Construction ahead: give em' a break


Fully [H]
Jun 2, 2004
I've been pondering how to make this thread for a while now... and I am still not sure i've gotten it right, but I wanted to post it anyways.

AtomicMoose - Moderator of DC Forum as well as Video Card forum. Pop into the video card forum, you will see he's working his ass off to clean it up. The place was chaos, and he's doing a damn fine job at keeping it under control, however, that alone could make for a full time job. On top of that, we all know he's got a wife and kid to look after, and I think its safe to assume he's got a job outside of the forums ;)

p[H]antom - Same as moose, moderator here as well as the video card forum. If I am not mistaken, he does not weild the almighty banning rifle, but he's the new guy on the block, and taking up the challenge of video cards is alot to take on for a first rodeo. I don't know about wife/kids/family... but I will assume hes got atleast one of them. Same goes for work or school.

DRK_13 - If I am not mistaken, he is DC forum only (correct me if I am wrong), but as he's stated he works his ass off outside the forums...

DR_K13 said:
...I have just been out of the office for a few months. plus my night job. :( I could only get on for maybe a hour a week...

Bottem line is, these guys all have lives, and they all have responcibilties outside of this forum. There is no point in denying it, we have had a bit of a spam issue around here. We've always been given a bit more leway on the rules, yet for some reason we keep abusing it. I am not here to point a fingler or pass off blame... I will be the first to admit i've been a part of the problem. It shoudln't come to a point where our mods have to threaten us with bans. I am coming to you as a member, not as a moderator, and asking that we all do our part to lighten the load on these guys a bit. They are doing a helluve job elsewhere... this forum should be a place where they can kick back and enjoy a civilized conversation amoung friends... not a place where more clean up is in order.

Perhaps its not my place posting this... but as I said i've been tooling it around in my head all week, and wanted to post something. We've got the most kick ass mods [H] has to offer... lets try to lighten their load a bit.

EDIT: Please, please, please... lets not turn this into another spam fest. Show some support to your mods and keep this on topic. If I sence this will go off topic, I will just ask them to remove this.

hey man you have gotta good point there. lets help out our wonderful mods by going easy on them for a while. so budweiser salutes you oh mighty moosen mod and dr k13 and phantom;)
Just do what I do before posting ask yourself.



Someone want to print up wrist bands?

Or better yet, rename your [H] badge button to WWMD.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

chileman said:
Just do what I do before posting ask yourself.



Someone want to print up wrist bands?

Or better yet, rename your [H] badge button to WWMD.

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

This had me laughing out loud...:D

I appreciate the thread Viper. :)
Thanks for the nice words viper. I also do Displays and Games. I did video cards for a while but Kyle dropped me and Put Moose and Phantom in. I am glad, those guys do a great job. I was getting home at night , having only about 15 min to check emails and It pissed me off when i saw all the spam comming out of that Forum and I could not do a damn thing about it. The mods that are in there now do a great job.

All the Mods/Admins have Lives. My Man Moose has a baby at home. I think Phantom has a wife and kids too. We all try our best to make this a fun place, but sometimes work/ family has to take priority over the forum. :)
DR_K13 said:
Thanks for the nice words viper. I also do Displays and Games. I did video cards for a while but Kyle dropped me and Put Moose and Phantom in. I am glad, those guys do a great job. I was getting home at night , having only about 15 min to check emails and It pissed me off when i saw all the spam comming out of that Forum and I could not do a damn thing about it. The mods that are in there now do a great job.

All the Mods/Admins have Lives. My Man Moose has a baby at home. I think Phantom has a wife and kids too. We all try our best to make this a fun place, but sometimes work/ family has to take priority over the forum. :)

p[H]antom does have a wife

Viper said:
p[H]antom - Same as moose, moderator here as well as the video card forum. If I am not mistaken, he does not weild the almighty banning rifle,

its a hammer :D and he has poked me with it

Megadeth_Guy01 said:
You guys do a great job, I personally haven't seen much spam lately anywhere in the forum.

Thats because the mods keep cleaning it up ;)

It's not been terrible, but we've over done it a few times.
Yep a wife and a banhammer, and for anyone who wants to know, mine is bigger than Moose's. :p

Viper thanks for the kind words, same goes for all of you. Your kind words make the job we do worthwile even when dealing with some of the problems. :D

we need to learn the delicate art of on/off topic at the same time ;) so throw in a diss amongst the chat of how to gain more pts or my cpu is only showing 50%

and thank you mods because you have been overly patient with all of us :cool: probably more then we deserve

I couldn’t agree more, the mods do an excellent job in all the forums they are involved with.

We have always had more room to play in here and I for one really appreciate it.

Nice job all you guys, you do good work. ;) :D
p[H]ant0m said:
Yep a wife and a banhammer, and for anyone who wants to know, mine is bigger than Moose's. :p
So, uh, which is bigger--the wife or the banhammer? :confused: :confused:


I like DC forums, they seem to have a better, more caring class of posters.
So respect the mods, they are the thread that holds the fabric together. :)
Some people call us 'strange' compared to the rest of the Hardforums.

The cool thing about this forum is that we are focused on helping each other out. Most of the other forums seems to be people justifying why they spent some ungodly amount of money on a piece of hardware.

And we have Mods that keep things on track. :D
brycejones said:
Some people call us 'strange' compared to the rest of the Hardforums.

The cool thing about this forum is that we are focused on helping each other out. Most of the other forums seems to be people justifying why they spent some ungodly amount of money on a piece of hardware.

And we have Mods that keep things on track. :D

Agreed. Thats why I am so drawn to this forum. The one thing that sets it apart from all others is you will never ever see petty bickering from fan boys.

We're all fans of the same thing here... the cure!
Moose and p[H]ant0m are free to keep their eyes on DC primarily, as I will lay the smack down in Video Cards. The only other thing I have to look after is Disk Storage Systems, which I rule with an iron fist - all of 10 people :p Let's see, there's EnderW, Dark_Ember, unhappy_mage, defakto, SerbiaNem, Susquehannock ... and ... uhhh ... I'm kind of running out of gas here ... Ok, only six regulars.

Your mods are safe. I'm helping, and the admins are always there to help. Remember, if the Moose, DR, and p[H]ant0m can't keep everything under control, Lethal can. Anyone remember what happened last time Lethal dropped by on one of our spamfests?
shhh.... we must never speak of that........ :D

As has already been said, Moose, p[H], DR.... you all do a great job in here and apparently in the video card forum (I've not spent much time in there).... Keep up the good work, and we'll promise to stay right on the bleeding edge dividing line between ontopic-offtopic posting :D

Thanks for keeping us in line!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

DougLite said:
Moose and p[H]ant0m are free to keep their eyes on DC primarily, as I will lay the smack down in Video Cards. The only other thing I have to look after is Disk Storage Systems, which I rule with an iron fist - all of 10 people :p Let's see, there's EnderW, Dark_Ember, unhappy_mage, defakto, SerbiaNem, Susquehannock ... and ... uhhh ... I'm kind of running out of gas here ... Ok, only six regulars.
Yay, I made "regular"!

It's my first post in this thread, don't know how I missed it so far. The mods always do a great job, and it's certainly not my intention to go on a spamfest anytime soon, but the DC forum means to me a little more caffeine in your coffee, a little more octane in your gas (at $3.57 a gallon), and if that means a little more spam in our forum, that's a price I'm willing to pay. Granted, I'm not the one cleaning it up, so my outlook is a little different, but I think part of the price we pay for the general atmosphere of fun around here is an occasional spam shower, to mix a metaphor.
