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    Asus 248H I am looking for something in the sub $250 range. Is this a good deal? $219 w free shipping at newegg. Panel Size: 24" (61.0cm) Wide Screen (16:9) True Resolution: 1920X1080 Pixel Pitch: 0.277mm Brightness(Max): 250 cd/&#13217...
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    Ok..My systems is not balanced, monitor needs upgradeing..i know

    How much for the 27 inch version? Edit: NM, I see they run $299 - $349. Not too bad at all for 27inches but i see they are the same resolution as the 24inch i am looking at. 1900x1080 will look sharper on the 24 inch canvas so i am thinking ill keep the $80 savings. Not meant as a slam..i...
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    Ok..My systems is not balanced, monitor needs upgradeing..i know

    So its painffully obvious my 1600x1050 22 inch dell monitor is my systems major weak point. I was looking at upgrading video cars and after reading around some....the conclusion was that was a waste of time with my current monitor. I do medium amount of gaming but end up playing demanding...
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    Man Rigs Package With Car Alarm To Catch Thief

    Well i lojack my lap tops that i travel with. Not sure if the system actually works but supposedly it does.
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    AMD Radeon HD 6970 and 6950 Video Card Review @ [H]

    xfire scaling on the 69xx series is near perfect from what i just read.
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    AMD Radeon HD 6970 and 6950 Video Card Review @ [H]

    Toms has their review up. It includes cross fire benchies.
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    AMD Radeon HD 6970 and 6950 Video Card Review @ [H]

    As a side note... Suddenly. EVERY 580 new egg is now... OUT OF STOCK. Wow
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    AMD Radeon HD 6970 and 6950 Video Card Review @ [H]

    Great review. After a good read, i see NO reason to upgrade my 5870 for those prices...not when i game at 1600x1050 on a 22 inch monitor. If i were doin high res gaming buy the 580. I would wait a month and see if the price comes down first..but id get the 580 either way. If i...
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    HD69XX @ newegg

    Well someone sell me their used 5870 how about it? lol I got...$100 bucks *wink*
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    HD69XX @ newegg

    I am pretty sure the 6970 is NOT an upgrade to the 5970 guys......
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    First official HD69xx review is up!

    I dont think that was the case when the 5970 came out and all Nvidia had was the GTX480. I also do not think that was the situation that made the Nvidia 460 such a great buy.
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    First official HD69xx review is up!

    I agree, but you can read these reviews at H and Toms and Anandtech etc all day long that explain all the reasons why a product that delivers 90% of the performance for 60% of the costs wins their sites awards and why they are the "better buys". Top performance better? No. Top Value...
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    First official HD69xx review is up!

    Yesterday only? I cant find it. If the hints at the the 6970 being the current price/performance champion...i dont think thats "finishing second" Price/performance winners have always been the true winners over "top performer at a premium cost". If it were reversed and Nvidia was the price...
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    First official HD69xx review is up!

    Fair enough but each GPU had......drum roll. 1 GB of ram at its disposal. Soo........i would think the conclusion applies.;)
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    First official HD69xx review is up!

    Actually..we have already pretty much figured out it is slower than the 580 but offers better performance for the No hype necessary.
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    First official HD69xx review is up!

    Ha ha you jest but i cut and pasted above..VRAM DOES matter at 2500x1600 with settings maxed..and THATS where we are seeing the 6970 doing better. Ill cut and paste AGAIN.
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    First official HD69xx review is up!

    How much you want to sell that 5870 for?
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    First official HD69xx review is up!

    You may want to read this review from H Then see if you still disagree with me.
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    First official HD69xx review is up!

    I think its a weaker core (than the 580) making use of more ram and better tesselation (than the 5870)
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    First official HD69xx review is up!

    Thats how! (see chart above) You are referring to the problems he 5970 had with 1G of ram for each processor. WILL NOT be an issue with 2G of ram for each GPU Looks like its making use of the extra vram
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    First official HD69xx review is up!

    Ok i misunderstood. I was thinking the 6970 was coming in some where BETWEEN the 570 and 580 which would make a $375-$400 VERY attractive??? Exactly! THATS where i was coming from!
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    First official HD69xx review is up!

