FAH might shutdown- blame pigeon little (1 day deal)


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - February 2006
Jun 11, 2003

Might shutdown for ~ 1 day.

We're doing everything we can to avoid this, but it's possible that we may need to shutdown FAH for a day or so. Northern California is being hit by a huge heat wave and it's possible that our server room may lose cooling any minute now due to the University's chilled water curtailment. In anticipation of this, we are making preparations to possibly shutdown FAH (as running w/o cooling = fried servers).
PS You may notice several FAH servers are already down in serverstat.

Professor Vijay S. Pande, PhD
Director, Folding@Home Distributed Computing Project, and
Associate Professor of Chemistry and of Structural Biology, Stanford University

UPDATE: it looks like we'll be able to keep the critical servers running, so FAH will stay up, but we're still keeping a close eye on the situation.

Professor Vijay S. Pande, PhD
Director, Folding@Home Distributed Computing Project, and
Associate Professor of Chemistry and of Structural Biology, Stanford University

updates from the director

It's been hot in the North East also. My farm has been doing well though. Only one reboot so far in the past week.
Damn you guys have it good, yet you dont stop complaining about the weather. :rolleyes:
Shut down your boxen, grab your surfboard and hit the beach. :D
While your enjoying the warmth, consider that Rooland is suffering its coldest winter in 15 years. :eek:

For the science... :)
Twrecks said:
Damn you guys have it good, yet you dont stop complaining about the weather. :rolleyes:
Shut down your boxen, grab your surfboard and hit the beach. :D
While your enjoying the warmth, consider that Rooland is suffering its coldest winter in 15 years. :eek:

For the science... :)
u lucky bitch...and the beach is about 3 hours away.
Not too surprising. Even with 2 powerplants on the "campus" that area still uses alot of juice in the summer time.