How can I get more points?


Aug 21, 2004
How should I setup the console service to get the maximum amount of points? Here are the machines that I'm folding on...

AMD 2700+
AMD 2600+
AMD X2 3800

Thanks in advance for your time. I just need to know what options to set.

What you really have to pay attention to is how much RAM you have. If you're at 512, I'd stay with regular work units. If you're at a Gig+ though, running large units would maximize your points.

Oldie said:
What you really have to pay attention to is how much RAM you have. If you're at 512, I'd stay with regular work units. If you're at a Gig+ though, running large units would maximize your points.

Is there anything special that I have to do to run large units?

tell it to run big units ;)

the other best way to increase pts is to add more machines ;) simple i know but effective :D

How to make your machines get more points? Here's how:

1)When you first set F@H up, tell it to allow big units (>5MB to download/upload). I think 512MB RAM is enough to do Big Units (I do it all the time).
2)Install it as a service, so it runs whenever the machine is on.
3)Go into the registry and add the -forceasm flag to the ImageName
4)If you have 1GB or more RAM, add the -advmethods flag to the ImageName
5)On your x2, install two copies of F@H, each in its own folder, and run each with the -local flag (along with the other flags listed above). When you run each instance of F@H for the first time, give them a machine ID of 1 and 2 (F@H needs a unique ID for each processor/core).

All those cpu's should be able to get solid overclocks too, especially the X2. Thats another way to up your production. Well I guess the XP's might not be good overclockers if they're tbred cores, but bartons should get up to 2.2 and they'll be pretty speedy folders.