Has any cpu ever died for you?

Anyone remember Cyrix processors? They used to be a competitor to the first Pentium chips... anyway I had a Cyrix 90mhz and I guess I thought the heatsink was optional (my 386 SX 16 didn't need one!) it was noisy so I just took it off. Shortly afterwards the chip burned up

RIP Cyrix 90

oh and what the hell happened to that company?

VIA bought Cyrix back in '99.
I've had a number of processors since my first overclock, a Celeron 300A running at 450mhz and never had one die. I recently had it running 24/7 in a smoothwall router and it performed like a champ.
I had the FPU die on a P4 540 after folding for 12 months at 3.6Ghz. Intel replaced it without any probs.:)
My amd xp1800 has been going strong for ...well however long they've been out.