FS: tons of servers and parts

CTSxViper said:
Looking for or interested in any trades??


The only thing I'm looking for at the moment is either 2 Pentium III Xeon 700 processors from an IBM Netfinity 6000 or an IBM ServeRAID card.

Bump for resistance. Wife will kill me for the insurance money if I bring in another computer.

RONBO, you need some of this stuff to add to the Compaqs.

Fish :cool:
I'm still very interested in a Netfinity Server... I assume they all function.

The only kicker is the shipping, I have no problem paying it, but at 85 lbs., it would be over most shipping companies home delivery policy. Unless you know of something I don't?
redwolfe3 said:
I'm still very interested in a Netfinity Server... I assume they all function.

The only kicker is the shipping, I have no problem paying it, but at 85 lbs., it would be over most shipping companies home delivery policy. Unless you know of something I don't?

I beleive UPS's ground limit is 100 something lbs.

Damn you guys and the HUGE pic's, im not on 56k but they still take awhile to D/L them all.

"comes with 12 36.4GB 10k rpm Ultra 3 SCSI" i may be interested in the disc's if the price was in my range.. sent you an offer on the 18's though.

Bump for ya :)
Couple of questions:

MEMORY: Is it 4 256Meg sticks. 1 Gig of Ram?
Harddrives: Are the Drives in a cage or will a regular drive fit in the scsi drive locations? How many drives can be installed?
Are they U160 drives.
What is the model of the SCSI card?
Would you be willing to take less if you kept the SCSI drives?

I have a 800Mhz server with a 3ware SATA card with 2 160Gig sata drives. I would like to install them in this server.


PM sent

skullcap said:
Couple of questions:

MEMORY: Is it 4 256Meg sticks. 1 Gig of Ram?
Harddrives: Are the Drives in a cage or will a regular drive fit in the scsi drive locations? How many drives can be installed?
Are they U160 drives.
What is the model of the SCSI card?
Would you be willing to take less if you kept the SCSI drives?

I have a 800Mhz server with a 3ware SATA card with 2 160Gig sata drives. I would like to install them in this server.


bump because I'd like a netfinity rack server but really don't need one and can't afford it right now... :)
Jivemiguel said:
bump because I'd like a netfinity rack server but really don't need one and can't afford it right now... :)
if i had a rack to put those in, they'd all be fucking mine :p :eek:
A buddy and me always have farily large lan partys at out houses we usually have around 16-20 people. We were thinking about tossing in some dough togeather and getting one of those servers. He thinks the dually p3's wouldnt keep up with 20 ppl all firing at once in counter strike: source (we also play other games like ut2k4, d3 ocasionally, and farcry) i just wanted someone to tell him that they would indeed do the job well.... also if you know what the shipping would cost on one of those puppies thatd be helpful as well.
oh another question about the servers (we dont know crap about them we usually just build gaming machines and ignore commercial stuff) what os do they run??? and also whered you get all this great stuff??? know some gullible company, or do some of the best dumpsterdiving ever????
I use to run my 18 person HL: CS server one a dual PII 450 with no problems. I'm not sure if CS:C is really that much more CPU intensive.

The servers can run any OS where there is driver support for it's hardware. I got all this equipement through work and dumbster diving.

if any of the netfinity servers aren;t taken, and they run fine, i'll definitely take one - possibly two if available
Messy said:
if any of the netfinity servers aren;t taken, and they run fine, i'll definitely take one - possibly two if available

They are all pending a sale, I will let you know if the deal falls through

That's cool - i saw the note about pending - i'm just providing a fall-through. ;D

roberttran said:
I also have some rack cabinets for sale :D

aww dont tell me that :( :p

i don't have any place to put the rack is my problem. I got about 4 PC's downstairs i need to get rid of. Those netfinity boxes would make great domain controllers tho :D