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  1. C

    Want to build server for storage and possibly outputting XBMC via HDMI to TV

    Haha what a clown I am, didn't think of just checking for some clips :o I did search and watch some clips, this one in particular is interesting: He compares it running Frodo and the latest Gotham version (kind of sluggish unfortunately). I then...
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    Want to build server for storage and possibly outputting XBMC via HDMI to TV

    That does illuminate the NAS situation for me. The choice between NAS and my own storage is clearer now. One option I came across is the Amazon Fire TV, which runs XBMC. At $100 or so that seems like a damn good HTPC/front-end option, allowing me to go either NAS or storage server build. What do...
  3. C

    Want to build server for storage and possibly outputting XBMC via HDMI to TV

    That is super clear, thank you so much. I have always used ext4 on linux (had LVM for a while too), I had a RAID5 setup briefly, so ZFS makes sense to me. So the Synology does not allow ZFS, or am I misreading what you said (likely haha)? I see on the page specs it has various RAID...
  4. C

    Want to build server for storage and possibly outputting XBMC via HDMI to TV

    Shit I can't begin to thank you enough man, that's amazing help!! You bring up a key point I forgot: noise! I forgot that was one of the things I thought of when I decided I want a separate HTPC :o Yes I am comfy with linux, but you make a real good case for NAS. So just real simple, NAS is...
  5. C

    Want to build server for storage and possibly outputting XBMC via HDMI to TV

    Thanks, I should have been more clear! Sorry :) I've been thinking a bit more about my situation. I currently have a desktop (Q6600/8GB ram/128GB SSD/various HDs/650TX/750W PSU in Antec 900) and what I'm thinking is one of these options: a. Keep desktop as is, build new SFF PC just for XBMC...
  6. C

    Want to build server for storage and possibly outputting XBMC via HDMI to TV

    Hi there, looking for help with a small machine that I would like to pop a few of my spare HDs in for storage, and either use only as storage or (more likely) run XBMC on it to output to my TV, preferably via HDMI (would need low-profile HDMI-out video card right?). Appreciate any help on...
  7. C

    Couple simple questions (laptop+temperatures in Win)

    1. I just bought a laptop and this came with the Quick Start Guide package: Picture. They're foamy/soft and supposed to stick on something, what do I do with these? :) 2. On my desktop I've tried Core Temp and Speedfan, and the CPU temperature readings are quite different: Coretemp shows ~55...
  8. C

    Router for 3G USB stick that uses battery (don't need to plug in)

    Thanks! I'll get that one and give it a try. Any more recommendations appreciated :)
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    Router for 3G USB stick that uses battery (don't need to plug in)

    A friend of mine just got an ASUS Transformer tablet, and he has the Nokia CS-18 (Rogers Rocket Stick). We have tried: - D-Link DIR-412 (CS-18 stick works, but this needs to be plugged in to an outlet) - Aluratek/Zalip CDM530AM (has a li-ion battery, but tried every firmware and every...
  10. C

    Best wireless mouse

    Yeah, no doubt, everyone's personal physical comfort is paramount when you're using a product that much, and we've all got a little different preference of what feels right :)
  11. C

    Best wireless mouse

    I have no idea what y'all are talking about with the G700, I've had mine on wireless for 2 days, in Gaming profile and at 2500DPI with a good 15 hours of use at least, and it's still fine. The side buttons are perfectly placed for me, hell all of 'em are. Love this mouse, though where did OP...
  12. C

    Adding HDTV to simple setup, few questions

    I am a linux user on a desktop machine of Q6600/8gb ram/8800GT/4TB storage, I basically watch everything on my monitor as it's just me in an office room in house living with brother. Now I am going to get an HDTV to watch everything off the pc, but not looking for advice on the tv, rather...
  13. C

    Net connection keeps dropping, bad router or?

    I have a Rogers cable modem and Linksys WRT54GS (stock firmware but updated to latest Linksys one), all has worked fine for several years with typical minor hitches here or there. This last week or so, however, my internet connection is dropping constantly, this is so bad that as an example I...
  14. C

    Acer Aspire turns on, but does nothing :(

    Am trying to help a friend fix their pc, it's an Acer Aspire m160. Basically, it powers on, sounds fine but does nothing-- no keyboard response, nothing displays, doesn't even show BIOS. (Have tried multiple peripherals to narrow down, it's definitely the comp). I unplugged the hard drive...
  15. C

    Windows 6.5

    Met-AL, excellent posts mate. Curious about a couple things myself I think you'd be able to sort out. I am just about to buy a Touch Pro 2, I have had a Treo 650 for 5 years and my company has been phasing out Palm OS and has switched our client software over to Windows Mobile, so I need a...
  16. C

    Buy cable modem or rent, and which one? (Modem died)

    Our office cable modem (we have Rogers portable, this modem) just died. Went through the diagnostics and all, it's fizzed. We are about to get a new one and are wondering if we should buy one from Rogers, rent or buy one elsewhere? Appreciate any help, thanks.
  17. C

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    So that's the source of this global warmingness! :D
  18. C

    Kind of confused-- What should I do?

    joemama, Yes that's what I am thinking. However, I will definitely be buying a 5.1 sound system for the TV if I get one, so the extra cost of that as well I have to consider. I think your setup is pretty much what I suggested in my OP, I like the idea a lot. So just to reiterate, I do NO...
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    Kind of confused-- What should I do?

