Kind of confused-- What should I do?


Aug 21, 2007
Well I've been testing some LCDs the last few weeks, really love the Samsung 27". Just amazing picture and quality, and I was thinking of keeping it, but I am curious. I don't use HDTV (I don't even watch TV), I am pretty safe to say a DVD/movie maniac exclusively. That's all I want my screen to be able to do well, other than regular home user PC usage if I do both on one.

I am wondering: Would it make sense to invest in a big ol' LCD/Plasma TV and get a slightly smaller monitor, maybe a 22", for the PC? I could have the TV on my desk with the monitor beside it or below it (hang/mount on the wall the TV or something), and just use the TV exclusively for movies.

I'm just a bit confused on which route to definitively take. I have a week and a half to return the Samsung to Best Buy, but I really really like it. I just want to be sure I'm making the right choice for my situation.

Appreciate any help folks, TIA :)
I'll admit that I'm a big time plasma whore...but most videophiles will tell you they are better than lcd's for movies/dvd's and even regular tv watching. The only advantage that lcd has (imo) is that they are better if you plan to hook up your pc and/or heavy videogame playing. Personally I have a 42" plasma that is almost exclusively for tv and movie watching and I use a nice NEC 20WMGX2 for my pc/gaming needs.
joemama, Yes that's what I am thinking. However, I will definitely be buying a 5.1 sound system for the TV if I get one, so the extra cost of that as well I have to consider.

I think your setup is pretty much what I suggested in my OP, I like the idea a lot. So just to reiterate, I do NO gaming (no consoles) except occasional FPS (Quake 3, ET) few times/month. I could do that on my LCD monitor, and then watch everything on a TV-- sounds like a plan.

So you cannot plug in a PC to a Plasma TV? Or is the quality just not as good for PC use as an LCD?

If any of you have pics of your TV/home theater setups I'd absolutely love to see them. I'm going to be setting this up in my room, but I have the space. Just want to get ideas.
joemama, Yes that's what I am thinking. However, I will definitely be buying a 5.1 sound system for the TV if I get one, so the extra cost of that as well I have to consider.

I think your setup is pretty much what I suggested in my OP, I like the idea a lot. So just to reiterate, I do NO gaming (no consoles) except occasional FPS (Quake 3, ET) few times/month. I could do that on my LCD monitor, and then watch everything on a TV-- sounds like a plan.

So you cannot plug in a PC to a Plasma TV? Or is the quality just not as good for PC use as an LCD?

If any of you have pics of your TV/home theater setups I'd absolutely love to see them. I'm going to be setting this up in my room, but I have the space. Just want to get ideas.
Yes, you can hook up a pc to a plasma..mine even has a VGA input. The downside (other than the 720p res of mine) is that there is always the possibility of burn-in with static screens such as web browsers. I have used my plasma for Xbox and Xbox 360 in the past without issue but you have to be careful with things like HUD's that don't move on the screen. Modern plasmas have all but eliminated the threat of permanent burn-in however...the technology itself has improved and most makers have built in extra anti-burn-in features such as pixel shift and such. Having said that...if you want the best black levels and overall PQ of any flat panel technology...plasma is still king.

edit- sorry, no pics. My digicam got damaged this summer when a friend took it to the beach and I haven't sent it for repair yet. My Razr only has a VGA camera and the PQ is too horrible to post here. My setup consists of a Panasonic 42" plasma, Oppo 970HD upconverting dvd player, Sony dvd recorder all fed into a Pioneer surround reciever with optical cables.