The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion

Eggleldear (Im tellin ya, the names of these systems, I just cant pronounce for nothing).

Me ma named that system after me when I was a wee tyke. :D

It might be fun to try and catch gankers in losec systems since they'll be busy shredding someone's ship for awhile.
yea the fleet/chat distraction is a known tatic, good that you are now aware of that, like you say gives them a few extra seconds to get a warp in/point (and with cloak/recon targeting delays that is very helpful). Lowsec missions/ratting, try to be always aligned somewhere for easier gtfo abiity. Shouldn't really be getting podded lowsec, click a gate/planet in overview (setup an overview tab just for this) and spam the warp to button when your going down(usually as u enter hull) - note not the right click menu.

And yea your carebear tears were worth more than your shattered wreck :D

Ahhh, so I was correct with my assumption. Good to hear.

I think they had one of those warp spheres around me, cause I was hitting that warp button like there was no tomorrow. My pod didnt budge an inch. The person who made the main kills was someone called Lady Thanatos and has a -10 standing, complete outlaw. She/he was in a Tech III ship called something like Proteus (sorry if im not spelling it correctly). After more research on this person, turns out, she/he been playing the game since 2005. I wasnt just outmatched, but I was wayyyyyy out experienced too.

Aside from the "right click" method of entering warp....How does one "spam" the warp button?

You are lucky. Personaly I shoot any wreks I dont have time to loot. In fact the last big fight I was in before I left redscull (This was some time ago) almost all I did was shoot wreks while the big boys duked it out. We knew we were not going to hold the field as we were severly outnumbered and had bubbles up so what to do as an inti pilot? :D I shot nearly 1b worth of loot. (One of the enemys had a faction fit navy mega)

Yeah, I felt lucky too, heh. I couldnt believe they didnt even touch a single wreck, there were LOTS of them. So, either they already had so much ISK that looting a level 3 missions wrecks were below their standards or maybe, heh, just maybe, my little bluff, at very least, caused them to leave the area. <---Probably not, but thats just something we shall never really know for sure. Given the amount of time Lady Thanatos had been playing, you guys are probably right.....she just laughed at my bluff and moved on to the next kill.

Me ma named that system after me when I was a wee tyke. :D

It might be fun to try and catch gankers in losec systems since they'll be busy shredding someone's ship for awhile.

Yeah, I think it would be something fun to do too, which puts me at odds with myself. It doesnt feel to good to be on the receiving end of being ganked, but to do that to someone else.....DAMN FUN I bet, haha.

And that first sentence you wrote.... "Me ma".....Mannn, I had to read that like 5 different times before I "got" what you was saying, lol. I was reading it as Mema. I was like, WTF is this dude talkin about, heh. Then, after reading the name and your name again, it finally dawned on me.....Yeah, Im slow atm, just got home from work after an hour and half drive home, damn traffic.
Make sure you have stations and/or gates on the overview. Click on one of them so it is highlighted, then move your eyes up a little bit and you will see a row of buttons, such as orbit and similar. One of them is for warp. Click that warp button like a madman until you are away.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! <slaps head as if I could have had a V8>

I always wondered why they had those buttons up there when I could just right click, now it makes sense, heh.

Thanks Mashie :D
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! <slaps head as if I could have had a V8>

I always wondered why they had those buttons up there when I could just right click, now it makes sense, heh.

Thanks Mashie :D

If you use drones, this is where you issue orders to them too.
Ohh didn't know that about the drone command buttons, handy will have to have a play around (various drone settings/range control etc still confuse the hell out of me)

but yep Saw what mashie said. basically the right-click menu's take time to load/select, so takes you longer to initiate warp command and you get podded.

