Search results

  1. O

    Puget Systems Dual Core Custom @ [H]

    Great Job! Never heard of Puget, but now I know. Thanks [H]! I like the feedback from Jon Bach as well. Pro all the way. I have one concern that I didnt see anyone else mention. I was uncomfortable with the use of the tech's name. If a tech is really really and idiot, I see no problem...
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    What is good "portable" lcd? (Not for Gaming)

    Ahh. A rather excellent Suggestion. I like it. Thanks!
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    What is good "portable" lcd? (Not for Gaming)

    Hi all. I have a whole bunch of Auditors / accountants (insert joke here) who would like to use a second display with their lappys. I was looking for LCD's that were in the 15 - 17" range that would seem protable, i.e. light, have a handle etc. Anyone have any exp. with something like this...
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    be warned of limxdul....bad seller

    I recently bought two sticks of RAM off him. Neither looked like what was promised, and neither would even post on three different working systems I have. I can post details if you want, but just thought I would add that.
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    Complete Dual XP rig FS

    Sweet rig. Nice Deal. Bump for ya.
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    Which firewall for linux machine?

    Ip Cop
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    School switch to linux suggestions?

    for students, teachers, staff all, some? (Assuming Desktop replacement) Will they be using terminal server with Linux our all individual Pcs / apps.? I would suggest Simply Mepis or Xandros for easy setup and fairly decent windows replacements. I will probably catch hell for saying this but...
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    Best choice for home router/firewall?

    Go with IPCOP. Works a charm.
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    Linux Gateway?

    I do everything you are asking for with IPCOP. Works great. Little strange to get up and running , but once you get the config correct it works great.
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    quesions about Mepis

    You can install the nVidia driver from the Mepis Control center. Just check the box. What desktop are you using? The Default KDE? if so you should have the system stats applet on the menu bar across the bottom. As far as the wheather center is concerned, make sure you add your location in the...
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    Linux hates me [ 2 different distros, 2 fubared installs ]

    Yep I have seen that before. That means that you do not have a boot area at all. Not sure how that happened. Where did you put the boot? MBR or a different partition? Perhaps you could boot to suse live, or just off cd and fix it. Or use the MEPIS cd, and from there see whats going on with your...
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    Linux hates me [ 2 different distros, 2 fubared installs ]

    Thats True. Simply MEPIS is very easy to try out, without installing, and if you like it, you can run the install from the desktop. I really like it for my laptop. No, it doesnt use RPM. Its debian based, but it's package manager is very very easy to use, and does an excellent job with...
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    Does anyone fancy themselves an apache guru?

    So did that solve your problem? What OS are you testing this from?
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    Looking for a good Server vendor / AMD Opterons

    Anyone have a vendor they love, that can do a dual opteron scsi config in a rackmount form factor? I know I can build my own, but for this project I am looking for Manufacture support on the hardware. I know of Penguin Computing, and a few others AMD had listed on their site, but I am looking...
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    Does anyone fancy themselves an apache guru?

    also Please check this out, if java is invloved anywhere in the chain: 3. Symptoms Class 3 Verisign PCA root certificate: "it is highly unlikely that you will encounter a web site with a SSL...
  16. O

    Does anyone fancy themselves an apache guru?

    CAn you verify that your sytem time is correct (date and time?)
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    Post your Linux Programs

    eGroupware is handy. Some one say Webmin already? phpMyAdmin?
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    Does anyone fancy themselves an apache guru?

    I wont be much help, but does FireFox see your server as FQDN, and IE doesnt? i.e. vs And what domain / URL did you put in the cert?
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    SuSE 9.2 was supposed to be for laptops. It doesn't work. Can anyone help?

    not to cause trouble, BUTY maybe just for grins, grab a copy of simplyMEPIS 3.3 CD and just boot into the OS from CD, and see if more works for you, IF so you could then install MEPIS and fine tune whtever was tsill an issue. I only bring this up because I went through a similar excercise with...
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    Tons of stuff FS or FT....CHEAP!!!!

