Windows 6.5

Smashed Ixnay

Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 13, 2006
Where can I download it; a link would be real helpful as I'm on my phone. I tried doing it from the Windows update on my htc touch pro, but cant ever get it to download. I'm tempted to just order a TP2 this weekend also. Nothing wrong with my phone, but I want a new phone.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
I've also been wondering this. I have a Sprint serviced HTC Pro 2 and I would like to upgrade to 6.5...
You can't just download and install Windows Mobile on your phone. Your phone manufacturer and carrier has to release a ROM update that contains the updated OS.

Or, you can use a ROM made by other users. To use a homemade ROM you need to "Unlock" your phone so that you can upload the custom ROM to it.

Here is the CMDA TouchPro ROM forum over at PPCGeeks.

Myself, I rely on my phone too much to put a ROM that some dude cooked up on my phone and hope bugs don't crop up and cause me problems. I am not a flash my phone weekly type of person so I want it to work for years without needing to be reset.

So anyways, beware that some of these home cooked ROMS have some serious flaws, others are pretty nice and work well, and everyone that uses them is a fan boy of their favorite ROM and will tell you it's best if you ask, even if it sucks.

Who's your carrier BTW? You know the TP2 is the exact same hardware specs as the TP1? Might want to hold off a bit and see what comes up. TP2 has a better camera and bigger screen though.
Sprint is my carrier. The bigger screen almost makes it worth it for me. So spec wise there really is no diff then?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Myself, I rely on my phone too much to put a ROM that some dude cooked up on my phone and hope bugs don't crop up and cause me problems. I am not a flash my phone weekly type of person so I want it to work for years without needing to be reset.

I'm a well known windows mobile *hater*, but some of the cooked ROMs out there are actually quite excellent, and really improve the quality of the OS to the point where I find it bearable.

Seriously, give some of the ROMs optimized for size/speed a try, they really make a night/day difference, especially if you are a heavy multitasker (like me).... the ROM i'm using now (on a touch diamond) gives me at least a 1/3 better battery life, and simply much better multitasking performance.... no hard numbers, I know... but give it a shot :) Just backup your stock ROM before flashing..
Sprint is my carrier. The bigger screen almost makes it worth it for me. So spec wise there really is no diff then?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

Both phones run the Qualcomm MSM7201A ARM 11 at 528 MHz and have 288 MB RAM.

The user interface software that HTC puts on the Touch Pro 2 is nicer and it has other features, the speaker phone is way improved along with the camera and screen of course. The keyboard looks like it is better with the exception of the AT&T version of the phone. Also, the Touch Pro 2 doesn't have that dreaded keyboard cable problem. The Sprint TP2 version has the 3.5mm jack.

The question is, is all that worth $350 when you have a Touch Pro already?

I am looking at going to Sprint myself, my contract with Alltel is up next week and since AT&T is taking over our Alltel region I am looking hard at Sprint. You can't beat the $99.99 everything plan Sprint has. I just don't really want to pay for a new phone when it's not much of an upgrade over my Touch Pro. But.. the even the Hero runs the same old hardware as the Touch Pro. Maybe by fall there will be a phone as nice as the Motorola Droid or the HD2 on Sprint.
Met-AL, excellent posts mate. Curious about a couple things myself I think you'd be able to sort out.

I am just about to buy a Touch Pro 2, I have had a Treo 650 for 5 years and my company has been phasing out Palm OS and has switched our client software over to Windows Mobile, so I need a WinMo phone and after extensive "research" TP2 is definitely the one for me. I am just about to get one off Ebay that would be brand new unlocked and, as I am in Canada and I use Rogers (GSM network) with a SIM card, I'd be popping it into the TP2 when I get it.

So with upgrades of WinMo, there is no "official" MS one as you posted; rather one must obtain a ROM from the carrier? I just want to double-check this because Palm released "official" ROM updates several times for my phone and one could choose which one to get depending on your Treo (mine was unlocked and there was an official ROM update for unlocked Treo 650).

