The [H]orde Nears a Major Milestone


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 29, 2005
Folks, we are less than a day from hitting...

200,000,000 POINTS!!!

Keep track on this page. Let the countdown commence!

DougLite said:
Not til we catch the Aussies

Amen...we need to push it out this winter...I'm running all I can...trying to borg my dorm here, but not much else I can do...lets do it guys!!!!


The title to that picture is:

Don't mess with the [H]orde because we are one bad mofo.
I remember well when we hit the “one million” mark. That was followed by a huge discussion about “how much further can we go”.

I know the point system changed, but wow guys, that’s a lot of points.

The best part is the work units, 3294669 and we still lead the guys down under on that score. ;) :D
Congratulations on a magnificent milestone. :cool:
OCAU hit 200 Mega points last week. ;)
Stanford must surely be pleased. :D
WOOO WHOOO!! 200M!!!

it wasn't too long ago that we hit 100M... Now...... let's beat OCAU to 300M!!!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Dark Ember said:
That makes me wonder. Is it that we have that much more processing power, or is it just point augmentation by the Pande Group?

Good job everyone regardless!

Maybe, some of both... ;)
Dark Ember said:
That makes me wonder. Is it that we have that much more processing power, or is it just point augmentation by the Pande Group?

Good job everyone regardless!

Little bit of both. QMD's and such have undoubtedly altered the landscape in a way no one thought possible. Just going from 241 point tinkers as being "big wu's" to these monsters... its quite a change.

And well, all the new faces. Not much can be said there, there's a lot more people folding now than even this time 6 months ago.
I think there's definitely some point augmentation going long have the 600-pointers been around? On my two machines at home, it's about all I've been getting for the past few weeks. Earlier this summer, I was getting a lot more tinkers. It's great--I get twice as many ppd as on a normal gromacs, and even more than I get on Tinkers!
