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  1. D

    Very VERY odd video issue.

    Curiouser and curiouser... does Win recognize your LCD off the bat?
  2. D

    what to belive

    The only way to know for certain is to measure your voltages with a voltmeter of some sort.
  3. D

    PC Problem

    Driver interactions?
  4. D

    Is it smart to upgrade?

    I wouldn't bank on DirectX 10 and DDR is still going strong. It will take some time before the majority of new games will require DirectX 10... that is, when it actually somes out. If you are looking for a future-resistant (there's not such thing as future proof :p ) gaming system, then...
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    Very VERY odd video issue.

    That is odd. I'm assuming that the actual computer is the same, just the displays are different? So, you can get video on your LCD, but the neighbor's LCD won't do it... using same output connector on the card? All other display stuff works fine, just not videos? This is a work...
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    200GB IDE: $40 AR ($80-40), Feb 19-25

    Lucky for me, one of the guys I told about this sale last week swung by today to say that he picked one up at the local store (local being 12 miles from work/30 miles for home) and they had plenty... So I swung by this afternoon following work and I have me one. Woohoo!
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    200GB IDE: $40 AR ($80-40), Feb 19-25

    Out of Stock online... serves me right for waiting until today to try and buy one... :(
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    200GB IDE: $40 AR ($80-40), Feb 19-25

    Yup, and Dngrswife already gave me the go! :D
  9. D

    Project Ancient Box.....

    That would make a beautious swap drive.
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    Project Ancient Box.....

    Better than that-- I have some socket 7 K6-2's that range up to 400MHz, and IIRC, they topped out at like 533MHz.
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    Project Ancient Box.....

    Bah! Kids these days... :p Must be nice having a spare 939 board lying around... here I am trying to scrounge up Slot 1 boards to fold on.
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    200GB IDE: $40 AR ($80-40), Feb 19-25

    Conveniently enough, I was looking for a 200GB drive.
  13. D

    Project Ancient Box.....

    Dude, that system is almost as dated as my WINS server... It'll still make a good firewall appliance, though.
  14. D

    dial up box pops up when on lan

    You might want to find out what is prompting the dialup window-- some program wants to call home and that not be in your best interest. Once you figure out which app is calling the window (and deal with the reasons for such), I'm sure you'll find that it is still programmed to dial instead of...
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    Nibbler or die grinder?

    Pneumatic nibblers cut through cases like a knife through butter.
  16. D

    Windows XP Pro install problems

    Are you using the latest SATA drivers for the install?
  17. D

    COM Port Error

    Check your BIOS and make sure the COM port is enabled.
  18. D

    HTML Desktop

    Anotehr good resource is Twisted Plastic.
  19. D

    Address to Physcial Part?

    If the memory fails memtest86 in any way then it will cause problems. It may not be as noticible if it's a higher physical address, but it will still cause problems for you.
  20. D

    MS outlook

    Doing this from memory, so bear with me. Okay, first, you need to have at least one account in the Outlook already. Go to Options, Mail Setup tab, hit the Data Files button. Surf to the .pst file you want to use. You may have to change settings under the Email Accounts button, so all...
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    MS outlook

    You can link each instance of Outlook to the same .pst though you may have to create a new account first, then change over.
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    Address to Physcial Part?

    I'm sure you could, but you'd probably spend more time researching the physical address than it would take to pull a stick out and rerun.
  23. D

    No post, no boot, no fan whr, no Nothing!

    Okay, I'm thinking that this isn't an issue with non-proprietary components interfering with operation. If you have a voltmeter handy, I'd check and see if there are any voltage outputs at all from the PSU. Leave teh PSU disconnected from the wall for a good ten minutes, then plug it in...
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    No post, no boot, no fan whr, no Nothing!

    It does sound like an electrical short somewhere... do teh fans start turning momentarily and then stop? It may happen once, then the machine refuses to do it again for some time. I would disconnect everything except the motherboard form teh power supply, then try turning it on and see if...
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    Post your funny/n00b computer stories!

    I decided to go dual-boot and emptied out a partition on my WinXP machine, then proceeded to format and retype the Windows partition.
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    Ctrl+Alt+Del=no task controller?

    Hrm... does anyone else use the computer? Is there a possibility that someone set the registry with a "no ctrl+alt+del" setting?
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    Installations fail, after installation

    It could be anything... do you have any amplifying information? System specs might be of help. First, I would try a different CD, and run a cleaner CD through the reader.
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    What is the Windows OEM preinst kit?

    Windows PE is used by OEMs to build proprietary installation discs for their products (read: Dell, HP). It is essentially a stripped-down Win OS that allows the builder to fully customize the installation CD to the machine it's being built for. As an example, I would create an unattended...
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    Which Linux ditribution should I start with?

    Your best bet would be to go to Distrowatch and read teh descriptions of the various distributions out there to see what best fills your needs and desires. Personally, I liked the look of Ubuntu, but didn't want to install from the 'net so I downloaded Slackware instead and I've learned quite...
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    Ctrl+Alt+Del=no task controller?

    Do you get anything at all? If you get the top frame, then right-click on the frame and hit Restore.