    Initial release betting the Newegg/micro-center prices will end up being $350-$375 within a couple weeks....that will be hard to pass up versus $508-$549 for the 580.
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    First official HD69xx review is up!,amds-6970-pricing-revealed.aspx Looks like it may very well take the "Value/performance" crown however...
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    HD6970 vs gtx580 benchmarks

    "So, the pricing. The new 6970 and 6950, launched today, will have an RRP of $419 and $339 respectively. That's in Aussie dollars, by the way. Incidentally, US pricing for the 6970 sits at $US369. Just so you know. However, it's worth noting that the 6970 is not AMD's best performer. That...
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    HD6970 vs gtx580 benchmarks

    Its possible that AMD did a much better initial job with its 5xxx series and thus, there isnt as much for them to get out of this refresh. Contrast that to Nvidia, who did a crappy job with the 4xx series and they were able to make a much steeper improvement with the 5xx refresh. So its...
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    HD6970 vs gtx580 benchmarks

    You know...given that the bickering really is for guys doin multiple monitors and running high resolutions.... It does make me think that by..admitting that..EVEN the guys arguing in favor of Nvidia just inadvertently gave the thumbs up to AMD as the best value for all the rest of use 95%...
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    HD6970 vs gtx580 benchmarks

    Ok but, wasnt it decided that some of that "dippage" was attributable to the 68xx series having less vram than say a 580x? We saw that very clearly in the review of the 5970 versus a 580 which i think was done on H, (although i am not sure at the moment). in xfire/sli modes. The 6970 has 2G of...
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    HD6970 vs gtx580 benchmarks

    Ok ok joking aside. i am sure his point was that the benchmarks tell one story while his personal user experience tells another. I get it, i really do. I feel the same way about my OC I860 versus a 980, or about the value of buying a cheap scratch and dent alienware for $1,209 over the value...
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    HD6970 vs gtx580 benchmarks

    No no no, it just SEEMS that way. Its really not. You think you are posting on Hardocp right now but you really aren't it just seems that way. This is actually the twilight zone. My stomach hurts from laughing at that post.:p
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    HD6970 vs gtx580 benchmarks

    OH going to try this argument out in the Mustang forums. "I have seen the 5.0s 1/4 mile time. They SEEM faster than the 2010s...but in reality, its not any faster" HA HA HA HA , man i NEEDED that laugh! Wait wait let me try it with the weather. Yes the thermometer says its 22F out...
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    Adult 6970 discussion Thread

    I think edging out the 570 and getting 2 Gb of vram for around $400 would not be a bad deal. Especially for those who believe paying $520 and up for a 580 just seems "a bit too high" . Over clock it a bit, call it a day and pocket the extra $100.
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    Adult 6970 discussion Thread

    Yea, i am aware of the binning process. least if yields are high that could also mean very competitive prices on the 6970s. Someone in their forums was quoting $400 for the 2G version!
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    Adult 6970 discussion Thread

    See here: They cut the allocation of the 6950s and upped the numbers of 6970s being shipped. Didnt someone say if this card was slow the 6950s might be too close in performance to the ATI would.....what? Cut...
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    Adult 6970 discussion Thread

    Hmm...that should put the 5870 down to a solid $200. I still cant decide if i should get a second 5870 and deal with x fire headaches as 570 performance would DEFINATELY not be worth $350 investment over my current 5870 i am not paying much above $350 for any video card period. (unless it shows...
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    Adult 6970 discussion Thread

    So are we continuing on the idea that the performance leaks are meaningless as they are using 6800 series drivers and this is all meant to be a "trick" to make the people leaking info look stupid when they come out wednesday mush faster than whats being seen?
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    Adult 6970 discussion Thread

    I tried to read this thread..i really did. But i just couldnt. Grr... Hey lets just wait for he next should be back around and released again pretty soon. :eek: Now there is an upgrade cycle...from one 9800 to the next.....the "8 year plan"
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    3DMark 2011 - Low-key release?

    And if history teaches us anything, its that it will take 2 years before we even BEGIN to see actual games that look that way. i was playing Black ops last night with settings on high in the jungle and i reminded me of a demo from ATI only it was in an actual game running in...
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    5870--->GTX 580 upgrade?

    Also I wanted to point out...what do you EXPECT from a game entitled "The FORGOTTEN sands"???? I doubt they would take more than a couple weeks to get support for something like Crysis 2, half life 3, any of the COD games etc etc.
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    Dedicated GPUs for Physics

    On the one hand Intel is making discreet graphics nearly obselete on the low end, while Nvidia are moving towards "all in one" gaming cards that would work on virtually ANY COMPUTER, no matter how old using the graphics card for both physics and graphics. Personally, if i had to pick a winner...
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    Sanity check - i7 1336 isn't going anywhere, right?

    HT is very stable on my I860@ 3.533Ghz (whats that a 21% OC?). HT remains stable in Turbo modes up to 4.160GHZ as well. (and believe turbos nearly constantly..pretty much LIVES between 3.8-4ghz. Its more like it "throttles back" to 3.533 under load then it is like it "speeds up" when...