marty/zim01 moving on thread

Marty and Zim01 both left and joined the same team.

I don't know why or what for.

This is the best team.

They both joined the outcast folding team. I went there... there are welcome messages for both of them.

I'm not sure what the reasons may be, but I'm sorry to see both of you guys go. We know you'll keep on folding, just don't be strangers and maybe someday we'll be racing for number one with you guys too!
Holy crap, the Aussies are gonna come back at us when the summer once again comes...
Jon855 said:
Holy crap, the Aussies are gonna come back at us when the summer once again comes...

Not if we all borg a little more. ;)
Jon855 said:
Holy crap, the Aussies are gonna come back at us when the summer once again comes...
Not too likely. If we all keep running, we'll be just fine.
Maybe they were just mercenaries- you know, muscle for hire? I guess the Outcasts wanted to try to ramp up all of a sudden...
1. Anyone else find it ironic that this thread title was edited/merged? Sorry, just seemed odd...
2. Who said goodbye? If simply switching where WU's are dumped means I'm no longer welcome here please let me know in this thread.
3. As for my reasons (and apparently they are the same as dim02's since the thread merge) I personally don't feel it right for me to state them. I'll answer what I can via PM's.

Sorry RHPArrow but it's just TOO funny to keep to myself... Arrow seems to think dim02 and myself are the same person... LOL... Ok, I need a shower now.
marty9876 said:
1. Anyone else find it ironic that this thread title was edited/merged? Sorry, just seemed odd...
2. Who said goodbye? If simply switching where WU's are dumped means I'm no longer welcome here please let me know in this thread.
3. As for my reasons (and apparently they are the same as dim02's since the thread merge) I personally don't feel it right for me to state them. I'll answer what I can via PM's.

Sorry RHPArrow but it's just TOO funny to keep to myself... Arrow seems to think dim02 and myself are the same person... LOL... Ok, I need a shower now.

1. Maybe this is a little more to your liking.. was an on the fly thread merge,
2. You're more than welcome, again, on the fly thread merge.
3. May not be the same reasons, but the sentiment was the same coming from everyone who was posting, esp. since there were a handful of messages in each thread that were copied and pasted.
marty9876 said:
1. Anyone else find it ironic that this thread title was edited/merged? Sorry, just seemed odd...
2. Who said goodbye? If simply switching where WU's are dumped means I'm no longer welcome here please let me know in this thread.
3. As for my reasons (and apparently they are the same as dim02's since the thread merge) I personally don't feel it right for me to state them. I'll answer what I can via PM's.

Sorry RHPArrow but it's just TOO funny to keep to myself... Arrow seems to think dim02 and myself are the same person... LOL... Ok, I need a shower now.

actually had i been a moderator in here i would have also merged them... since they are basically two threads saying the same thing, albiet by different people...

anyhow, i think saying that you are switching teams is a goodbye, at least thats how i would interpret it... not that your not welcome here... if you werent it would have been a perma-ban ;)

and who the f*%^ is dim02? lol

i know two cant be the same person becuase then one, or probably both of you would have been banned for dual-registration...

anyhow, sorry that you didnt feel happy here, hope you will be happy in your future endeavors

marty9876 said:
1. Anyone else find it ironic that this thread title was edited/merged? Sorry, just seemed odd...
2. Who said goodbye? If simply switching where WU's are dumped means I'm no longer welcome here please let me know in this thread.
3. As for my reasons (and apparently they are the same as dim02's since the thread merge) I personally don't feel it right for me to state them. I'll answer what I can via PM's.

Sorry RHPArrow but it's just TOO funny to keep to myself... Arrow seems to think dim02 and myself are the same person... LOL... Ok, I need a shower now.

1. Yes, abuot as ironic as you and zim both leaving at the same time.

2. I suppose it was assumed. People speculate, and given that you were always a live wire, I don't think it would have surprised anyone if something happened behind the scenes that caused you to want to leave the team. However, by all means, whether you fold for team 33 or not, your just as welcome in these parts as anyone who does. I can't imagine the DC forums without ya.
Alright, I'll try. Honestly my gut tells me anything I say will be taken as negative. My intention is not to burn any bridges/go negative in any way.

