First official HD69xx review is up!

The cheaper product will always sell but it doesn't mean it's the better product.
Somehow people seem to equate cheaper with better. It applies to some products but not the majority.
He didn't say cheaper, he said "price/performance winners".
Those kinds of cards are more profitable, which is why ATI has aimed for that market segment in recent years. If you want to put a price on it, it's probably somewhere from $199 to $299.

I should specify, when you say "better", I equate that to "makes the most money".
Performance means nothing if it's not proftable.
Pretty much. Gibbed at OCUK said he sold more 6900 series cards in 3 hours than 570's in a week.

Which week? This week, or launch week? Of course you are going to sell a lot of 6900s right now, as there is a lot of pent-up demand.
The cheaper product will always sell but it doesn't mean it's the better product.
Somehow people seem to equate cheaper with better. It applies to some products but not the majority.
It's clear AMD had to release these cards at a competitive price point. The performance didn't justify premium pricing.

I agree, but you can read these reviews at H and Toms and Anandtech etc all day long that explain all the reasons why a product that delivers 90% of the performance for 60% of the costs wins their sites awards and why they are the "better buys".

Top performance better? No.

Top Value better? Yes.

We are not talking about a 1gh dual cpu made by via thats only good for a cellphone "cheap"..we are talking 90% or higher of the same performance "cheap"...different kind of cheap.
369 USD for a 6970, which in itself is within 10% of a GTX 580. Wow, looking forward to the official reviews, see what the real scoop is. Thank god the wait is almost over.
I agree, but you can read these reviews at H and Toms and Anandtech etc all day long that explain all the reasons why a product that delivers 90% of the performance for 60% of the costs wins their sites awards and why they are the "better buys".

Top performance better? No.

Top Value better? Yes.

We are not talking about a 1gh dual cpu made by via thats only good for a cellphone "cheap"..we are talking 90% or higher of the same performance "cheap"...different kind of cheap.

I'm just saying that it's every year the same song. Nothing different from the generations before with AMD pricing.
AMDs niche is price and performance, that's a good thing for consumers. People will continue to hope for Nvidia killers but that's not AMD's focus.
I said it was too quiet and here we are. Most people will buy the 6900s since they waited all this time. The market will even out when the GTX 560 are released, Nivida still hasn't addressed the 6870.
On newegg now... $299 for the 6950, $369 for the 6970, both are 2GB GDDR5 256-bit.
I'm just saying that it's every year the same song. Nothing different from the generations before with AMD pricing.
AMDs niche is price and performance, that's a good thing for consumers. People will continue to hope for Nvidia killers but that's not AMD's focus.
I said it was too quiet and here we are. Most people will buy the 6900s since they waited all this time. The market will even out when the GTX 560 are released, Nivida still hasn't addressed the 6870.

I dont think that was the case when the 5970 came out and all Nvidia had was the GTX480.

I also do not think that was the situation that made the Nvidia 460 such a great buy.
I dont know why amd wold hold back reviews when the cards are already on sale.
still gonna hold back and wait for a official [H] review before I make my decision...

wife has asked me what I want for maybe a new 6970 will be under the tree
Saw this over at overclockers about the 6950:
9% less shaders then HD 6970 whis translate to only 5% slower performance clock per clock.

What do you guys think?
6950 for $299 and max it out on OC to match or beat the 6970?
I guess we need to see the 6970's OC potential of course...
Meh.....They don't even tell you what driver they're using..
I think it says "Radeon 6900 Press Driver" on the first page.
Is that... 10.11?

I really want to see some 10.12 tests but it's not happening yet.
Well only first review, but it doesn't seem that extra 70 bucks buys you much if your happy to OC.

those OC numbers are looking good, specially when no voltage adjustment *YET*

pretty much i agree with what you said :) yeah id save 70 bucks and OC the card.
Maybe he meant you could spend it on a GTX 570.

That would be pretty funny, if it wasn't preceded by "Priced surprisingly low for the performance", which implies they should be priced higher for the performance they offer.

Dammit, I'm going to be so happy once the NDA lifts. Even if they suck, at least we'll all stop this pointless bickering.
those OC numbers are looking good, specially when no voltage adjustment *YET*

pretty much i agree with what you said :) yeah id save 70 bucks and OC the card.

Agree, have to wait for some more info, but the OC 6950 really looks good compared to the 6970.

6970 draws pretty close to 570 power also, at least according to that benchmarkreviews review.
This is kind of sad. The 6970 is bouncing back and forth between 5870 and GTX580 performance, largely on par with or slightly exceeding a 570, sometimes approaching but not beating GTX580 performance, but most importantly of all it seems that in many games the 6970 straight up gets its shit shoved by all of the nvidia lineup. Too many games for me to feel comfortable with.

Hopefully these are driver issues or optimization issues, because they do not represent the appropriate overall performance across the board that should be had for the price. Nvidia cards are not suffering from this wild performance swing at this time.
H review is like night and day vs the other ones so far. I expect alot of regurgitation of linked reviews in the coming weeks in these forums :)
H review is like night and day vs the other ones so far. I expect alot of regurgitation of linked reviews in the coming weeks in these forums :)

Kyle has very diffrent benchmarks compared to others though.