So frustrated! (Linux Freezes during install)

eep, and if alt0 doesn't work, try alt1. that's all there is, you don't need to go on to alt24 or anything. :)
AdamW said:
eep, and if alt0 doesn't work, try alt1. that's all there is, you don't need to go on to alt24 or anything. :)

Thanks for the tip! I will be trying that on Tuesday.

I bought some new stuff and in the proccess of swappin' parts between three systems, I flubbered a bios flash. So now I have to wait for a new bios chip from Biostar. I really hope linux is worth it after all this. :(
wow. what an ordeal! I know what that frustration feels like. Its maddening. Two things I would try:

I know you used the no acpi in the boot string, but just for fun, disable acpi in your bios and go for an install. Also make sure you have no overclocking going on.

And I think alt 4 if it hangs will give you the kernel error

anyhow, make sure you disable apci in the bios.
Sorry about the no reply.

I have tried everything. Still a no go.

I got all the parts in for my new rig and I am now using the parts from my old main rig for the linux box.

Still nothing.

I give up. :(

Thanks for all the info and help though people. I just don't feel like trying anymore. :(

Just a thought, I might have missed this in all the posts here, but in My exp. Linux, especially newer variants seem to be much more unforgiving with bad RAM than say, windows 98? :) I have a Simply MEPIS cd laying around, and whenever I am having an issue installing a distrobution (I am usually doing it on old hardware) I throw SimplyMEPIS in, and run MEMTEST when it starts up. I think you can also run that from almost any distros boot if you add it to the boot line, but not sure. Anyhow, I wonder if you have some flaky ram. I know I have personally bought 2 GBs of PC133 on this very forum, and they are sitting in a pretty pile on my desk, cause they were all flaky.

But I CAN put one of these in a windows box, and it seems ok, except everynow and then the box will lock up, or blues screen, which in the days of windows 98 just seemed normal so we would have never probably thought to look at the ram.

Do the MEMTEST and remove memory until you can run it for a llittle bit with no errors. Then intsall with whatever passed.

Good luck, !
One_Eye said:
....and it seems ok, except everynow and then the box will lock up, or blues screen, which in the days of windows 98 just seemed normal....

I just had to say, this phrase made my day. :D
I ran the memtest, everything checks out A-OK.

Here is my hardware:

Biostar Nforce2
PioneerDVD Burner
512mb Corsair PC2700

Tried almost every Distro under the sun and nothing wants to install. ALL the LIVE cds and DVDs work, but nothing wants to install.

No more suggestions needed....I truley give up. I am defeated and I just don't care to try anymore. :(