be warned of limxdul....bad seller


Jul 1, 2003
I bought 2 10 gb drives from limxdul on 4/12/2005. During the initial transaction, I had to keep messaging him about sending me the tracking number. After I got the drives, one of the were the wrong size, being only 4gb. I sent him a message telling him he sent me the wrong drive and he said he messed up and was going to give me back half the money. I told him I didnt want half my money, I wanted the drive I paid for. Throughout that convo, he implied that I needed to pay for the cost to have the drive sent to me. On 4/25 and 4/26 he kept saying hell give me a partial refund and wont send me the drive, leading me to believe he never had the drive in the first place. On 4/29, he said hell refund me for the drive I didnt get and the last message I received from him was on 5/6 saying he didnt have the money to refund me, or to ship the correct drive to me because of a situation which had nothing to do with our transaction. I waited until today to say anything about it so that he would have enough time to make a decision. I sent him a message yesterday asking him whats up, and honestly I dont think he's gonna respond. If there's anything the mods can do great, but I doubt it.

Ive had no problems with the [H] in the year or 2 ive been part of this community, but this put a real bad taste in my mouth over it. I still love the forum, and still gonna post and contribute if possible, but I doubt im gonna ever buy anything from anyone here again.

just watch out for sellers like limxdul

It is a feedback system for forum trading. You should get to know it and get a profile. Trading with members that have decent heatware profiles is really the only way to trade safely on forums.
ok thanks for the heads-up. next time ill check to make sure im dealing with someone whos reputible
You should start an account and leave feedback for this transaction. The other thing about heatware is that retailitory feedback can be removed if you contact the administrators.
BigBadBiologist said:
The other thing about heatware is that retailitory feedback can be removed if you contact the administrators.

Based on the reported results of previous attempts to do this, I'm not sure "retaliatory feedback can be removed' is accurate advice. Can you get us a clarification from heatware about the circumstances and requirements to remove retaliatory heat? Or, perhaps, links or heatnames for a couple cases where it's actually been done? Thanks!
1. Look here:
2. The other way is to contact one of the heatware administrators directly. This is possible on AT forums. I won't provide his screen name here, but it is easy enough to find.

I have seen this done before, but I can't think of who it was off the top of my head.
BigBadBiologist said:
You should start an account and leave feedback for this transaction. The other thing about heatware is that retailitory feedback can be removed if you contact the administrators.

It is true, you have a very hard time removing any heat thats been left. Ive been thru it

Heat is good so is Ebay but nothing will make trading online 100% safe, you trade at your own risk but take the proper steps to protect yourself (IE: Real anme and addres, phone numbers, ect)
One4yu2c said:
His Heatware and EBay were listed right in his auction, neither of which was too impressive from a quantity standpoint:

His Thread
His Heatware
His EBay

Shouldn't judge people by their responses alone. Not everyone does a million and a half trades online.

Look at me, I've had an ebay account since...shit...a year or so after it started. I've got less then 10 feedbacks.

Same with heatware, been using heat for..2 years? Don't have many trades.

Does that make me a troll in the making? No, it makes me someone who does not trade alot.

It does deserve caution, however. You don't know if a person is just starting out, or is a troll who created another identity just to rip off more people.

On the reverse, You can't trust people with alot of positives either. As has been evident in a few recent trades where 70+ feedback people turned out to troll.

What I'm trying to say, is you can't judge people by their feedback ammount. You just have to play it safe, get information, and be cautious.

If nothing else, get a phone number and do half upfront, half when item is recieved.

Be smart, play it safe, and remember everyone had to start with 0 at one point or another.

[/devils advocate]
Komataguri said:
Shouldn't judge people by their responses alone. Not everyone does a million and a half trades online

Judge? No. Be cautious? Most definitely yes. My comment was that neither of his feedback profiles were "too impressive from a quantity standpoint". I stand by that statement, and threads like these are why unestablished traders (those with little to no feedback) generally end up shipping first (provided the buyer him/herself is established).
thanks everyone for ur posts. i left him feedback on heatware and tried leaving him one on ebay but couldnt. i learned my lesson i guess. I wish the mod could disable his account and block his ip, but hell have another one in a day, and i doubt theyd do it. $15 for a 4gb drive isnt that bad right......:(
ne0-reloaded said:
thanks everyone for ur posts. i left him feedback on heatware and tried leaving him one on ebay but couldnt. i learned my lesson i guess. I wish the mod could disable his account and block his ip, but hell have another one in a day, and i doubt theyd do it. $15 for a 4gb drive isnt that bad right......:(