    Well I've been testing some LCDs the last few weeks, really love the Samsung 27". Just amazing picture and quality, and I was thinking of keeping it, but I am curious. I don't use HDTV (I don't even watch TV), I am pretty safe to say a DVD/movie maniac exclusively. That's all I want my screen to...
  20. C

    Is There Any Hope In Choosing A LCD

    I don't know, it's obviously highly subjective, but I've been using my LCD side by side with my CRT and it just whoops it in every way. The colours, brightness, text sharpness/clarity, movies, etc. I admit I am not a big gamer and if you're super anal-ytical about it, there's probably some...
  21. C

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Used my video camera, takes better pics than my Treo:
  22. C

    What do you guys use 2 monitors for?

    I actually got my 2 CRTs from a friend over a period of a year, and finally got a new vid card some months back with a DVI and VGA input, so I said what the heck, I'll plug both in. The lumbering behemoths took pretty much all of my desk space up until I just replaced one with my Acer LCD. I...
  23. C

    How do you care for your LCD?

    Good suggestions. I'm going to buy an "LCD cleaner," I'm not taking any chances. I just googled some more and saw some suggestions on putting a plastic bag over it during overnight. Good idea or unnecessary/wrong? Also about leaving it on, I think that's the area I'm most concerned about...
  24. C

    How do you care for your LCD?

    What kind of cleaning method do you use? What's the longest you leave it on idle? What's your timer to activate screensaver? Should I turn it off whenever I am leaving it idle for a few minutes, or is that okay? I leave my PC on all the time, so overnight is it okay to turn the LCD off or...
  25. C

    Got 26" Acer (hit a bit of a jackpot?)

    I'm far from an expert but here's my "review," hopefully helps anyone looking for a monitor if not this one specifically. I went to Future Shop today, initially seeking the LG246WP, so I walked in and told the guy I wanted it. 15 minutes later, after talking to the manager and spending 10 mins...
  26. C

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Bad pics, posted again
  27. C

    Incoming Price Drops?

    You can never really buy at the "right time," unless you get the hardware for free. I've been waiting for a year, putting up with this old CRT with its lines and spots. I'm getting at least a 24" this week, and if the drops extend to LCD monitors, I'll get another bigger one as well then, if I...
  28. C

    Is There Any Hope In Choosing A LCD

    After pretty exhaustive "research" for the last week or so, as well as going and actually seeing the monitors in person at B&M stores, you really have to be utlra clear on what your goal with the monitor is. ie., For me, I have no consoles, am not a gamer at all, and really only want one for...
  29. C

    Is this true? Re: 24" - 30"+

    Yes 2 LG246's is exactly what I am thinking, to replace my dual CRTs. Thanks for the info on the panel, that is helpful. What do you mean for 1100 bucks I could be looking at other panels of same/bigger size/quality? Which ones do you have in mind? I'd love to see other options.
  30. C

    Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

    Be grateful that this is a problem for you? :D
  31. C

    Is this true? Re: 24" - 30"+

    ssbihli, That's a good point. I just measured my desk to where I sit and where the monitor will be, and it'll be about 2.5-3 feet from me, and I sit back when watching movies so it'll be about 3.5 feet at least. I'm going to buy both monitors this weekend and test them out. At least I can...
  32. C

    Is this true? Re: 24" - 30"+

    So the LG has less input lag than the 275t? I am not a gamer at all anymore, only the occasional Q3 nowadays. I really only want it for watching movies and use as a PC monitor. I saw the LG directly above the 275t at Future Shop and spent about 15 mins tinkering with settings on both, and...
  33. C

    Is this true? Re: 24" - 30"+

    Thanks guys, I am kind of torn now. I really like the Samsung 275t, I saw it and the LG 2146WP at Future Shop today. The cost difference is what I'm wondering about, if it would be worth it: 275t = $1139 w/tax 2146p = $685 w/tax Are the extra 3" worth $450?
  34. C

    CRT died, going to buy LCD, looking for recommendations :)

    Canada, from
  35. C

    Is this true? Re: 24" - 30"+

    I was reading some reviews and one review that recommended the Samsung 245B as a solid monitor mentioned that despite it being great, the 275T was kind of pointless to get since it is a 1920x1200 monitor and it's the same res, just at a bigger size. Is this true and if so, does it apply to...
  36. C

    CRT died, going to buy LCD, looking for recommendations :)

    Yup, I called Dell and canceled the order, realizing that it's $853 shipped, and a 15% restocking fee if I return it. But I can grab the LG @ Future Shop for $684 taxes in and return it with no hassles should I need to. I saw it at FS today again and it's very nice :) Can't wait for the weekend.
  37. C

    LG L246W

    Thanks bootstrap, that was a great explanation and really cleared it up for me :) This monitor is $599.99 at Future Shop, I'm going to get it this weekend.
  38. C

    LG L246W

    Okay here is a big noob question: Does this monitor have DVI? I mean, can I plug it into my computer using DVI cable? Or must use VGA? Sorry, I just got very confused reading all the posts in this thread and seeing "HDMI > DVI converter" and such things I'm not clear on :o