First official HD69xx review is up!

That is pretty interesting, so it matches the gtx 580 at higher resolutions for 140 less. I say its a winner.
I doubt its the vram, I mean 5870 with 2gb of ram rarely made a difference. While Vram helps I think it is more of architectural Enhancements at work.
And it trails in JC2 and Dirt 2 - which is why I said "more or less"

Yeah but these games don't really need the extra power. I easily maxed out Dirt 2 on a 5870. Metro and Crysis are much more important IMO.
Well even the review states that it might be a driver issue when it comes to these two games.

Hopefully we'll see some reviews with newer drivers (if they exist) to make a better comparison. That rumored extra 10% would make a huge difference.
Yeah but these games don't really need the extra power. I easily maxed out Dirt 2 on a 5870. Metro and Crysis are much more important IMO.

Ture enough, although is Crysis still relevant, except that it is graphically demanding? Does anyone play Crysis any longer?
I doubt its the vram, I mean 5870 with 2gb of ram rarely made a difference. While Vram helps I think it is more of architectural Enhancements at work.

You may want to read this review from H

Performance seems to be all over the place with the Radeon HD 5970. The type and level of graphical demand inherent to the specific game plays a major factor in performance as you might suspect. We do see some patterns in our testing that we can summarize when making comparisons to the GeForce GTX 580.

The largest issue we had was running into a video RAM wall with the Radeon HD 5970. There is 1GB of RAM available to each GPU on the Radeon HD 5970. This is simply not enough for the latest DX11 games. In F1 2010, now that it supports DX11 using DirectCompute and some fancy post-processing memory intensive 3D effects, we are experiencing a much more demanding game. The Radeon HD 5970 runs into a wall at 8X MSAA at 2560x1600 with all the effects turned up. Performance becomes erratic, inconsistent, and downright unplayable. at 8X MSAA. However, on the GeForce GTX 580, which has more memory on board (1.5GB), performance is smooth, and most importantly playable at identical settings.

Then see if you still disagree with me.
Yeah but these games don't really need the extra power. I easily maxed out Dirt 2 on a 5870. Metro and Crysis are much more important IMO.

I have to agree there, I really do not care when I see FPS at 80+
It's not like any recent cards struggle to get very high framerates in those two games.

What matters is the demanding games that struggle to produce fluid framerates ~60.
§·H·ï·Z·N·ï·L·T·ï;1036566200 said:
Which game is closest to BC2's game architecture in relative fps performance?

BC2 uses the Frostbite engine so you're just going to have to wait for a review site to come out that includes BC2
It looks to me like the 6950 is trading blows with the 5870.
How much of a price premium will the 6950 justify over the 5870?

I have 3 twenty two inch 1680x1050 monitors I want to run in Eyefinity. I don't run dual GPUs and the top of my price range is about $300.

It seems to me 2560x1200 with 4xAA is roughly equivalent to 5000x1050 with 0xAA.
In the past the 2 Gig cards weren't really any faster at the higher IQ settings, until they started running at unplayable frame rates.

I'll be looking at the sales tomorrow to decide which card to buy.
I suspect the 6950 will be $50 more then the 5870. Any recommendations?
I suspect the 6950 will be $50 more then the 5870. Any recommendations?
$299 MSRP in the states, I think.
So that's $10 more than current 5870's on Newegg. 5870's have been on sale a lot recently; $215 AR ($245 before rebate) a week or two ago.
It looks to me like the 6950 is trading blows with the 5870.
How much of a price premium will the 6950 justify over the 5870?

I have 3 twenty two inch 1680x1050 monitors I want to run in Eyefinity. I don't run dual GPUs and the top of my price range is about $300.

It seems to me 2560x1200 with 4xAA is roughly equivalent to 5000x1050 with 0xAA.
In the past the 2 Gig cards weren't really any faster at the higher IQ settings, until they started running at unplayable frame rates.

I'll be looking at the sales tomorrow to decide which card to buy.
I suspect the 6950 will be $50 more then the 5870. Any recommendations?

Wait for an actual review from HardOCP or Anandtech? This guy was using the older drivers.
It looks to me like the 6950 is trading blows with the 5870.
How much of a price premium will the 6950 justify over the 5870?

I have 3 twenty two inch 1680x1050 monitors I want to run in Eyefinity. I don't run dual GPUs and the top of my price range is about $300.

It seems to me 2560x1200 with 4xAA is roughly equivalent to 5000x1050 with 0xAA.
In the past the 2 Gig cards weren't really any faster at the higher IQ settings, until they started running at unplayable frame rates.

I'll be looking at the sales tomorrow to decide which card to buy.
I suspect the 6950 will be $50 more then the 5870. Any recommendations?

get the one with the bigger GBs.
That is pretty interesting, so it matches the gtx 580 at higher resolutions for 140 less. I say its a winner.

If benchmarks across the web confirm this to be true, I will have myself two for 2560x1600. :D
Lol, you win this thread.

Ha ha you jest but i cut and pasted above..VRAM DOES matter at 2500x1600 with settings maxed..and THATS where we are seeing the 6970 doing better.

Ill cut and paste AGAIN.

