quesions about Mepis


Feb 5, 2005
I am pretty new to linux but after installing close to ten distros I have finally stuck with Mepis 3.3. I have been using it for about two weeks but I have a few questions.
1.How do I install Nvidia drivers
2. How do I change the weather thing on my desktop to my town? It always changes right back to morgantown.
3.Whats the cool looking app that some people have on there desktop that shows system info like cpu load and swap usage?
also I have been using amarok to play my music and it always hiccups and skips the frist part of every song :( I'm thinking because its loading the music from my windows partiton. If I put a second HD in and install linux on that would that solve that problem or is it something else?
You can install the nVidia driver from the Mepis Control center. Just check the box. What desktop are you using? The Default KDE? if so you should have the system stats applet on the menu bar across the bottom. As far as the wheather center is concerned, make sure you add your location in the applet, and remove morgantown. Dont know about your music issues, Have you tried playing music from your mepis partition?
music is working fine now? Anyway Thats what I do with the weather thing and it adds morgantown right back.