HD 4890 or 5770?


Dec 6, 2009
Which one should i get?

Newegg has the 4890 for 169 after rebates, the 5770 is 179

DX11 isnt overly important to me since ill probably only be playing serious games for another year or two. I dont plan on using crossfire.

I will watch alot of high definition videos

Or if there are better options at the same price point then go ahead and present them

Thanks for your help
I would suggest the 5770 because(as far as I know) the power draw is less....more efficient, meaning power bill will be cheaper and so on/so forth.
Performance wise the HD 4890 is considerably better. The HD 5770 is about on-par with the HD 4870.

However, the HD 4890 also consumes much more power. The TDP is almost 90W higher on the HD 4890 (~190W vs. 108). It is also much louder and much, much hotter. The HD 5770's 40nm process and smaller die make it much cooler and quieter (especially ones with the v2 cooler).

I would only recommend the HD 5770 if you like trees and can't stand the sound of a vacuum cleaner while playing. IMHO.
If you want to game, get a 4890.

If you want to enlarge your epeen a lil by boasting of Directx 11 and a cooler, less power consuming graphics card, get a 5770.
I'd just get a 5770 and enjoy the lower power consumption and cooler running. If you need the extra performance, OC the card. The power draw of an OC'd 5770 will still be less than a stock 4890.
5770 is on par if not worse in some cases than the 4870. Overclcok it though and it'll be on par nicely.
But i'd go for the 4890 deffo and slap it at 950/4400 and go crazy.
I was in same boat, game at 1900*1200 and ended up going for a 4890, pre-clocked @ 950/4200 - no regrets.

For less intense gaming or at resolutions below 1900, I'd say go for the more power-friendly 5770 , otherwise go for the extra umpph from the 4890.
i was happy with my 5750 for 122 after cashback :). i have it clocked at 860/1420 but i still need to stress test. that speed was by running ati overdrive to find the max clock :).
I tried to decide between a 4890 and a 5770 and ended up with a GTX275.

I wanted the 4890 but the price went up to $200 and I found the GTX275 on sale for $189. Definitely would've went with the 4890 over the 5770 though.. I buy videocards for speed.
I'm in a similar boat right now, though I think what I may end up doing is buying the 5770 and xfiring it later down the road plus maybe some OC fun. I don't upgrade vid cards often and supporting DX11 will important eventually... though who knows when... I feel like DX10 hasn't even caught on yet.
I'm in a similar boat right now, though I think what I may end up doing is buying the 5770 and xfiring it later down the road plus maybe some OC fun. I don't upgrade vid cards often and supporting DX11 will important eventually... though who knows when... I feel like DX10 hasn't even caught on yet.

I'm still running XP Pro so DX10 and DX11 don't mean much to me. :p

My philosophy on videocards is to buy the fastest one I can afford now because aiming for future features with videocards is pointless when you replace them every year or so anyway.
in my opinion the 4890 is far better but you wont have DX11. id rock a 5850 but it does cost alot more. I would never rock a 5770
I just ordered a 5770. I'm a gamer, but just for fun now....no more online or LAN tournaments. I'd rather have less power consumption than a few more fps.
According to a few owners, a 5770 will overclock to 4890 speeds; a 4890 will overclock to GTX 285 speeds. Both cards will be wicked fast if you overclock. I would probably go with the 5770, but I tend to prefer newer tech; that is just me.
Anybody here try OCing a 4890 on water? I just pick one up and will likely put it a water block on it. Just wondering what to expect.
According to a few owners, a 5770 will overclock to 4890 speeds; a 4890 will overclock to GTX 285 speeds. Both cards will be wicked fast if you overclock. I would probably go with the 5770, but I tend to prefer newer tech; that is just me.

joking right?
I say it depends on what resolution you game at 1680x1050 and below I'd get a 5770. It's got plenty of power to push any game at that resolution and you'll get the benefit all the newer features as well as the lower power consumption.

1920x1080 and above, I'd go with the 4890