HD69XX @ newegg

i said f it and bought the 6970 saph for the mini displayport adapter because im buying for eyefinity.

Ill buy another later if needed. its replacing a 5970.
All I need is to see the bars on the 2560x1600 benchmarks to be higher or just as high as the GTX 580 and I will click BUY. :D

Also, does PCIe 2.1 amount to anything? Notice all Nvidia cards are 2.0.

Me too,and my 5870s will go into wifes case:)
Well someone sell me their used 5870 how about it?


I got...$100 bucks *wink*

$414.56 for the Sapphire after tax. I've never bought a card on release day, do other sites like Amazon and Tiger where I don't get tax raped have them in stock 1st day too?
The Gigabyte is already out of stock. I couldn't wait, so I ordered that one a little bit ago.
Cant wait for the reviews. A nice shiney 6950 might be my new card if they perform up to expectation. Expecting a big fat tax return so if I can hold out 2 more months, my $200 GPU budget will bump up to $300 with complete WAF so these are looking tempting.
The Gigabyte is already out of stock. I couldn't wait, so I ordered that one a little bit ago.
Yeah this isn't good.
They will all be out of stock by dawn.

Ugh. I was planning on buying the Gigabyte.
Using the 100 item shopping cart trick, looks like there are:

>100 Sapphire 6970s
45 Powercolor 6970s
100 XFX 6970s
56 HIS 6970s
>100 of all of the 6950s except for the Gigabyte one (at 10)
Using the 100 item shopping cart trick, looks like there are:

>100 Sapphire 6970s
45 Powercolor 6970s
100 XFX 6970s
56 HIS 6970s
>100 of all of the 6950s except for the Gigabyte one (at 10)

Besides the XFX, Gigabyte has the best warranty out of all the brands @ 3 years.
Or NewEgg just had less Gigabytes in stock. I've never owned Gigabyte anything, but I think they're a pretty reputable Mobo company, among other things.
I hope that's right.
PowerColor is running low as well.

Still waiting on ASUS but I'll bite on XFX if I have to.
If anyone is interested in the miniDP to DP adaptor, only the PowerColor and Sapphire ones have it (for the 6970s)
Is the 100 quantity trick reliable? I don't know how their backend works, do they update quantities at every product sold or done on routines?

Actually, just as I was writing this I noticed HIS go from 56 to 54.. so it's at least within 10 minute quantity updates.
Is the 100 quantity trick reliable? I don't know how their backend works, do they update quantities at every product sold or done on routines?

Actually, just as I was writing this I noticed HIS go from 56 to 54.. so it's at least within 10 minute quantity updates.
When someone gets an order confirmation (immediately after checkout), I assume their automated system decrements their stock quantity. It's probably not entirely accurate, though.
No shipping has occurred yet, so obviously they still have ALL of them "in stock" you know.
Why do people who have a 5970 still buy the 6970? Too much extra cash on their hands?
Bought a Sapphire 6970 as well. I wouldn't buy if egg's mark up the price so I decide to get it now so I won't kick myself later.
Ordered a Sapphire 6970, Xmas present from the woman so F that sales tax. Hopefully it's here tomorrow.
Why do people who have a 5970 still buy the 6970? Too much extra cash on their hands?

better performance then the 5870, less power usage, and dont have to deal with crossfire. those are the 3 primary reasons for them to buy the 6970. plus because the 5970 out performs the 6970 it will still resell very well.
Where do AMD cards usually ship from? CA or Eastern?
I've never had a newegg order not come from CA, so had better not come from across the damn country. Wish those bastards did pickup, they're like 2 miles from me. I could be installing it right now :D
Where do AMD cards usually ship from? CA or Eastern?

california i think but it depends on if newegg distributed them to all their warehouses before hand. also depends on the manufacture's shipping warehouse location. but most cards i've bought ATI or nvidia from newegg have come from california but i was also living in california at the time.

I've never had a newegg order not come from CA, so had better not come from across the damn country. Wish those bastards did pickup, they're like 2 miles from me. I could be installing it right now :D

lol i ordered 4 things once. 2 came from california and 2 from TN, funny part of it was the 2 parts from TN got to me first even though i only lived 5 hours from the california warehouse.

lmao at anybody buying these before the reviews come out
L M A O!!

they still have 6 hours left to cancel it before it gets processed and shipped :D nothing wrong with reserving a card for yourself, lol.
So where's the review? I'm pondering the switch. But I am leery of Crossfire vs SLI scaling and how much this actually improves perf for me over the 480s.
Hmm, well, seeing the Gigabyte one go OOS pushed me over the edge. Don't wanna take the chance of not having it by xmas so just ordered an XFX 6970.
california i think but it depends on if newegg distributed them to all their warehouses before hand. also depends on the manufacture's shipping warehouse location. but most cards i've bought ATI or nvidia from newegg have come from california but i was also living in california at the time.

I wonder if they use FedEx for third-party logistics/warehousing. Our company does. Some customers can buy our products and the order is fulfilled by FedEx in Memphis.

anyway, just snagged an XFX. Hopefully that ships from CA, only an hour north of me :)
Yea, I'm up in NorCal and love anything from their SoCal warehouse.. it's always 2nd day delivery. Unfortunately last couple years it seems like the majority of my purchases have shipped from the East.