Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

Actually it is a Everglide Titan. It is soft enough to have a nice rest for my wrist and protects them from the "cold" glass-plate.
Nothing special, just 2 19"


mine is here,NEC LCD1990sxi,SHARP LL-T1620H,maybe will buy a NEC LCD2690wuxi serval months later.


I posted a crappy picture a while back, and I thought I'd post a nicer one now that I've got everything setup the way I like.

2x Dell 2407


And the whole desk (yes, it's in an apartment on a college campus, that's why it's so small. but hey, I've got four computers jammed into my room :p )
^^ i see you have your Wii hooked up to your 2407WFP, how is it? i was thinking of getting one and putting it in my room and since my 2407WFP is the biggest screen in my room, i planned on hooking it up to that. also how are you getting your sound out? through your Z-5300s?

the sony tv in the pic is the same one in my sister's room :) its old but it still works.
Yeah. It looks a bit blurry, and the colors don't stand out as much as they do at 1920x1200. But that's to be expected from 480p on this monitor.

But the one complaint I have is that the image isn't properly displayed in 16:9 mode. It's stretched vertically to fit the 16:10 screen. I heard there was a home made fix by forcing the display to cycle through the different supported resolutions. But I haven't been successful.

But other then that, it's pretty good for gaming. No input lag through the inputs. Even with 480i. Hope there'll be a concrete fix for the 16:9 issue though.

Yeah, I have it connected to my Z-5300 Speakers. I have a Creative DDTS-100 though. So I can get Dolby Digital/EX, DTS/ES, Dolby Pro II, DTS:Neo 6, etc.

Yeah, That was my first TV, heh. Got it back in 1992 when Montgomery Ward was still around, and Electric Avenue was one of the most common places to get electronics. :)

Still use it to watch TV/Cable.
victor_c26: and another comment: you pohotographed your computer on january 25, 2006 so how you get windows vista 1 year before its oficial release? :confused:
victor_c26: and another comment: you pohotographed your computer on january 25, 2006 so how you get windows vista 1 year before its oficial release? :confused:

What? Are you checking the embedded date punch on the photo?

I never set the date on my camera. That photo was taken last week.

If you think about it like that, How come I have a Wii on January 25th, 2006, when the Wii didn't release in NA till November 19th, 2006.

And about the desk: I don't really have enough space to get a larger desk in this room. Unless I replace both the dresser and that desk. I plan on doing that in the future.
What? Are you checking the embedded date punch on the photo?

I never set the date on my camera. That photo was taken last week.

If you think about it like that, How come I have a Wii on January 25th, 2006, when the Wii didn't release in NA till November 19th, 2006.

And about the desk: I don't really have enough space to get a larger desk in this room. Unless I replace both the dresser and that desk. I plan on doing that in the future.

hey and how do you have an antec 900


What? Are you checking the embedded date punch on the photo?

I never set the date on my camera. That photo was taken last week.

If you think about it like that, How come I have a Wii on January 25th, 2006, when the Wii didn't release in NA till November 19th, 2006.

And about the desk: I don't really have enough space to get a larger desk in this room. Unless I replace both the dresser and that desk. I plan on doing that in the future.
so, ok than...but you can setup your camera date i think :cool:
I finally went out and bought a LCD.
If I like this one enough, I'll go out and buy another.
It's been a hard 9 hours going with a single monitor, since
I just moved from two 19" CRTs.


I finally went out and bought a LCD.
If I like this one enough, I'll go out and buy another.
It's been a hard 9 hours going with a single monitor, since
I just moved from two 19" CRTs.
your monitor looks nice! :D what HP model you have? and please show us your computer case :D
your monitor looks nice! :D what HP model you have? and please show us your computer case :D

Hey. Thanks! I just bought it yesterday. It is indeed the HP W2007.
My case is the Stacker 810-STC, with a few mods done to it.
It can be seen in the Coolermaster Gallery :)