Complete Dual XP rig FS

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ok guys &'s the deal...i'm willing to take a serious hit on this cause i overspent on the car

new asking price is 900 plus shipping of your choice...
i feel for you


PS. question
I didn't know that you could have duels of anything but xeons and opterons

what other chips can go in a duel system?
well, XP's and MP's and mobile XP's were all the same core and packaging (socket 462) set thier mode all one had to do was modify the state of some of the bridges on the top of the chip package. this is what i did. i bought a pair of XP's, painted over the bridge to activate MP mode, popped them in, and away i went!

one could also do this with some of the durons, and older tbirds of socket 462 factor. it is a very easy and cheap way to have a powerful dual system
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