First official HD69xx review is up!

Talk about headache inducing.....I think I can wait a few more hours for more "official" reviews.
I thought the review said it was a bios slider.
It can't be both.

Is it still a considered a slider if every [H] reader has it pegged to the right?
Just like the old Turbo bottons.
Boot PC -> Enable Turbo -> Never turn it off.
Yeah, just a BIOS slider. The power controls are in the CCC, as pictured in that review. And we all know we'll be having that one turned all the way to the right.
Going by this review, Cayman is ahead of the GTX580 by 6.2% at 2560x1600 with AA/AF in Crysis Warhead.

And it seems they aren't using the latest drivers..

If Cayman shines in the most demanding games I am pleased :)
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Yeah, headache inducing charts, but they showed the 6950 underperforming the 5870 and the 6970 in between 570 and 580.
It's a headache inducing release, to be honest. Every new piece of information we get seems to either take the 6970/6950 down a notch or up a notch. And then the magic drivers of course, the big unknown.
Yep, painful format.

But did see that 6950 is about equal to the 5870 with exception of Tessellation which is much better. I think this is something of a disappointment.

The 6970 trades blows with the 570/480 and is behind the 580, much as all the previous leaks indicated and as I predicted way back...
love this line from the russian review "Simply had to dance with a tambourine and spend 2.5 hours to ensure that all set, and thus to understand - why and in what order to install.",amds-6970-pricing-revealed.aspx

The new 6970 and 6950, launched today, will have an RRP of $419 and $339 respectively. That's in Aussie dollars, by the way. Incidentally, US pricing for the 6970 sits at $US369. Just so you know.

However, it's worth noting that the 6970 is not AMD's best performer. That crown still sits firmly on the head of the previous generation's 5970 - which is a dual-core monster that'll cost you around $200 more than the 6970.

That's the trick here - the 6970 sits at a much more attractive price-performance ratio than any other AMD card. It's not the top dog, but it's probably the better enthusiast choice. Our testing, which is still in progress, backs that up - be sure to check out issue 121 for the full details. As a teaser, it does double the tesselation performance over previous cards.

In terms of NVIDIA cards, this release still leaves the GTX 580 as the single fastest card on the market, but again, it's a level of performance that you'll pay through the nose for - and will be unlikely take full advantage of. And, to be honest, it's not that much faster than the 6970.

Though we only got the card yesterday... but so far, it's a sweet bit of kit.

Looks like it may very well take the "Value/performance" crown however...
Again no word on if they used the magic drivers, though. So pretty much just confirming what we've been thinking so far. But yeah, decent price.
If 6970 is this powerful with 1560 shaders, I wonder why they didn't go for 1920 and blow the competition out of the water
Initial release betting the Newegg/micro-center prices will end up being $350-$375 within a couple weeks....that will be hard to pass up versus $508-$549 for the 580.
If it starts at $369 then $350 is a price cut. :p
Again... $369...
If the prices go up (cough Newegg) then yes, it's bad news.
Initial release betting the Newegg/micro-center prices will end up being $350-$375 within a couple weeks....that will be hard to pass up versus $508-$549 for the 580.

Except that it is more or less a 570 competitor, which can be had for around $350.
So it looks like 2010 ends a bit differently than 2009 with AMD the top dog and nVidia no where to be seen. Much greater parity today.
Ok well I'm checking the original web page. If anyone wants to know something specific you can ask me, since, as you might be able to tell by my moniker, I'm Russian. Although, I'm not nearly as [H] as most of you, and all these pages and pages of tests really bore me, so don't ask me to translate everything lol.

However, if you want the punchline, the title of the original Russian article says roughly: "AMD Radeon 6950/6970: a little weaker than GeForce GTX 570/580, but also cheaper".

The translator page has something completely different where that subtitle line should be.

EDIT: actually, I take that back, don't ask me anything cuz I'll be out of the house for pretty much rest of the day lol. But anyway, we can say definitively that it's less than the 580, since that's the title of the whole article.
Except that it is more or less a 570 competitor, which can be had for around $350.

@ 2560x1600 the 6970 trounces the 570. Most people will be buying these cards for higher resolutions I reckon..

In Crysis Warhead it's 25% ahead of a 570. In Metro it's 16% ahead.

That said, I wouldn't base any conclusions from this review, but just saying.
@ 2560x1600 the 6970 trounces the 570. Most people will be buying these cards for higher resolutions I reckon..

In Crysis Warhead it's 25% ahead of a 570. In Metro it's 16% ahead.

That said, I wouldn't base any conclusions from this review, but just saying.
Are you talking about the 10.11 russian review?
16% and 25% put it into/beyond 580 territory.
Ok i misunderstood.

I was thinking the 6970 was coming in some where BETWEEN the 570 and 580 which would make a $375-$400 VERY attractive???

Are you talking about the 10.11 russian review?
16% and 25% put it into/beyond 580 territory.


THATS where i was coming from!
I'll wait before jumping to conclusions.....For one, I want to see if any of the other reviews feature those "magic" drivers, since I assume that these guys weren't under the NDA(?). It makes no sense for AMD to make a card to be just as fast, or marginally faster than 480/570.
Are you talking about the 10.11 russian review?
16% and 25% put it into/beyond 580 territory.

Yep - check out the 2560x1600 results with AA/AF:


So I guess once again AMD is relying on it's Dual GPU counterpart to be in competition with Nvidia's single GPU highend? That's probably why the 6970 is priced so low. The 6990 will probably be $500+ and will stomp the GTX580. Only problem is I gave up mulitple gpu systems since I can see microstutter every damn time any card gets below 60fps on any game. With a single gpu I don't see it. Therefore I'd rather have a top of the line single gpu card then a dual....

How? GTX 570 is around $349.99 @ newegg.. If 6970 really competes with 480/570 then $400 price tag doesn't look good...

Thats how! (see chart above)

So I guess once again AMD is relying on it's Dual GPU counterpart to be in competition with Nvidia's single GPU highend? That's probably why the 6970 is priced so low. The 6990 will probably be $500+ and will stomp the GTX580. Only problem is I gave up mulitple gpu systems since I can see microstutter every damn time any card gets below 60fps on any game. With a single gpu I don't see it. Therefore I'd rather have a top of the line single gpu card then a dual....

You are referring to the problems he 5970 had with 1G of ram for each processor.

WILL NOT be an issue with 2G of ram for each GPU

That's a big gain in performance @ 2560x1600.

Looks like its making use of the extra vram
@ 2560x1600 the 6970 trounces the 570. Most people will be buying these cards for higher resolutions I reckon..

In Crysis Warhead it's 25% ahead of a 570. In Metro it's 16% ahead.

That said, I wouldn't base any conclusions from this review, but just saying.

And it trails in JC2 and Dirt 2 - which is why I said "more or less"