Ctrl+Alt+Del=no task controller?


Limp Gawd
Jun 21, 2005
Hello, for some reason when I press Ctrl+Alt+Del my task manager doesn't pop up any more. Even when i go to windows task and right click. What's going on here? Anyone know? Thanks in advance.
Do you get anything at all?

If you get the top frame, then right-click on the frame and hit Restore.
Hrm... does anyone else use the computer? Is there a possibility that someone set the registry with a "no ctrl+alt+del" setting?
my guess is some malware going nuts.

i'd suggest first making sure that your antivirus is uptodate and scanned.
next, download a copy of hijackthis and run it.
hit do scan and save logfile.

once it has completed the scan and saved the log file, go to www.hijackthis.de, and scroll to the bottom where it says "or you can choose a logfile from your computer"
hit browse, select the logfile that hijackthis saved, and hit analyze. scroll through the list of entries, and any entries it says are harmful should be checkmarked in hijackthis. once you've checked all of the offending entries, hit fix checked.

after you've run hijackthis, i'd suggest also grabbing adaware and updating and scanning your computer with that.

if neither of those works and you still need to get into your task manager, hijackthis has an option on the main menu that allows access to the task manager which should be good enough as a temp fix while you sort the problem out
There was a virus that did this, if I remember correctly.
Is it returning your desktop and taskbar when you select task manager? If not, wait 10-15 minutes (no joke) and see if you get 'Unknown Hard Error.'
Hard drives with dying/defective PCBs cause this.

Otherwise, yeah, probably a virus or malware.
Thanks, I just scanned it with NOD32 and now I seee the task manager.