I've met many people here which whom I'd call friends and hope this will remain this way. If not, well I can not control the actions of others.

Three groups:

1. Personal
2. Logistics
3. Change in style

Per 1. No comment. I'd say this is a large part of my choice but I feel anything I say here will be interpreted in a negative view.

Per 2.

A. [H] in the #1 team and that's not going to change, at least anytime soon. I'll spare you with the details but the race for #1 is moot currently and for the foreseeable future in my opinion.

B. Flecom (my caps lock in not broken...:) ) Sorry to name you by names but where am I to go here? 2nd place, yippie! The mother of all borgs you got is a GOOD thing for the cause and please don't take this as anything but good.

Problem for me with this is no place to go on a team level, no place to go on a inter-team level. Yea, walk up the overall ranks but...ok so I just figured out I walked away from 7.6m points...whoops to quote someone...

Disclaimer 1: If you want to call this a point whore reason so be it. Please bear in mind that I've dropped more WU's under other folders names than anyone I've ever came across (especially counting the ones no one knows about!).

This leads into a far more important reason: Growth. I need something to work towards, or more importantly somebody whoop on. Well now I've got, along with everyone on the team, 150 teams to go whoop on.

Yea, I've upgraded my tauting to entire teams now...

Disclaimer 2: I did not post the team I switched to because I thought some might view it as recruiting and that's a no no. On this point "Viper...." I don't know anyone there/they had no clue (in more than one near as I can tell :p) what/why/anything. I like the team name, what can I say back to getting distracted by something shinny I guess.

Umm, forgot what was posting... Ohhh

Per 3.

I think I might change my style and go more "international" so to speak. Posting/being active/helping in many more forums than I have been. For me making all the teams into one team for the cause, in my view.

I've recently gotten a few PM's from members outside [H] members and it's warning...touching.

Mostly personal reasons which I'm not going to post. Bear in mind no one person/one group of people would/could make me switch. I think we all know that to be true, plus I'm not giving anyone that much credit! I hope having targets to shoot for, growth, will only strength my resolve.

zim01= Again, I can not control the actions on others. If you have a question, please ask him.

I still hope to stop by and help out for the cause- if cool with everyone.

Ok, lead brick time...

gnewbury said:
I don't visit the official forums because of some particularly anal moderators that surpress information depending on the butt they are kissing.

Well now... AIN"T THAT THE TRUTH... just kidding

Cool, not cool? Who cares?

Disclaimer 3: fourm yelled at me for too many smiles
Abbreviated post style leaks into my head. No longer form complete sentences in head. Years of grammar school wasted.

Sorry to see marty and zim leave the [H]orde. :(
Both have contributed measurably to our points,
and immeasurably to the team spunk and spirit.

Best wishes to both, and should you decide to return
to Team 33, know that you will be welcome.

Thanks Marty & Zim for the entertainment !

I still think Marty & Zim may be the same person, :p But lord knows I've been proven wrong on this forum before !
RPhArrow said:
Thanks Marty & Zim for the entertainment !

I still think Marty & Zim may be the same person, :p But lord knows I've been proven wrong on this forum before !

If Marty and Zim are the same person, and Marty and Zim are lovers, that means....

Viper87227 said:
If Marty and Zim are the same person, and Marty and Zim are lovers, that means.... :eek:

Please Viper, I'm getting a sick feeling about this one, I really don't want to see Marty9876 in a dress again or much less Zim01 in a dress either.

