2.6 or 2.0 speeds, doubled up???


Supreme [H]ardness
May 31, 2000
Hey guys, I have had my rigs running F@H again after a layoff.

Anyways, I have two profiles setup for my rig via the Abit OC Guru, one is the "quiet" setting of 2ghz and the other is the "power" setting of 2.6ghz for when I am gaming, etc. How does the output scale with cpu speed? Is it a linear difference, i.e., 20% faster cpu clock = 20% faster unit processing? I run two cores with affinity set to each cpu core so I get 100% cpu usage...about 18 hours a day on average.

My sons rig is an A64 3000+ (stock 2ghz) with a gig of ram, it pretty much runs Folding full time except for about an hour a day...
I'd say its roughly linear since 95% is pure cpu speed. So yes a 2 cores running at 2.6 would put points out like mad, why even ask?!! :D
Imitation said:
I'd say its roughly linear since 95% is pure cpu speed. So yes a 2 cores running at 2.6 would put points out like mad, why even ask?!! :D

Well as long as it stays cool in the daytime, I will leave them at 2.6... :p

Sorry I can only contribute 7.2ghz of folding power, that pales in comparison to what you have :eek: :D
Never EVER apologise for your points output, this whole DC thing relies on tens of thousands of small time folders, not a few "leet" big producers. :)
Fold on brothers, for the cure!! :D
it's all about the cure not the pts (at least that what i keep telling myself when the electricty bill comes in ;))
Yup... it's all about the quest for the cure and the fellowship of your fellow folders... the points just add some fun and act as the proverbial carrot in front of the horse.... :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

84gthatch said:
it's all about the cure not the pts (at least that what i keep telling myself when the electricty bill comes in ;))

Afriggenmen to that my friend ;) :D
Relax guys... Twrecks may not be a member of the [H]orde, but he's certainly a member of humanity. And that makes us on the same team. :)

He's right. Any contribution, large or small, is something to give yourself a big pat on the back for. Humanity as a whole thanks you for any work that you do. It's not the points that matter, it's the cure. The points are just something to make it interesting in the meantime... :)

Fold On!