For more regular empire/lowsec pvp'rs you really need a 2nd Emergency GTFO tab on the overview (right click triangle on top left corner of overview) that is Planets & Gates only with no brackets or any other crap. reduces lag and 'should' enable you to get pod out. FW under-resourced servers and 10 ship lag fest training ftw....:eek:

oh and there are no bubbles in low-sec, only allowed in 0.0.

anyone know if titans will be able to use new DD in lowsec when its not AOE ?
Ohh didn't know that about the drone command buttons, handy will have to have a play around (various drone settings/range control etc still confuse the hell out of me)

I heard the drone shortcuts bypass any Concord attack prompting so be careful.

I've been using ALT+ a, s, d for attack, orbit me and return to drone pay, respectively. The F-keys are probably faster. (Wish there was a launch drones shortcut.)
I thought I had some screenies of the "bubble", but the screens I have of "bubbles" are from a mission and another from when I found a WH. <---Went thru to the other side and the exit was surrounded by a HUGE bubble, but no one was around.

Speaking of screen shots. I think it would be a cool thing to start posting some thru-out this thread. The other EVE thread got to something like 56 pages with very few screen shots. I know that when Im out looking for a new game to play and come across a thread talkin about that game, I like to see some screen shots of it in action. Sooo, im going to start posting some shots. Some are just shots of cool backgrounds, others have some explosions and such. I think if someone who is reading this thread who is interested in the game, would like to see what they are getting into, so also I will post some shots from a newbs perspective, so to all you vets out there, when I post a shot of something simple, say, a jumpgate, keep in mind why I said when you see it :).

I also encourage all of you who do play the game to post some shots of your own too :)
For your viewing pleasure :)



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A few more I thought looked cool...

This is a screenie I took while in a mission. I dont recall what that mission was, but thought it looked cool enough to take. Looks like a tornado in space.

This pic is NOT of an explosion (or at least, not the kind your thinking of). This is what ONE of 10's of 1000's of stars look like up close when you warp to them.

Ive dubbed this pics name, "The Bubble"

This pic shows my Rifter trying to GTFO. I scanned down a complex in WH space and this is what woke up when I got there.

A moment in time. Here, I am doing a L3 mission in my Thorax. Getting shot by the rat, but no damage taken :)
A shot of my Brutix in warp:

Another shot of my Brutix:

A shot of my Taranis in warp (I think I lost that one the same day due to an unfortunate squad warp within range of a smartbomb configured BS):

I like my Brutix:

Not my ship but one of my corp mates:
Nice looking pics guys :). Thanks for contributing. Dont be shy to post other pics thru out this thread as it gains pages. If you have a cool pic, regardless of current topic on the page, go ahead and post the pic. Id like this thread to be as EVE deep as can be.

Im sitting here fooling around with EFT again, trying to optimize a Thorax and make the price listings as accurate as I can, but I cant seem to figure out how to change the price tag on the actual ship itself. Anyone know how to change that? I know how to change the modules price tag, just cant seem to figure out the ship price tag. Currently, its set to 7.5+mil for a Thorax, but I can get it for just under 5mil.
lol, so I got to try out the cloak+mwd trick, was fagging about and jumped through a gate just in time to see a bubble go up. Dunno if I did it right, lost the ship but made it out of bubble and saved the pod.
More time now, rl interfered and I missed my first fleet action because of it. :( I have no idea wtf so it's probably for the best anyways.

I did manage to jump through another camp as they were setting up so that saved me another ship and very likely a podding, as I had no access to a cloak.

This is like the 2nd-4th major learning curve combined in EVE (alliance, 0.0 and PvP with all that they entail.) Jumpbridges, teamspeak, various channels, finding stuff to buy, PvP, 0.0 mechanics--and oh yeah, making a little isk while I'm at it. If I can get into a covops that should help, warp 100k to gate while cloaked is good recon..
lol, so I got to try out the cloak+mwd trick, was fagging about and jumped through a gate just in time to see a bubble go up. Dunno if I did it right, lost the ship but made it out of bubble and saved the pod.

That sucks man. Perhaps, one day, down the road a bit, we all can get together and go hunt down all these other people who have gotten the one up on us using cheezy tactics??