The largest issue we had was running into a video RAM wall with the Radeon HD 5970. There is 1GB of RAM available to each GPU on the Radeon HD 5970. This is simply not enough for the latest DX11 games. In F1 2010, now that it supports DX11 using DirectCompute and some fancy post-processing memory intensive 3D effects, we are experiencing a much more demanding game. The Radeon HD 5970 runs into a wall at 8X MSAA at 2560x1600 with all the effects turned up. Performance becomes erratic, inconsistent, and downright unplayable. at 8X MSAA.
I may hold onto my 5850 a little longer...or I'll be picking up some 2nd hand 5870's or 5970's =P
I know this has already been stated, but why did this reviewer use Cat 10.11's? I don't know if this applies to the 69xx series of cards, but this is what AMD says directly on their website about using those drivers with 68xx series cards:

"Note! AMD Catalyst™ 10.11 does not provide support for the AMD Radeon™ HD 68xx series of graphics cards. Full support for these graphics cards is targeted to be available in the AMD Catalyst 10.12 driver release."

If this review was done before the release of the 10.12's, I'm wondering why he didn't use the 10.10e Hotfix drivers instead?

On another note, this was quite a thorough review, but google translator didn't do the best job on making this comprehensible. I'm interested in seeing other reviews, with 10.12's to see where this card really sits. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if results are similar. :)
Kyle's post

AMD is launching its new Radeon HD 6970 and HD 6950. These two GPUs round out AMD’s high-end Radeon HD 6000 family of single-GPU video cards. Priced surprisingly low for the performance, these two cards are ready to to deliver solid value in the high end market place. Spending your holiday cash wisely, just got easy.


let the hype train begin
Ha ha you jest but i cut and pasted above..VRAM DOES matter at 2500x1600 with settings maxed..and THATS where we are seeing the 6970 doing better.
Ill cut and paste AGAIN.

That's a dual GPU card.

In [H]ard|OCP's ATI Radeon HD 5870 Eyefinity 6 Performance Review:

They concluded:
"If you are running ATI Radeon HD Eyefinity 6 as a single video card, the 2GB frame buffer is not going to help you much in high Eyefinity resolution situations. There are some exceptions, like AvP, but mostly you are going to be GPU limited and not able to tap the potential of the 2GB frame buffer. The real benefits of the Eyefinity 6 video card not realized until you combine it with another and enable CrossFireX."

That's why I'm trying to decide if the extra 1 GB RAM is worth it.
Maybe the real reviews will show more of a performance increase for the 6950.
5870's have been on sale a lot recently; $215 AR ($245 before rebate) a week or two ago.

Newegg had a sale yesterday where for $290 (AR) you could get a 5870, a Corsair 650W psu, a Seagate 1TB hard drive and a $50 newegg gift card.
That's a dual GPU card.

In [H]ard|OCP's ATI Radeon HD 5870 Eyefinity 6 Performance Review:

They concluded:
"If you are running ATI Radeon HD Eyefinity 6 as a single video card, the 2GB frame buffer is not going to help you much in high Eyefinity resolution situations. There are some exceptions, like AvP, but mostly you are going to be GPU limited and not able to tap the potential of the 2GB frame buffer. The real benefits of the Eyefinity 6 video card not realized until you combine it with another and enable CrossFireX."

That's why I'm trying to decide if the extra 1 GB RAM is worth it.
Maybe the real reviews will show more of a performance increase for the 6950.

Fair enough but each GPU had......drum roll. 1 GB of ram at its disposal.

Soo........i would think the conclusion applies.;)
Oh, no. Hype is always necessary. ;)

Manufactured hype by forum members with fud info got us to this point of......Meh
AMD is fine with having the value cards and processors, the same goes for next gen, but the hype machine will start up once again.
Newegg had a sale yesterday where for $290 (AR) you could get a 5870, a Corsair 650W psu, a Seagate 1TB hard drive and a $50 newegg gift card.

Yesterday only? I cant find it.

Manufactured hype by forum members with fud info got us to this point of......Meh
AMD is fine with having the value cards and processors, the same goes for next gen, but the hype machine will start up once again.

If the hints at the the 6970 being the current price/performance champion...i dont think thats "finishing second"

Price/performance winners have always been the true winners over "top performer at a premium cost". If it were reversed and Nvidia was the price performance champ, id say the same thing (look at all the Nvidia 460s and I5/750s that were sold and decide for yourself who one those battles).
Price/performance winners have always been the true winners over "top performer at a premium cost". If it were reversed and Nvidia was the price performance champ, id say the same thing (look at all the Nvidia 460s and I5/750s that were sold and decide for yourself who one those battles).

Pretty much. Gibbed at OCUK said he sold more 6900 series cards in 3 hours than 570's in a week.
Oh well... performance crown appears unreachable.

Still looking forward to read the review in the morning, PLEASE OVERCLOCK LIKE CRAZY :D :D :D

Performance/watt should be good, is it the same as 6870?
Yesterday only? I cant find it.

If the hints at the the 6970 being the current price/performance champion...i dont think thats "finishing second"

Price/performance winners have always been the true winners over "top performer at a premium cost". If it were reversed and Nvidia was the price performance champ, id say the same thing (look at all the Nvidia 460s and I5/750s that were sold and decide for yourself who one those battles).

The cheaper product will always sell but it doesn't mean it's the better product.
Somehow people seem to equate cheaper with better. It applies to some products but not the majority.
It's clear AMD had to release these cards at a competitive price point. The performance didn't justify premium pricing.
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