Very VERY odd video issue.


Limp Gawd
Oct 10, 2005
I have a client that cannot play videos. Has a cheap new ATI card. I install codecs do the noraml trouble shooting. No go on videos still.

So I take it back to the work bench open it up, all looks ok. Hook it up to my monitor and try playing a video in WMP. Works fine. No glitches not lock ups.

Take it back to his office which is 120 miles away no videos again. Grab a co-workes monitor ... no video. Take it back to my location hook up my LCD, I get video again.

Any ideas why he cannot play them. I though it was a monitor issue but they don't play on his LCD or a co workers CRT. But they play on my LCD. I am lost. Updated drivers the works..
That is odd. I'm assuming that the actual computer is the same, just the displays are different?

So, you can get video on your LCD, but the neighbor's LCD won't do it... using same output connector on the card?

All other display stuff works fine, just not videos?

This is a work machine... any chance it has something to do with being connected to the network at the job site?
Dngrsone said:
That is odd. I'm assuming that the actual computer is the same, just the displays are different?

So, you can get video on your LCD, but the neighbor's LCD won't do it... using same output connector on the card?

All other display stuff works fine, just not videos?

This is a work machine... any chance it has something to do with being connected to the network at the job site?

Yeh I thought it was the display cause it worked on my Viewsonic LCD, but not his Emerson LCD. Then when at his office we tried a co-workers CRT and it still played no video but when I hauled it back to my place for a second time. The video plays again on my Viewsonic LCD, HP LCD, and a Dell LCD.

I have it on the company network at both places so I don't think that could be it. And the even ODDER thing is that I have a few identical backup machines so we took his HD out and then put it in another identical hardware machine and same results. I at a point where I think windows is messed up, but it still doesn't explain why it plays sometimes and sometimes not. We get audio buy no video and a locked up machine on his LCD and mine it's fine. It's so friggen crazy.

P4 Prescott
MSI board K8N
Asus CD-RW
ATI card... have to look up part number.
Yeh it seems to recognize it ASAP cause I can chnage the res to it's native the second I try to. it's a wide 19" his is a 4:3 17"
Have you tried going into Safe Mode, going to the Device Manager, and deleting all the entries under "Monitors"? I've found in older versions of Windows that while a disconnected device won't show up in the Device Manager normally, it'll show up in Safe Mode, and sometimes having more than what you're actually using will foul things up.