I think this would be something fun to do. I can see it now. A whole [H] clan of people, meet at a pre-determined system, locked, loaded and ready. A few people are scouts to go out and scope out an area then relay it back to us. Meanwhile, they lay in wait, cloaked up untill we warp to the system and just when we are about there, they unleash a warp bubble or something keep that person there. But that person isnt afraid, they only see the one ship holding them down, but, just then....a small fleet of ships comes out of warp right on top of them and then you hear this "ppsshh".....That was the sound of [H] opening up a can of whoop ass.

I notice you added in the word "trick". What trick are you talkin about?
Ahh, another good point of advice, thanks Mashie.

Do you happen to know the answer to my other question? "How do you change the price tag for a ship on EFT?"
I think this would be something fun to do. I can see it now. A whole [H] clan of people, meet at a pre-determined system, locked, loaded and ready. A few people are scouts to go out and scope out an area then relay it back to us. Meanwhile, they lay in wait, cloaked up untill we warp to the system and just when we are about there, they unleash a warp bubble or something keep that person there. But that person isnt afraid, they only see the one ship holding them down, but, just then....a small fleet of ships comes out of warp right on top of them and then you hear this "ppsshh".....That was the sound of [H] opening up a can of whoop ass.
[H] Covert Ops gang? :D
Ahhh, I thought it was cloak and then MWD. That's what I was actually playing around with but my timing sucks. Choosing a 0.0 hub to start in probably wasn't the best idea, either.

No ideas about EFT pricing SAW, I just get a general idea of fitting and ship costs because the prices can vary so much.
Hey guys.....Im sitting here, being a EFT warrior again. Ive got a question for you vets out there....

When using mods to increase dmg, such as the Mag. Stab. Ive usually used 2 ot them, but I was curious about what the cut off point would be? i.e. How many mods does it take to make it not worth using?

ATM, im fitting in different Railgun sizes into a Thorax and seeing what mods I can add to the smaller caliber to make them punch like a higher caliber. What ive noticed is, that when using 2 Mag. Stabs, the penalty isnt too too harsh, but adding in a 3rd and you can really see a huge percentage of waste.

So, I guess, what Im asking....Is there a point that you guys would throw caution to the wind and just go for it and load up, say 4 Mag. Stabs for a mission ship, regardless of waste? Perhaps just to make a ship that does ultimate dmg in a small amount of time and sacrifice armor and shields altogether for that dmg boat?
When using mods to increase dmg, such as the Mag. Stab. Ive usually used 2 ot them, but I was curious about what the cut off point would be? i.e. How many mods does it take to make it not worth using?

So, I guess, what Im asking....Is there a point that you guys would throw caution to the wind and just go for it and load up, say 4 Mag. Stabs for a mission ship, regardless of waste? Perhaps just to make a ship that does ultimate dmg in a small amount of time and sacrifice armor and shields altogether for that dmg boat?

The only times I've ever seen a ship with 3 or more Mag Stabs are high-sec suicide gankers.

For mission running, I wouldn't do what you're thinking of. There simply isn't enough of a benefit to justify the use of 3 or more Mag Stabs.
Hey guys.....Im sitting here, being a EFT warrior again. Ive got a question for you vets out there....

When using mods to increase dmg, such as the Mag. Stab. Ive usually used 2 ot them, but I was curious about what the cut off point would be? i.e. How many mods does it take to make it not worth using?

ATM, im fitting in different Railgun sizes into a Thorax and seeing what mods I can add to the smaller caliber to make them punch like a higher caliber. What ive noticed is, that when using 2 Mag. Stabs, the penalty isnt too too harsh, but adding in a 3rd and you can really see a huge percentage of waste.

So, I guess, what Im asking....Is there a point that you guys would throw caution to the wind and just go for it and load up, say 4 Mag. Stabs for a mission ship, regardless of waste? Perhaps just to make a ship that does ultimate dmg in a small amount of time and sacrifice armor and shields altogether for that dmg boat?

