Which firewall for linux machine?


Jul 21, 2004
Which firewall should i use for my home network? Currently using WRT54G with alchemy firmware on it.

Firewall should support QOS, port forwarding, port triggering and UPNP.

Was looking at iptable but i guess that its too intermediate for me? Anyone have any reccomendations?
Check out pf and altq. You're going to be using the BSD's with these though. They rock but are apparently too difficult for mere mortals. bah! just read the handbooks/manuals and you should be up and running within 30 minutes of the OS install.
or if you want somethin real slick and have a spare cheapo box to toss it on, check out smoothwall.org. its an entire os (linux based).
firewalling in linux is done at kernel level as you have already stated via IPtables. nice and low overhead (unlike norton in MS)

the main thing is in configuring iptables.

I like firehol very simple 2 use
j-rock said:
Check out pf and altq. You're going to be using the BSD's with these though. They rock but are apparently too difficult for mere mortals. bah! just read the handbooks/manuals and you should be up and running within 30 minutes of the OS install.

After looking at iptables, I have to say that pf looks several times easier to comprehend :)
While discussing simple solutions, consider m0n0wall, too.
he doesn't want a software one, linksys already runs linux as it's "os" for it's routers, i've heard wonderful stories about smoothwall with all the extra addons that exist for it.