However, let's say I buy a Sprint TP2 (the one w/3.5mm jack woohoo! hehe), yet I have unlocked it and am using it with Rogers GSM here w/my SIM card-- can I still get the updated ROM from Sprint? Or would I be relegated ONLY to trial and error'ing with custom ROMs? (not knocking 'em by any means, would love to try 'em, just checking).

Sorry if I wasn't so eloquent, just trying to understand this :) Thanks.
6.5 has been officially released for several carriers and has of course been available via custom ROMs for a long time now. I disagree with MetAl, most custom ROMs are actually quite good and several are easily as stable as the stock ROM though better overall as a package deal. And the TP2 isn't the same hardware though it might look that way at first glance. The processor is actually a newer version, don't just look at clock speed. It has newer drivers, better battery life, it's basically better than the TP1 in many ways. I had a TP1 and can tell you that honestly with first hand knowledge. There are many threads that say the same. That doesn't make the TP1 a bad phone, but the TP2 is easily a much better device.

As for Sprint, they are so far the only ones to not have released a 6.5 ROM (yet), however I can whole-heartedly tell you that you will be absolutely fine with a custom ROM like MightyROM or any other ROM that focuses on stability not flashiness. You absolutely do not need to wait for Sprint. Verizon released their official 6.5 and the custom ROMs are still better. Feel free to read up on it all here as well as the parent section for Touch Pro 2:

However, if you want to flash a custom ROM on your TP1 to test the waters, by all means try it first:

You can always flash back to stock very easily.
He wants to put 6.5 on a TP 1, not a TP2. None of the carriers have released a 6.5 ROM update for the TP 1, with Sprint being the only carrier even rumored to even consider it. The processor of the TP1 and the TP2 are the exact same model # and the same exact clock speed. Is the one in the TP2 better?

TP2 has some software refinements and the newer design, but it's not $350 better than a TP1. If you have a TP1.. waiting for the next good phone from HTC might be a better move.. that is just my opinion of course, along with my dislike of buggy customized ROMS.
I got my Verizon one for $169, and at that price it's definitely better. Whether or not you care about the updated parts (screen, keyboard, etc) is really up to you. I ran 6.5 on a TP1 for a long time without issues as well, maybe I just picked a good custom ROM. :D
I got my Verizon one for $169, and at that price it's definitely better. Whether or not you care about the updated parts (screen, keyboard, etc) is really up to you. I ran 6.5 on a TP1 for a long time without issues as well, maybe I just picked a good custom ROM. :D

Which ROM did you chose?
I've flashed just about all of them and kept coming back to MightyROM because it's prime goal is stability. And having used it for a long time I can say it's true. He does like to update a lot, but there's no reason to flash every update.
MightyRom is my choice as well, and I tried a LOT of them. Silence made a great ROM as well, but I kept going back to Mighty.
From the looks of it he finalized MightyROM 6 for the TP1. I might try it out. My TP1 is already unlocked so I could put a Sprint Radio on it so I am already part of the way there...
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Changed my mind this morning. I am going to try the latest EnergyROM first. It's got SenseUI 2.5 which has a calendar tab that I like. I am somewhat skeptical of EnergyROM and if it's buggy, I will go to the Mighty ROM final release which is known to be stable.

Can't believe you talked me into this OldPueblo :)
Yeah Energy is a great ROM, but 2.5 just isn't perfect not to mention it's also a resource hog. You can also try Mighty's project ROMs, he has several combinations some of which have 2.5 and 6.5.3. I just can't get used to the buttons on the bottom for 6.5.3. What carrier are you with Met-AL because if it's Verizon you'll need to make a pagepool adjustment on your ROMs.
You are not kidding. What a HUGE pain in the neck getting the SMS and MMS working on the EnergyROM. I got it, but I am not sure if I like it yet. I will run it for a few days and see how it goes.