It's all in the perception. Think of it as a $15 lesson that could end up saving you hundreds in the long run... ;)
ne0-reloaded said:
I wish the mod could disable his account and block his ip, but hell have another one in a day, and i doubt theyd do it. $15 for a 4gb drive isnt that bad right......:(
I have sent him a PM that if he doesn't respond and attempt a resolution, he will be banned.
One4yu2c said:
Judge? No. Be cautious? Most definitely yes. My comment was that neither of his feedback profiles were "too impressive from a quantity standpoint". I stand by that statement, and threads like these are why unestablished traders (those with little to no feedback) generally end up shipping first (provided the buyer him/herself is established).

Which is why I repeatedly advocated caution in my post :p
I recently bought two sticks of RAM off him. Neither looked like what was promised, and neither would even post on three different working systems I have. I can post details if you want, but just thought I would add that.
i'm in college.
i sold most of my old gear on hard and other forums.
when i'm done, I don't check up here anymore.

It's not till i get a negative eval on heat that i check up and see whats wrong.
yes, neo, i did promise you a refund or the 10 gig hdd.

If you want to make a big deal out of 10 dollars of difference in terms of value betweena 5 and a 10, then go ahead. As i told you already through a PM i'm going to financial trouble with BOA, and cannot pay your 10 dollars, as i'm negative on my checkings account, thus i am unable to refund you your 10 or 15 dollars.

I offered you to keep the 10 gig, and as well as the 5 gig, while i sort this out, finish my very important finals, which my last one is today. Then i'll move on and pay you back, once my paycheck from the job which i was just fired from comes in.

You'll get your money back.
i didnt pay for a 4gb drive i paid for a 10. we had a contractual verbal agreement, which you didn't uphold. you didn't let me know you were having financial issues. I had to ask you what the problem was. The situations going on in your personal life doesn't affect this transaction in anyway. You created the FS/FT thread, you set the prices, and you set the terms. Your actions were unprofessional to say the least. The $15 was not the issue, the issue was that you didn't hold up to your end of the deal, which is why I left the feedback, and which is why I made the thread.
well, thank you very much

please be patient, even though i conducted this sale in such an unprofessional manner
limxdul said:
i'm in college.
i sold most of my old gear on hard and other forums.
when i'm done, I don't check up here anymore.

It's not till i get a negative eval on heat that i check up and see whats wrong.
yes, neo, i did promise you a refund or the 10 gig hdd.

If you want to make a big deal out of 10 dollars of difference in terms of value betweena 5 and a 10, then go ahead. As i told you already through a PM i'm going to financial trouble with BOA, and cannot pay your 10 dollars, as i'm negative on my checkings account, thus i am unable to refund you your 10 or 15 dollars.

I offered you to keep the 10 gig, and as well as the 5 gig, while i sort this out, finish my very important finals, which my last one is today. Then i'll move on and pay you back, once my paycheck from the job which i was just fired from comes in.

You'll get your money back.


1. I responded only because the mods want to ban me if I don't clear this up and I need to troll more people so I responded...
2. I sent wrong/broken drives.
3. I'm making up lame excuses to get out without paying the money.
4. Next I'll get fired from my job so the "paycheck" will never come. Thus you'll never get your money.
5. I hope to troll again.

^ I admit those are pretty strong statements I'm making but honestly you don't have $10 around so you can refund him his money? If not I would like to raise the BS Flag here. If you're living on the street and barely surviving I could understand but if you have a computer, and are in college comeon now...And as to your bank account showing negative figures, learn some financial responsibility.

czech09 said:

1. I responded only because the mods want to ban me if I don't clear this up and I need to troll more people so I responded...
2. I sent wrong/broken drives.
3. I'm making up lame excuses to get out without paying the money.
4. Next I'll get fired from my job so the "paycheck" will never come. Thus you'll never get your money.
5. I hope to troll again.

^ I admit those are pretty strong statements I'm making but honestly you don't have $10 around so you can refund him his money? If not I would like to raise the BS Flag here. If you're living on the street and barely surviving I could understand but if you have a computer, and are in college comeon now...And as to your bank account showing negative figures, learn some financial responsibility.


its my master plan, alright :cool:
no it hasnt and i doubt it ever will. hes telling me to wait, but i dont think he has any intentions of making restitutions. you can do as you like oh wise and merciful m0derator