But on the light side, we still have marty9876's pal oldbenwa still folding with us and to inform us what marty is up to.
just dont go international to roo land ;) And i totally feel the urge to have something to shoot for. The point system was created to create a competitive spirit and encourage folding and that is what you are long as you keep folding i dont "really" care where your points go...but you are always welcome here by me (even tho i dont think im incharge of that :)) fold on man....fold on :)

and to Arrow...i do have chopping pics of both zimmy and marty and they are different....and seriously...if marty borgged enough to double his production, do you really think he wouldnt take credit for it?
Scorpionjwp said:
But on the light side, we still have marty9876's pal oldbenwa still folding with us and to inform us what marty is up to.
I don't think so. Oldbenwa has only turned in 3 wu since rook took the gauntlet. None in the last 5 days. I think he has left also.

Marty/Zim, I really just started getting active on this forum so I really did not get to know you but I sorry to see you go anyway. Fold on
[BRO]Alaskan said:
I don't think so. Oldbenwa has only turned in 3 wu since rook took the gauntlet. None in the last 5 days. I think he has left also.
marty most of switched his systems too :p
rofty --- somehow when you don't make sense, you still find a way to make sense.... can we be sure you are not Marty9876's son ? :D

edit: referring to 9:01pm post
...and seriously...if marty borgged enough to double his production, do you really think he wouldnt take credit for it?

Marty9876 had so many controllable borgs, and so many boxen that he put in other names, that he EASILY could have pulled off the dual personality of Marty/Zim ! The script was like a soap opera .... both parts were either written and performed by one person, or the script was written then performed by 2 associates (no, I'm not suggesting they both work at Wal-Mart...)

Consider Zim's mysterious arrival at [H]ard|OCP ..... no one asked too many questions, did they ? Consider the sudden rivalry between Zim & Marty.....Convenient... then the continuously expanding hot coal wars (note the difference from "flame wars") .... until "they" both leave the team at the same time... coincidentally arriving at another team... And if you talk on a personal level with either persona, they claim no personal animosity toward the other...
Conclusion: They are the same person successfully pulling off a 6 month sideshow that we all enjoyed..... He even drew the mods in ....
marty9876 said:
Alright, I'll try. Honestly my gut tells me anything I say will be taken as negative. My intention is not to burn any bridges/go negative in any way.

I've met many people here which whom I'd call friends and hope this will remain this way. If not, well I can not control the actions of others.

Three groups:

1. Personal
2. Logistics
3. Change in style

Per 1. No comment. I'd say this is a large part of my choice but I feel anything I say here will be interpreted in a negative view.

Per 2.

A. [H] in the #1 team and that's not going to change, at least anytime soon. I'll spare you with the details but the race for #1 is moot currently and for the foreseeable future in my opinion.

B. Flecom (my caps lock in not broken...:) ) Sorry to name you by names but where am I to go here? 2nd place, yippie! The mother of all borgs you got is a GOOD thing for the cause and please don't take this as anything but good.

Problem for me with this is no place to go on a team level, no place to go on a inter-team level. Yea, walk up the overall ranks but...ok so I just figured out I walked away from 7.6m points...whoops to quote someone...

Disclaimer 1: If you want to call this a point whore reason so be it. Please bear in mind that I've dropped more WU's under other folders names than anyone I've ever came across (especially counting the ones no one knows about!).

This leads into a far more important reason: Growth. I need something to work towards, or more importantly somebody whoop on. Well now I've got, along with everyone on the team, 150 teams to go whoop on.

Yea, I've upgraded my tauting to entire teams now...

Disclaimer 2: I did not post the team I switched to because I thought some might view it as recruiting and that's a no no. On this point "Viper...." I don't know anyone there/they had no clue (in more than one near as I can tell :p) what/why/anything. I like the team name, what can I say back to getting distracted by something shinny I guess.

Umm, forgot what was posting... Ohhh

Per 3.

I think I might change my style and go more "international" so to speak. Posting/being active/helping in many more forums than I have been. For me making all the teams into one team for the cause, in my view.

I've recently gotten a few PM's from members outside [H] members and it's warning...touching.

Mostly personal reasons which I'm not going to post. Bear in mind no one person/one group of people would/could make me switch. I think we all know that to be true, plus I'm not giving anyone that much credit! I hope having targets to shoot for, growth, will only strength my resolve.

zim01= Again, I can not control the actions on others. If you have a question, please ask him.