I am on Alltel in the region that is going to AT&T so we are still "Pure Alltel" network and my TP thankfully has the full amount of RAM.
Since most ROM's are carrier neutral, getting MMS working can be fun. :p It's just about finding the right cab.
It seems that since Sense UI 2.5 was ported from a GSM phone that there are issues with it and it's pretty much par for the course for any custom ROMS using it.
It seems that since Sense UI 2.5 was ported from a GSM phone that there are issues with it and it's pretty much par for the course for any custom ROMS using it.

Yeah it also doesn't have official landscape support it's been hacked in. You can try the Mighty version of it but even he says enjoy it if you can, it's not ready for primetime on custom ROMs.

It was also designed for a much faster processor, etc.
I think it sends SMS using the MMS server... my 1x icon never comes up. Hmmm...
Wow, crash and burn on EnergyROM.

My device locked up and I did a soft reset with the stylus and it came back up and locked up at the TouchPro screeen... soft reset it again and the phone did a hard reset... lost all my data and it worked for an hour or so after that and locked up again and would not boot at all.

Did a Vol Down- D Pad Power hard reset and am now installing MightyROM.
Make sure you do another hard reset after a custom ROM flash, believe it or not things can actually linger behind to cause trouble. Easiest way is to do a clear storage from the system area.
Make sure you do another hard reset after a custom ROM flash, believe it or not things can actually linger behind to cause trouble. Easiest way is to do a clear storage from the system area.

Yes, follow the FAQs for each ROM.
I am loving this MIghtyROM Final for the Touch Pro 1. Purely from a "how it feels point of view", my TP1 is running more smoothly than it did with the Alltel Stock 6.1 ROM.

Thanks for suggesting it.
Loving Mighty ROM on my TP2

I am loving this MIghtyROM Final for the Touch Pro 1. Purely from a "how it feels point of view", my TP1 is running more smoothly than it did with the Alltel Stock 6.1 ROM.

Thanks for suggesting it.

He did make one final mistake though, he left out MS Voice Command. :p You can find the cab though in the thread somewhere. Also don't forget to mess with the new titanium interface, switch to windows default on the home screen area to test it.
You use MS Voice Command? I found it kinda neat, but my BT Headset is a A2DP headset and MS Voice Command always seems to get messed up after a few phone calls and plays the commands out the speaker instead of my through headset. If I disable "wireless stereo" in the BT profile for my headset, then it works, but then I do not get any of the "system" sounds through my headset that way.

Am I missing something with the Titanium interface? It seems so lacking, but it is a lot better than the old fashioned Today screen.
It's just designed to be simplified yet still look pretty. I prefer manila but you do have to slide around a lot. Titanium also uses less RAM.
Looks like Sprint will be skipping WinMo 6.5 and going right to 6.6 when it's announced in a month. Unconfirmed, but looking very likely.
My phone just did a hard reset on it's own. I am going have to go back to my stock Alltel ROM.
My phone just did a hard reset on it's own. I am going have to go back to my stock Alltel ROM.

There are a rare few that experience that across the board with custom ROMs. I don't know if it's ever been figured out, I think it might stem from a bad unlocking. Also sometimes people flash from a custom ROM back to stock and then to the next custom ROM in case the previous ROM didn't get cleared out. I've never had it happen so I've never looked into it really. Sorry for you bad luck. :(
Just realized he has removed the SD Card Encryption from Windows in his ROM. Why would he do that, thats sort of an important security feature.
Honestly, if I could pick up a Motorola Droid and not be a VerizonWireless customer, I would do it in a heartbeat. I have a friend with one, and it is a very nicely made phone and the software on it works very good.
hmmm, My alltel HTC Touch is getting long in its legs... its a good thing I now work for a local carrier who only carries unlocked phones on a GSM network... I get my primary (blackberry work phone ) free and half-off my secondary + $150 off full retail price(no contract) + first pick of refurbs. hmmm i need to find me a good secondary line...thats worth it. I'm feeling the itch to try out some new roms and I don't think anyone makes one for my old phone...