrmidon's wreck was still there too. So, with a quickness, I go back to my wreck, check the cargo and sure enough, they left my stuff in the wreck too. All that was missing in my wreck was my 250mm Prototype rails and my rigs. Everything else was still there, ammo, drones and most importantly, the 40 Viral Units.

I quickly grabbed all my stuff and warped back to Jel system to my agent and turned in my mission. 100% complete and still, within time to get my bonus.

Earlier, prior to going back out to the scene. Ive got to admit, I was quite upset with them. Fukin pirates. I sent one of them a message saying "One day, I will have my revenge". And then, I decided I would throw out a bluff, just to see what would happen. I told them I had several friends who are in the Goonswarm and they are already in that system looking for you. Good Luck!!!!"

Perhaps my empty threat is what made them vacate the area, I dunno. Their history showed they have been playing for about a year and a half, so perhaps, they were immune to threats like that, I'll never know. I never heard back from them.

Something else though, and this is a pure assumption. I think a tactic Pirates use to get you off guard is to send you a Fleet Invite. You get this pop up on your screen blocking your view and unless you just immediately say no to the invite, you end up sitting there reading who sent it to ya and trying to figure out, who the hell it was trying to invite ya....During that time your spending reading, the Pirates warp to your location and warp scram ya because you were too busy NOT paying attention.

Thats just an assumption of mine, but it makes sense and kinda clever for them to do that too. I however, didnt fall for that though. I read the name of the person sending the invite, knew I didnt know that person and clicked no. It was about that time, I was getting those 40 Viral units. Soon after is when they showed Im kinda just putting the pieces together of what happened.

Later on, I wanted to give a stab at probing FOR that same system. I went and bought a Maulus cause this was the cheapest Frig that had enough CPU to allow me to use a Combat Probe.

I fitted everything up and went out to have a LOOKSEE. As I was out making safespots. Once again, I get another "stranger" inviting me to a Fleet. I quickly click no and immediately hit the "warp to" button to one of several safe spots I had already made. As soon as I got to one safe spot, I immediately warped to another, and then another which put me on the complete opposite side of the system than where I was at to begin. Just incase my assumption was correct.

Thru the combat probes, I found a Battleship and quickly got a warp signature. I warped to ZERO on him, put on my MWD and orbited him a few times then warped out. HEHE, just to see if I could get away with it. It was fun to do and Ive got to say, I had never ever gotten a warp signature 100% as quickly as I did when I was in low-sec. Nothing like having the thoughts of someone tracking you down to help you speed things up, heh. Usually, it takes me about 15-30min to get a warp signature. Got this one in a mere few minutes.
You gave them something very valuable... carebear tears. Your threats made it even better, IMO.
You gave them something very valuable... carebear tears. Your threats made it even better, IMO.

Yeah, perhaps so. But at least I didnt give them my ship, which Im sure is why they wanted me to eject. And, I made back 40mil. The kill they got actually helped me out. Instead of being at 47mil with my wallet, after they killed me, I had 87mil :). Most of all the modules I had on that ship I had already bought long ago and was just storing them till I needed it. And the 12mil I would be out, I can easily make back in 1 or 2 L3 missions :D

On a different note.....

I spent a day training up Repair Drones. Got it to level 3 and bought some of them. I figured I could use them inbetween gates when Im in a mission to repair my shields to quicken the process.

To my surprise, I cant use a Repair Drone on myself, which really sucks. I dont see why I cant do use them in this way. To me, its perfectly logical. Carry some drones to help kill off the rats and as well, carry some logistic drones too to help heal up. But....EVE doesnt allow you to target yourself, so I cant tell the drones to repair my ship. I dunno, doesnt make sense to me at all. But oh well, moving on, heh.

Earlier, prior to going back out to the scene. Ive got to admit, I was quite upset with them. Fukin pirates. I sent one of them a message saying "One day, I will have my revenge". And then, I decided I would throw out a bluff, just to see what would happen. I told them I had several friends who are in the Goonswarm and they are already in that system looking for you. Good Luck!!!!"

Perhaps my empty threat is what made them vacate the area, I dunno. Their history showed they have been playing for about a year and a half, so perhaps, they were immune to threats like that, I'll never know. I never heard back from them.

* snip*
Carefull now...smacktalking can backfire ;)
Good story though :)
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Even though I'm just your typical carebear, I couldn't be more stoked about Dominion, and it's not just because they're giving my Navy Megathron some nice buffs. The new sov system sounds so great to a small corp dude like me, I can't believe the system has been like it is for years. Who does NOT want smaller-time corps to have their own systems? Literally everyone wins. Carebears like me get out of highsec like CCP wants me to, pirates get more targets, corps make friends or enemies... Still blows my mind that Sov has been so broken for so long.

It's also going to be interesting* to see how much Navy Domis are going to go for on December 2nd.

* By this I mean disgusting.

Guy on the forums is selling preorders for 500mil each.
yea the fleet/chat distraction is a known tatic, good that you are now aware of that, like you say gives them a few extra seconds to get a warp in/point (and with cloak/recon targeting delays that is very helpful). Lowsec missions/ratting, try to be always aligned somewhere for easier gtfo abiity. Shouldn't really be getting podded lowsec, click a gate/planet in overview (setup an overview tab just for this) and spam the warp to button when your going down(usually as u enter hull) - note not the right click menu.

And yea your carebear tears were worth more than your shattered wreck :D
You are lucky. Personaly I shoot any wreks I dont have time to loot. In fact the last big fight I was in before I left redscull (This was some time ago) almost all I did was shoot wreks while the big boys duked it out. We knew we were not going to hold the field as we were severly outnumbered and had bubbles up so what to do as an inti pilot? :D I shot nearly 1b worth of loot. (One of the enemys had a faction fit navy mega)