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  1. T

    Has any cpu ever died for you?

    I had the FPU die on a P4 540 after folding for 12 months at 3.6Ghz. Intel replaced it without any probs.:)
  2. T

    marty/zim01 moving on thread

    He came to us from somewhere else. In total he has folded for 6 teams. :) He certainly likes to share the love.
  3. T

    Calling codysown...check your boxen

    Yes, use the console client, seperate folders and -local switch.
  4. T

    FAH might shutdown- blame pigeon little (1 day deal)

    Damn you guys have it good, yet you dont stop complaining about the weather. :rolleyes: Shut down your boxen, grab your surfboard and hit the beach. :D While your enjoying the warmth, consider that Rooland is suffering its coldest winter in 15 years. :eek: For the science... :)
  5. T

    The Roos celebrate and we do what?

    You wouldn't be jealous, would you Mohonri :p
  6. T

    The [H]orde Nears a Major Milestone

    Congratulations on a magnificent milestone. :cool: OCAU hit 200 Mega points last week. ;) Stanford must surely be pleased. :D
  7. T

    2.6 or 2.0 speeds, doubled up???

    Not so good at maths, what about our other 80 percent. :rolleyes:
  8. T

    2.6 or 2.0 speeds, doubled up???

    Never EVER apologise for your points output, this whole DC thing relies on tens of thousands of small time folders, not a few "leet" big producers. :) Fold on brothers, for the cure!! :D
  9. T

    Construction ahead: give em' a break

    I like DC forums, they seem to have a better, more caring class of posters. So respect the mods, they are the thread that holds the fabric together. :)
  10. T

    How can I get more points?

    More for me ;)
  11. T

    Time to ramp it up boys, winter is almost here.

    Thats the spirit. :) Now get to it, you guys have got some work to do. ;)
  12. T

    Time to ramp it up boys, winter is almost here.

    Hang on Datsun, be fair, its the [H]orde we're talking about here...have trouble coming to terms with anything. :eek: BTW Next week will be 6 months since the [H] last got a sniff of the number one spot :p
  13. T

    Time to ramp it up boys, winter is almost here.

    Its mid spring here, temps already passing mid 80s, thats why the ducks stayin. ;)
  14. T

    Time to ramp it up boys, winter is almost here.

    Nah, the ducks flown south and he is staying for our nice warm summer. :cool: BTW, as your heading into winter, can we borrow some airconditioners? To keep our computers overclocked. :)
  15. T

    Time to ramp it up boys, winter is almost here.

    Dont be like that, its all friendly rivalry. ;) Besides, we were happy to have Atomic Moose & Marty9876 visit us at OCAU during the recent hurricane season, although they still havent paid the bar bill yet. :( Remember its for the science. :) Fold on brothers.
  16. T

    Time to ramp it up boys, winter is almost here.

    Hey, you guys can eat all the BBQ roo you want, not sure about availability in US, but the "Relic Trophy" will be staying in its cabinet in the OCAU trophy room. :p