That is why I like EveHQ, it's audit button lets you see the stacking penalty:

1st = 100%
2nd = 86.9120%
3rd = 57.0587%
4th = 28.2955%
5th = 10.5993%

So you only get ~10% effect from a 5th module ;)
as above really.... 2 is good, 3 is a push, 4th dmg mod could almost always be put to better use. Think tracking enchancers /speed mods to get into range quicker, swap a mid-slot cap mod to low and then put a sensor booster/target painter/web in that mid slot etc

opportunity cost akin to the minerals you mine aint free theory....
Last nights gaming was pretty fun. With all the testing and trials ive been doing with different fittings has made the L3 missions more of a challenge, heh. Very interesting to see what I can and cant get away with using for my ship.

I think that for now, with the Thorax, Im just going to stick with 2 Mag. Stabs. Beyond that, im not seeing to too much of a difference.

Something I did start to try out (for MISSIONS ONLY) was to add in some shield mods. Now before you guys go all nuts on me that a Gallente ships arent supposed to use them, I want you guys to know, im fully aware of that. My reasoning behind going against the norm is simple.

With my previous setups, having those N-Type Armor Hardeners (usually Kinetic and Thermal) along with the DCU II, Med. (or small depending on situation) Armor Rep. II's, they worked and they worked well. <----But only worked when I lost shields, which didnt happen all to often. There have been many times where I'd go thru a whole L3 mission and my ship never taking any more dmg than what my shields could already tank on their own. So, lots of times, I never even had to turn the Armor hardeners on. So, to an extent, thats 3 slots on my ship not being used. Well, I want EVERYTHING I put on my ship to have a purpose. If im going to fit it, then it needs to be useful.

Soo, my thoughts on the current situation are, that if my Thorax can breeze thru these L3 missions and rarely need any armor protection, then im going to use those slots for something else and fit some shields instead.

Soo, I yanked out the Hardeners and replaced them with 2 Mag. Stabs. Replaced the Med. Armor Rep for a Small Armor Rep II. Kept the DCU II and added a Beta Reactor.

Kept the 10Mn AB II and replaced the 2 Cap Rep. II's with a Ballistic and Heat Shield.

I have 5 250mm Prototype I Gauss Gun using Thorium and Plutonium standard ammo.

2 Semi-Conductor Memory Cell I
1 Ancillary Current Router I

5 Vespas

I went thru my first mission with this setup last night, and wouldnt ya know it, it was the Angel Extraveganza.

My first incursion with the rats had me wondering WTF, do shield mods even work? My shields quickly went from 100% down to about 40% and this was just the first wave. But, I managed to fight thru it all (yeaa). Though they took down my shields fairly quick, they didnt get it down far enough to start messing with my armor though.

I eventually muscle my way thru all the different waves. Had some close calls and moments I thought I would have to warp out, but I stuck it out and completed the mission.

On the way back to the agent, I was thinking about the new shield mods I added and thought them to be pieces of shit, what a waste, and was already starting to think about what I would add in its place. And just then......I thought came to mind.

"Am I supposed to click these shield mods on myself?" LOL!!!!

So, I click on one and sure enough.....Gahhhhhhhhhh. Son of a Bitch!!!! It is one of those mods you have to turn on yourself. I couldnt believe it. Heh, what can I say, I wasnt used to using them and for whatever reason, I thought they were auto-on type of mods.

I did that whole mission in a Thorax with NO shield mods and NO armor mods at all. Just a DCU II and a small armor rep. II are the only mods that got me thru that mission and to top that off, I rarely had to use the armor rep at all. Go figure that one, lol.

I didnt get a chance to try it out with the mods actually working yet. That will be fun to do later :)
Generally it's a bad idea to split your tank. You could spread yourself too thin and your shield mods become useless once your shields are gone. It's better to stick to one type: armor or shields (or honor tank :D). You could get away with it some times, but once you get into the harder lvl3's and into the lvl4's you'll start to struggle a bit.