    Do you still have: 256mb Pc133 Viking cas3 (will run cas2 no problem) double-sided if that makes a difference.---$25 128mb of Unknown brand MICRON CHIPS PC133 cas2 ram. Don’t know the brand but has Micron chips on it.---$15 Both must work! I will run MEMTEST on them, and they...
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    FS Parts for cheap linux box or other project

    bump for good deal. I may buy. Any one with compat mobo?
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    FS: tons of servers and parts

    BUMP for some great stuff.
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    GOODIES FOR SALE (come over 2 the dark side... we have cookies)

    Hey no hurry, just wanted to see if it was still available. Thanks.
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    GOODIES FOR SALE (come over 2 the dark side... we have cookies)

    I am still waiting for reply either PM or e-mail on the RAM. Still up for sale?
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    GOODIES FOR SALE (come over 2 the dark side... we have cookies)

    I am interested in : 2x 128MB (256MB) SDRAM PC-100 || 16 each 1x 512MB SDRAM PC-133 || 40 1x 128MB SDRAM PC-133 || 12 IF they will pass MEMTEST ( I have over 2 GB from this very forum, that did not, :-) Let me know if you are willing to test, or not. Thanks.
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    So frustrated! (Linux Freezes during install)

    Tiny, Just a thought, I might have missed this in all the posts here, but in My exp. Linux, especially newer variants seem to be much more unforgiving with bad RAM than say, windows 98? :-) I have a Simply MEPIS cd laying around, and whenever I am having an issue installing a distrobution...
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    Apache 2 / Mandrake ADVX / Virtual host help needed $$$

    I cannot see any reason why I need ADVX. Its nice that my LAMP enviroment sets up tight with every thing I need, but your right, there is really not much info on it, or why its an improvement. I have several posts on mandrakes forums, but not much help there. Seems users there do not know much...
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    Apache 2 / Mandrake ADVX / Virtual host help needed $$$

    Well I have used * as well. Honestly, I have tried so many things my head is spinning. :-) I am interested in your comment That is a dang good question. Not sure how I would check this though. (how would I check ) ? Man I have done this in 1.3 easily. I am sure I am in the right config...
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    So frustrated! (Linux Freezes during install)

    wow. what an ordeal! I know what that frustration feels like. Its maddening. Two things I would try: I know you used the no acpi in the boot string, but just for fun, disable acpi in your bios and go for an install. Also make sure you have no overclocking going on. And I think alt 4 if it...
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    Apache 2 / Mandrake ADVX / Virtual host help needed $$$

    I am having dificulty with named virtual hosts. Using Mandrake 10.0 official, with ADVX apache (apache 2), I also have two test servers with Mandrake 10.1 and ADVX apache. I have searched and read quite a lot of posts here and elswehere and tried many of the suggestions. I have read and...
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    FS: 2x512MB Geil Ultra Series PC2700 Duel Channel Kit

    I'm interested, Sent you an e-mail.
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    I lost the info of the person im trading with

    LOL I log onto H 3 -4 times a day. Just saw this thread. I PM'd RoKt about this, guess he never read it. RoKt did you find me? Check your PM :D
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    WTB: 7200 RPM drive any over 10GB

    Looking for a 7200 IDE drive thats 10 GB +
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    FS: 2x Pentium 4 3.2e, 60gb hard drive, 2x 512mb Secure Digital, MORE!!

    yes someone is here! I am thinking about that drive..... hmmmmm.... I'll get back to you on it, I could use it.
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    Wtb: 512 Mb Pc133 Non Ecc Ram.

    :( yep, need to be one stick. I have two 512's in a three dimm slot board that supports 1.5 total, one slot open. its a via 133a tyan dual proc board. Thanks for response though.
  36. O

    Wtb: 512 Mb Pc133 Non Ecc Ram.

    Looking for 1 stick of 512 MB PC133 NON ECC RAM. Bought three here, only two were any good. I will run Memetest on it, so make sure it will pass :) Thanks!
  37. O

    F/S AMD64 3200/ABIT NF7-S ver.2 w/XP 2800

    Hmmm... sounds intersting. I have the same set up, NF7-S rev 2 with xp 2400. I bought a Tbred 2800 like you have of the forum here but had no luck getting it to work. Cooling I have is great, wasnt a heat issue, I suspect that either: A) My Samsung PC 2700 Ram really cant run 333 or B) The...
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    Catalyst 4.9 is out, have fun

    I tried the new CCC and driver. No matter what I did, I could not get my monitor out of 60 Hertz. The CCC and Windows would both say I was at 85 or 100 but the actual refresh rate never chaged. I was getting a headache watching the screen so I got rid of the new CCC. now all is well.
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    WTB: Old, Unneeded, Unwanted CPU's

    what a cool thread. I couldnt stop reading. Please post pics of the final collection! I have a half dozen I will go through and see if I can part with.
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    The Humorous Screenshot Thread!

    waxed server image was on.