I still hope to stop by and help out for the cause- if cool with everyone.

Ok, lead brick time...

Well now... AIN"T THAT THE TRUTH... just kidding

Cool, not cool? Who cares?

Disclaimer 3: fourm yelled at me for too many smiles



Goat fucking is bad, mmmkaayyy???



best wishes wherever you fold. I will miss you.

RPhArrow said:
Marty9876 had so many controllable borgs, and so many boxen that he put in other names, that he EASILY could have pulled off the dual personality of Marty/Zim ! The script was like a soap opera .... both parts were either written and performed by one person, or the script was written then performed by 2 associates (no, I'm not suggesting they both work at Wal-Mart...)

Consider Zim's mysterious arrival at [H]ard|OCP ..... no one asked too many questions, did they ? Consider the sudden rivalry between Zim & Marty.....Convenient... then the continuously expanding hot coal wars (note the difference from "flame wars") .... until "they" both leave the team at the same time... coincidentally arriving at another team... And if you talk on a personal level with either persona, they claim no personal animosity toward the other...
Conclusion: They are the same person successfully pulling off a 6 month sideshow that we all enjoyed..... He even drew the mods in ....

----- or -----

instead of being the same person

they were father and son!

Darth Zim and Marty-Luke!

RPhArrow said:
Marty9876 had so many controllable borgs, and so many boxen that he put in other names, that he EASILY could have pulled off the dual personality of Marty/Zim ! The script was like a soap opera .... both parts were either written and performed by one person, or the script was written then performed by 2 associates (no, I'm not suggesting they both work at Wal-Mart...)

Consider Zim's mysterious arrival at [H]ard|OCP ..... no one asked too many questions, did they ? Consider the sudden rivalry between Zim & Marty.....Convenient... then the continuously expanding hot coal wars (note the difference from "flame wars") .... until "they" both leave the team at the same time... coincidentally arriving at another team... And if you talk on a personal level with either persona, they claim no personal animosity toward the other...
Conclusion: They are the same person successfully pulling off a 6 month sideshow that we all enjoyed..... He even drew the mods in ....

Except that Zim came from OCAU....
Viper87227 said:
Except that Zim came from OCAU....

He came to us from somewhere else.
In total he has folded for 6 teams. :)
He certainly likes to share the love.
I was feeling sick to my stomach when I first saw that Darth Zim and Marty-Luke were leaving us for another team. It is not just the loss of points... but that surely is a part of it. They are both big producers.

They also provided valuable advice and help here at the forums. While Marty says he is not leaving, I find that hard to believe. You hang out with your team... not your last team.

Plus, they also provided great entertainment. The constant bickering between them... and between them and the mods... and between them and many others here was fun and enjoyable. I will miss that.

I'm surprised that this thread is not longer. Maybe it is the Thanksgiving Holiday that is keeping people from the [H]ard Forum. Maybe people are spending time with their family and their new toys purchased on Black Friday. In any case... kinda slow around these parts. I was glued to my puter last night getting some good Black Friday deals.

So sad to see you guy leave.

Fold on FTW!
I'll have to admit it seems that it will end up being a little slower around here now... but I can completely understand the reasons marty. Good luck on the quest to become "international", god knows I can barely find time to post on one forum, much less several. Hope to see you around!

Also this may, in the end, give a little kick in the ass to the [H]orde, knowing that we might have to work a little harder to stay in the top 2 places :).
Good luck on your future endevours..... stop back and visit.... someone has to taunt the moose ;)

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

AtomicMoose said:
I do hope that they continue to visit. :)

Might be sooner than you think! Already got banned from one forum I think.... whoops!

Operation Whoop'em All going great. We've already had PM's to the guys like "Thanks- these guys needed a kick in the ass" and posts like "You know all your doing is lighting a fire under our recruiting drive".

Creating mayhem and getting folks fired up putting WU's up on the board. These things are not really possible when your under the umbrella of the H/#1 team.

Moose- go fix my Google now!