I'm not saying don't experiment, but I'm just telling you from my experience. ;)
Speaking of level 4's.....

I happened to give the Standings list a check and sure enough, I have unlocked a L4 agent just one system away from where my current L3 agent is located. I decided to give it a looksee. Almost as soon as I got it, I declined it, LOL.

I might be able to muscle my way thru the L3's in a Thorax, but if this L4 mission is typical of what I can expect from them, then I wont be doing a L4 for awhile, heh. This L4 mission, in the last wave has 20 Battleships alone. ALL the other ships are frigs and crusiers though, so Im sure I could take those, but the only problem is, they are all grouped together in one huge rats nest.

I read some comments on the mission and read that others in much better outfitted ships were having their ass handed to them, so I think I made a wise decision on not taking it, heh. However though, I bet those 20 battleships would leave behind some damn good loot though.
Can I please slap this person?


Like I said, its just for fun and experience, see what happens. Reading the "why" not to do something is one thing, learning first hand "why" not is another :)
I might be able to muscle my way thru the L3's in a Thorax, but if this L4 mission is typical of what I can expect from them, then I wont be doing a L4 for awhile, heh.
Yeah... A Thorax isn't what you want to be soloing lvl4's in. :D

Properly kitted Dominix however... Best bang for the isk in lvl4 mission running IMO.
I cant use the Armor Hardener II's yet. 8 more days......

Ive thought about making a close range Thorax before...Hows the damage output vs. long range?
Correction......I can use the Armor Hardener II's.....its the Blaster II's I cant use........Yet!!
I usually fit for long range with rails (or equiv race weapon) and leave the close-up stuff for the drones. That way you can pick and choose which group to aggro and not worry about getting too close to another group.
I'm still a high-sec noob (<30 days) in my starting NPC corp so the biggest change I'm probably going to see is the new in-game web browser. The current one is quite possibly the worst graphical web browser ever. With Dominion, a new browser based on Google Chromium comes. The new browser will be fast enough to actually use & actually be able to render tables properly.

I'm stoked.

Oh, you will see a change, it will be in the 11% tax they are going to place on you for being in NPC corp...
Oh, you will see a change, it will be in the 11% tax they are going to place on you for being in NPC corp...

Well, they do try to make things as close to real life as they can, hehe.
I cant use the Armor Hardener II's yet. 8 more days......

Ive thought about making a close range Thorax before...Hows the damage output vs. long range?

The damage output is pretty high but it requires you to get into really short range (less than 4K) to be effective. Generally, you only want blasters for PVP and occasionally ratting. However Blasters do use a ton less powergrid than Railguns meaning more room for other equipment (additional armor, armor hardeners, Web, Scram, MWD, MAR, etc).
When using EFT and checking for damage output, it has 2 numbers.

The first number is total DPS including drones.

The second number lists the Volley damage. What exactly is "Volley" damage? Which of the 2 number sets should I be looking at to see exactly what damage I can do?

Another little fun thing I discovered last night while looting the wrecks was that I can use a MWD while collecting the loot. I not sure why I always used the AB for that, but I changed that out last night as well. Whats funny is that when I have 4 wrecks in-tow and getting within distance of the 5th wreck, I actually go too fast for the tractor beams and the actually loose the wreck. Took a bit to get used to that, but nontheless, using a MWD instead of the AB while looting sure does help to speed things along.
When using EFT and checking for damage output, it has 2 numbers.

The first number is total DPS including drones.

The second number lists the Volley damage. What exactly is "Volley" damage? Which of the 2 number sets should I be looking at to see exactly what damage I can do?

DPS = Damage Per Second...with sustained avarge of how much damge output you do over time.

Volley = How much damage you do with 1 round of all you weapons at the same time.

DPS is usefull for figureing out if you can break someone else tank with pure damage..or need to go an alternative route.

Volley is good for figuring out if you can one-shot targets.