MS outlook


Supreme [H]ardness
May 4, 2002
Ok I have two computers. Is it possible to sync them to each other so that outlook is the same?

Kind of like how a PDA and a computer work??

Without using MS exchange server?

if not how to I copy everything from one outlook install to another so i can change were i read my mail?

You can link each instance of Outlook to the same .pst though you may have to create a new account first, then change over.
How would you go about doing this? My parents would actually benefit from linking two computers MS Outlook's to the same pst file but I'm not sure how to even go about doing this.
Doing this from memory, so bear with me.

Okay, first, you need to have at least one account in the Outlook already.

Go to Options, Mail Setup tab, hit the Data Files button. Surf to the .pst file you want to use. You may have to change settings under the Email Accounts button, so all mail goes into the target .pst file by default.
Yup, Should work well. Assuming you've made sure the directory the .pst file you want to view is shared out so the other computer can see it.

You can't have a PST open at the same time on more than one computer.

There are cheaper third-party solutions however, that provide the desired effect you're looking for.
versello said:
You can't have a PST open at the same time on more than one computer.
I wasn't aware of that. It should still work for the OP, just make sure the people using it know this as well. I'm sure windows will tell them via some fun message, but you can let them know ahead of time.

versello said:
There are cheaper third-party solutions however, that provide the desired effect you're looking for.

This is definitely true as well, though getting people to change sometimes is rough. Not that changing email clients and things should be much of a hassle.

Thank you for the input as well. things like that are good to remember.
